Any truck drivers like to explain?

Truck drivers don’t hit bridges. Some idiots do though.
Probably cyclists trying to drive trucks.

You miss the point. All should as uses them then if they think they are exempt they can claim it back - simple isn’t it?

Typing error or written in a regional dialect? I am struggling to understand what your saying so in answer to your question - No, it isn’t simple. :confused: :confused:

Someone asked where cyclists on trials/races stop for a toilet break; Whilst portaloos are provided, many do a trucker and pee up the nearest wall, even if it borders someones’ house. I’ve seen this when I’ve been dragged along to watch my brother in law do these things.
Christ, is it boring. Drive somewhere, park up for a while, watch them whizz past/witness them get arsey when they have to give way to traffic etc, then repeat at several other locations. Fascinating way to waste my Sunday.

I don’t understand that but anyway, here we go again. “Road tax” does not exist anymore, it was abolished in 1927, the government of the day didn’t want road users to think they owned the road, funny that. You currently pay VED, it’s a tax that allows you to take your vehicle on the road, it’s currently based on vehicle emissions, the higher the emissions the higher the cost. As pointed out some road users are exempt. Pre 1973 registered, hybrids, police cars, royalty, electric incl milk floats, horses, pedestrians & yes cyclists. Some of the cars built now can go without car tax, Toyota Prius, VW 1.6 , Volvo v40 etc. these vehicles still have to apply for a tax disc yet put no money into the pot. They cost us all.
The roads themselves are paid for out of general taxation, the one all working people pay into. So you get the situation where people that don’t own cars have to pay for roads, you don’t hear them ■■■■■■■■ all the time.
Given that cycles don’t have emissions & do little to no damage to the road surface they don’t pay. For me I would pay a tax, would you be willing to increase your taxes to fund it? It’s been tried in other countries and abandoned after a short time as being too expensive to run.

I think the point most of us make is that motorist’s pay extra on fuel, tolls and traffic fines which are just another form of taxation. When multi million investment is made solely for the benefit of 1 group and they make no contribution . That is why some form of taxation is needed for cyclists . This may be daft but what about mandatory insurance? The tax for that benefits the economy, and the little ■■■■■■■ will be liable when they ride into the side of your car and scatch it

They are already liable if they cause damage to your car. Compulsory insurance won’t change that liability.

I’m not alltogether against cyclists ! I have had lot’s of cycles my self. I won one at the BP truck stop in Rugby once, it was a 7up special mountain bike with 18 gears, I took it home, rode to the pub a mile away, on the way back I sold it to a guy mowing his lawn for 250 quid (not bad for 1992) LOL
My wife paid countless hundreds on my 55th birthday for an 18 speed, top of the range mountain bike, it’s really smart and has everything you could imagine you would need to ride the mountains around here :slight_smile:
I rode it round the block, put it in the shed and it’s been there ever since LOL
(anyone wanna buy a bike ?).

I think you will find the 16 miles to overtake thing states dual carriageways, not motorways.
Whirlwind thinks truckers don’t hate cyclists, he may be correct, every time I read things like " they make a nice crunching sound as you run over them" I feel the love. It must be the first time on this forum.
I see we have now moved on to spelling & grammar, are you sure you want to go down that road on this forum? Some of the stuff you see on here is unreadable, and I don’t mean from our European colleagues. You do know these here internetweb machines have spell check don’t you.
Hey if you want to stop delivering bikes to stores fill your boots, the dole queue is ready & waiting to take your details. Face it, you carry what you’re told to,where you’re told, when you’re told to and don’t have any say in it. Unless you are doing so well as an O/D that you can turn it down of course.
I see you all missed the m25 spillage story, no comments on the standard of driver? No pages of wild speculation? Oh well.
As said earlier more cycles will be going on the road, it’s a fact that vehicle journeys are declining. That should cheer you up at least.

Not where I live fella, far too many steep hills and no one wants to get wet through! Face it, cyclists are a tiny minority of road users and always will be. Mechanically propelled cycles were invented in 1839 - they have a long history and still virtually no one uses them in the cars/motorcycles/public tranport versus cycles debate.

They are possibly a pleasant alternative to cars in a flat location if you only have a short distance to travel during clement weather. Otherwise they are completely useless as a mode of transport and can carry almost no load, except the rider. And the more you do carry, the harder work it is.

Vehicle journeys may or may not be declining, but if so it’s due to fuel prices not the popularity of cycling. A few folk may move over to cycling but the vast majority won’t, as they simply aren’t a practical alternative to motorised transport in many instances.

