Any truck drivers like to explain?

Just in case they are any truck drivers who frequent this forum. Could you please tell me and my fellow cyclists why you keep driving into low bridges causing untold misery for many in society with gridlock, delays etc. why do you drive down motorways watching DVDs on laptops whilst heating up soup? Why you think 26 pallets with two crossed internal straps over the rear is SAFE :open_mouth: why you keep driving up the rear end of stranded vehicles who have seeked refuge on the hard shoulder? Why you overtake each over on dual carriage ways but it takes 16 miles to complete your manoeuvre.? Why you litter the laybys in our beautiful country and leave ■■■■ bottles in the verges? Why you park in a services but are to fat to waddle to the W/C so just pee in the truck park! Mmm nice smell the summer isn’t it.
Why do you keep rolling over your trucks on motorway intersections because you load has shifted? Why do you insist going down motorways without sheeting your load so big sheets of cardboard a plastic are discarded all over the place? Oh yeah to balance the argument out, maybe you did see a Chav on a Argos bike run a red light oh hum :neutral_face:

Over to you?

Oh you can’t even open a newspaper nowadays without seeing an artic wedged between buildgs in a village somewhere, and truckers have the goal on this forum to call cyclists thick :bulb:

Few of those will be of any concern to you chester.
You’ll be on your bicycle, no-where near motorways and can easily go around that truck busily delivering yet another bridge :wink: :smiley: :smiley:

, and truckers have the gall on this forum to call cyclists thick :bulb:

FTFY :laughing:


, and truckers have the gall on this forum to call cyclists thick :bulb:

FTFY :laughing:

Face palm to me :frowning:



, and truckers have the gall on this forum to call cyclists thick :bulb:

FTFY :laughing:

Face palm to me :frowning:

Couldn’t resist that one, you did hand it out on a plate :smiley:

Chester,much as I would love to argue the point about cyclists and trucks it comes down to this

75% who drive trucks are a/holes and 75% of cyclists are the of the same breed.

answer? walk or stay at home .

Why would you love to argue?

That’s a odd personality trait!

The roads/carriageways for them who’s still into pounds shillings and pence. are there for us all to share!

Because neither is right/you need to ride your bike /somebody needs to drive a truck/

Not rocket science .either you ride further to pick up your groceries or the truck delivers near your house.

maybe best idea is for Tesco,Asda,Waitrose etc is to just say sod you on your bike, how long would that last

Why would you love to argue?

That’s a odd personality trait!

The roads/carriageways for them who’s still into pounds shillings and pence. are there for us all to share!

An odd.

This is boring now, can we talk about RDCs, how many spotlights we have and if a scania is a better truck than a Volvo.

Chester, when you come in from the pub at 1am, have a cup of tea watch a bit of telly and go to bed.

Is there a problem with a lorry driver watching a dvd then?

bald bloke:

Why would you love to argue?

That’s a odd personality trait!

The roads/carriageways for them who’s still into pounds shillings and pence. are there for us all to share!

An odd.

“them who’s still”…Grammar matey!

Can you see the point about cyclists being thick now? Stringing a few words together seems too much for them. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I don’t heat soup up, I boil my kettle instead for my pot noodle. And I love the smell of eau de ■■■■ in the summer. I don’t see a problem with either tbh.


Just in case they are any truck drivers who frequent this forum. Could you please tell me and my fellow cyclists why you keep driving into low bridges causing untold misery for many in society with gridlock, delays etc. why do you drive down motorways watching DVDs on laptops whilst heating up soup? Why you think 26 pallets with two crossed internal straps over the rear is SAFE :open_mouth: why you keep driving up the rear end of stranded vehicles who have seeked refuge on the hard shoulder? Why you overtake each over on dual carriage ways but it takes 16 miles to complete your manoeuvre.? Why you litter the laybys in our beautiful country and leave ■■■■ bottles in the verges? Why you park in a services but are to fat to waddle to the W/C so just pee in the truck park! Mmm nice smell the summer isn’t it.
Why do you keep rolling over your trucks on motorway intersections because you load has shifted? Why do you insist going down motorways without sheeting your load so big sheets of cardboard a plastic are discarded all over the place? Oh yeah to balance the argument out, maybe you did see a Chav on a Argos bike run a red light oh hum :neutral_face:

Over to you?

Rather that answer the above rant I will give an other side of the coin reply…
Any regular cyclist pls explain, why you are using the road until the lights are red so then take to the path instead, why you use the path until a pedestrian is in your way so dive out into the road, why red lights mean the same as green if your on a cycle, why on a roundabout the outside becomes the inside regardless of lane, why you feel you have the right to touch property ie other vehicles if your path is blocked or your unhappy, I could go on but this too sounds like a rant.
IMO there are bad decisions made regardless of vehicle/driver bike/rider but in context a hgv drivers bad decision is going to result in a worse situation than that of a cyclist, I am not making a case either way, I am a hgv driver and I sometimes ride my bike to work to then drive my truck just like many others, the hgv vs cycle issue will go round and round however I do not feel the need to go onto a cyclist forum and have a rant about the issues if you feel passionate about improving road safety/ traffic delays ect… There is much more you/we all could do with out time .

Any truck drivers like to explain why cyclists ride on trunk roads, ignoring the rather well maintained cycle path?
Or why they’re allowed to annoy people at weekends with their “time trials”? You can get your own back simply by making them give way at junctions, not moving over when they approach in a swarm of vomit inducing-coloured lycra…Or as a pedestrian, press the crossing light as they approach, or for the braver, step onto the zebra crossing.

OK > Chester, how many gears have you got ?, can you accelerate faster than me from the lights ?, how many spotlights have you got on the front ?, and what’s your CB handle good buddy ■■?

Chester, can you explain why we constantly hear of cyclists being either trapped or killed under the near side or a truck?

I have a theory, your all too ■■■■ thick, thinking you can pick and choose the laws by which you abide, to stop for a split second and think.

“I’m on a 10kg push iron, he’s in a 18/26/32/38/40/44 tonne truck, maybe if I just hang behind him at this junction, I might not die today”

I purposely block the path of cyclists at junctions, lights, roundabouts etc just so they would have to do something really stupid to get around me and make a situation dangerous, then if they get hurt, I have my defence!

On another note I also believe you should be made to have insurance, lights, and a competence test to be allowed to use a bike on the public roads.

OK > Chester, how many gears have you got ?, can you accelerate faster than me from the lights ?, how many spotlights have you got on the front ?, and what’s your CB handle good buddy ■■?

That’s much better, I’ve got 6, no spot lights and what is a CB handle?

you’re argument had mild weight before “lorries taking 16 miles to overtake”

in my 12 years driving HGV’s, i’ve never witnessed such a thing.

jog on you exaggerating moron.