And the reality is, certainly where I live, unless you’re into getting to work knackered and sweating like a pig, they will never catch on - or they would have by now!

As I said earlier you can expect to see more cyclists on the road due to high fuel prices & poor to no wage increases, not because of the popularity of cycling. You are correct when you say they would never replace other modes of transport, but I see a lot more people on bikes going to and from work every day. It’s cheaper and, depending on where you live, quicker than sitting in lines of vehicles for ages. 30 mins to work would be quicker by car but, 40 mins for car on return is too much of a ball ache. Nothing said on here, or any other forum would get me to stop cycling any more than it would make any truckers stop driving.

You do know these here internetweb machines have spell check don’t you.

Some even have punctuation keys, so you can put a question mark after a question. :unamused:


You do know these here internetweb machines have spell check don’t you.

Some even have punctuation keys, so you can put a question mark after a question. :unamused:

Most web browsers will also display a “Preview” button, so you can check that your message (including any quoted text) appears correctly before you send it :wink:


4x2 with a dual axle trailer isn’t it?

Yes; but only if its on “road-friendly” suspension.

So 4 axle rigid is 32 tonne and 4 axle artic is 38 tonne, right?



4x2 with a dual axle trailer isn’t it?

Yes; but only if its on “road-friendly” suspension.

So 4 axle rigid is 32 tonne and 4 axle artic is 38 tonne, right?

Wrong ! … if I remember rightly 38 tonnes is only legal with five axles.
In 1987 I switched jobs, I had been running at 32t on 4 axles, I changed to 38t on 5 axles and that was the minimum allowed. That was 2 on the tractor and a tri axle trailer.

Ooh getting told off for poor punctuation, on this forum as well. I’m off to stand in the corner, big hat with a D on.

Cyclists are thick.

And truck drivers are fat, overweight useless lumps of lard who are just waiting for the heart attack to happen when they have to walk more than 10 yards for a pee. Most of 'em don’t wash because they’re chalked off on a Tesco (other supermarkets are available) bay and can’t move by order of the police :smiley: Those that do wash have no choice after jumping from the top deck of the Herald of Free Enterprise into the freezing cold water :unamused:

BTW I don’t actually think that…I just think the comment by Farnborough Boy was absolutely ridiculous :wink:

Just in case they are any truck drivers who frequent this forum. Could you please tell me and my fellow cyclists why you keep driving into low bridges causing untold misery for many in society with gridlock, delays etc. why do you drive down motorways watching DVDs on laptops whilst heating up soup? Why you think 26 pallets with two crossed internal straps over the rear is SAFE :open_mouth: why you keep driving up the rear end of stranded vehicles who have seeked refuge on the hard shoulder? Why you overtake each over on dual carriage ways but it takes 16 miles to complete your manoeuvre.? Why you litter the laybys in our beautiful country and leave ■■■■ bottles in the verges? Why you park in a services but are to fat to waddle to the W/C so just pee in the truck park! Mmm nice smell the summer isn’t it.
Why do you keep rolling over your trucks on motorway intersections because you load has shifted? Why do you insist going down motorways without sheeting your load so big sheets of cardboard a plastic are discarded all over the place? Oh yeah to balance the argument out, maybe you did see a Chav on a Argos bike run a red light oh hum :neutral_face:

Over to you?

Because we can you pencil ■■■■ :sunglasses:

Nice comeback there jack, don’t tell me some truckers don’t deserve to be called slightly dim, 4 pages to come up with that, you & farnborough aren’t related are you?



4x2 with a dual axle trailer isn’t it?

Yes; but only if its on “road-friendly” suspension.

So 4 axle rigid is 32 tonne and 4 axle artic is 38 tonne, right?

Yes, although you can run an 8 legged rigid at 38t if you can have it classified as plant machinery rather than a goods vehicle, I know a cement mixer round here like that. Has to run super singles on both front axles to get the axle weights up enough.

Quick link.

Pat Hasler:
Wrong ! … if I remember rightly 38 tonnes is only legal with five axles.
In 1987 I switched jobs, I had been running at 32t on 4 axles, I changed to 38t on 5 axles and that was the minimum allowed. That was 2 on the tractor and a tri axle trailer.

That was well over 20 years ago now, things have moved on a bit since then :wink:

Ooh getting told off for poor punctuation, on this forum as well. I’m off to stand in the corner, big hat with a D on.

Don’t try to paint truck drivers as thick if you can’t punctuate correctly yourself. Simples :wink: :wink: