Any truck drivers like to explain?

Chester,much as I would love to argue the point about cyclists and trucks it comes down to this

75% who drive trucks are a/holes and 75% of cyclists are the of the same breed.

answer? walk or stay at home .

As much as I hate to admit it, I for once agree PARTLY with Bking’s eloquent synopsis :open_mouth: :open_mouth: , but maybe not on his percentages, I would maybe go for a 70/30 ratio on the good side
A lot of the o/ps trolling excercise is unfortunately true, even though as a driver I hate to admit it.
I find myself more and more these days understanding why we are about as popular as herpes with the general public, I have said on here a lot about how standards of driving, and calibre of drivers have declined in the time I have been involved in the job.
When I started as a newbie in the late 70s the vast majority of drivers were professional (in the opp to amateur context, not the full time context) On the whole in most cases there was mutual respect between drivers, and we were more tolerated than hated by the public, a minor eg. of this cars tended to give way more and let you out more.
You don’t need to have a degree to drive a truck but some drivers that you meet today are somewhere between special needs and neandrethal, and unfortunately usually Brits :blush: a lot have this “I’m ok, so ■■■■ you” attitude towards each other, and to other road users including cyclists… both of the competent and knobhead variety, which just goes on to perpetuate the anti truck feeling. Others would work 24hrs for ■■■■ all just to drive a Topliner with a set of spots, on the limiter for 9/10 hrs:roll: ,and be willing to park in a lay by with no facilities until the next 15 hr shift, just read the put downs and insults on here if anybody dares to suggest cutting the hours down to improve the job :open_mouth: :unamused: .
Over the years the job has turned to sh partly because of these superstars and other reasons, the biggest being pay, who with any sense or education would be attracted to the job today, that is not an insult to newbies, as I said it’s about 70/30 in all age groups and yeh that does include some stars in the same age group as me, so the answer to the o/p would be… It’s because of a monkey and peanut situation, resulting from the way the job has turned over the years.
So if you start chucking back insults at the o.p’s troll attempt, that’s probs what he wants, but he does make some fair points if yo think about it.
Just MY opinion, so if you think I’m rambling on talking ■■■■■■■■ …couldn’t give a ■■■■ :sunglasses: , I know what I have seen. :wink:

Come back when you’ve a tax disc and contribute to the up keep of the highways and byways! :slight_smile:

Come back when you’ve a tax disc and contribute to the up keep of the highways and byways! :slight_smile:

There is a problem with that line of debate in that there are some cars that are tax/VED exempt, vintage and electric being the 2 that come readily to mind. Would you suggest the owners/drivers of those vehicles stay off the roads or refrain from pointing out the bad practices of other road users?

Cyclists are thick.


Chester,much as I would love to argue the point about cyclists and trucks it comes down to this

75% who drive trucks are a/holes and 75% of cyclists are the of the same breed.

answer? walk or stay at home .

As much as I hate to admit it, I for once agree PARTLY with Bking’s eloquent synopsis :open_mouth: :open_mouth: , but maybe not on his percentages, I would maybe go for a 70/30 ratio on the good side
A lot of the o/ps trolling excercise is unfortunately true, even though as a driver I hate to admit it.
I find myself more and more these days understanding why we are about as popular as herpes with the general public, I have said on here a lot about how standards of driving, and calibre of drivers have declined in the time I have been involved in the job.
When I started as a newbie in the late 70s the vast majority of drivers were professional (in the opp to amateur context, not the full time context) On the whole in most cases there was mutual respect between drivers, and we were more tolerated than hated by the public, a minor eg. of this cars tended to give way more and let you out more.
You don’t need to have a degree to drive a truck but some drivers that you meet today are somewhere between special needs and neandrethal, and unfortunately usually Brits :blush: a lot have this “I’m ok, so [zb] you” attitude towards each other, and to other road users including cyclists… both of the competent and knobhead variety, which just goes on to perpetuate the anti truck feeling. Others would work 24hrs for [zb] all just to drive a Topliner with a set of spots, on the limiter for 9/10 hrs:roll: ,and be willing to park in a lay by with no facilities until the next 15 hr shift, just read the put downs and insults on here if anybody dares to suggest cutting the hours down to improve the job :open_mouth: :unamused: .
Over the years the job has turned to sh partly because of these superstars and other reasons, the biggest being pay, who with any sense or education would be attracted to the job today, that is not an insult to newbies, as I said it’s about 70/30 in all age groups and yeh that does include some stars in the same age group as me, so the answer to the o/p would be… It’s because of a monkey and peanut situation, resulting from the way the job has turned over the years.
So if you start chucking back insults at the o.p’s troll attempt, that’s probs what he wants, but he does make some fair points if yo think about it.
Just MY opinion, so if you think I’m rambling on talking ■■■■■■■■ …couldn’t give a [zb] :sunglasses: , I know what I have seen. :wink:

100% AGREE. Well said Robroy.

Aw, Jeez, Albion will be along in a minute…

He’ll have rested up after the M62 tragedy and fresh and ready to go :laughing: :laughing:

fancy asking if theres any truck drivers on a web site for truckers
i doubt it very much we are all lorry drivers now


Come back when you’ve a tax disc and contribute to the up keep of the highways and byways! :slight_smile:

There is a problem with that line of debate in that there are some cars that are tax/VED exempt, vintage and electric being the 2 that come readily to mind. Would you suggest the owners/drivers of those vehicles stay off the roads or refrain from pointing out the bad practices of other road users?

But they still have a number plate so the driver/rider still has some traceability and accountabilty.

You have to laugh at some of the stupid replies to the original question, stupid replies I feel because the lad has actually asked a very relevant question.
So where are the answers in defence of littering laybys, urinating against your truck or even worse someone else’s instead of using designated toilets!
I know not all lorry drivers are guilty of this by the way or even being too lazy to secure their loads properly but by God some drivers are, so hence the question I feel.

So instead of putting cyclists down why not try to give an honest & logical answer or is it again as so many times seems to be the way on here … “The Best Line Of Defence Is Attack!”

pig pen:


Come back when you’ve a tax disc and contribute to the up keep of the highways and byways! :slight_smile:

There is a problem with that line of debate in that there are some cars that are tax/VED exempt, vintage and electric being the 2 that come readily to mind. Would you suggest the owners/drivers of those vehicles stay off the roads or refrain from pointing out the bad practices of other road users?

But they still have a number plate so the driver/rider still has some traceability and accountabilty.

And they have to pay fuel tax apart from the electric car but they still pat tax on there electric. A cyclist does not

I agree with what Chester has said, as it is true, everyday we hear on the Radio Two traffic bulletin of a another “SHED” load.
Next time you are on the road, count how many ratchet straps you have seen in the road, for a motorbiker hitting one could be fatal.
At the last break or stop over, it seems the driver has not checked it?
I was at Crewe truck stop, the loo is open 24 hours, but still drivers prefer to wee on the tarmac by their truck, and urine bottles have been thrown over the hedge as you exit the truck stop.

Just in case they are any truck drivers who frequent this forum. Could you please tell me and my fellow cyclists why you keep driving into low bridges causing untold misery for many in society with gridlock, delays etc. why do you drive down motorways watching DVDs on laptops whilst heating up soup? Why you think 26 pallets with two crossed internal straps over the rear is SAFE :open_mouth: why you keep driving up the rear end of stranded vehicles who have seeked refuge on the hard shoulder? Why you overtake each over on dual carriage ways but it takes 16 miles to complete your manoeuvre.? Why you litter the laybys in our beautiful country and leave ■■■■ bottles in the verges? Why you park in a services but are to fat to waddle to the W/C so just pee in the truck park! Mmm nice smell the summer isn’t it.
Why do you keep rolling over your trucks on motorway intersections because you load has shifted? Why do you insist going down motorways without sheeting your load so big sheets of cardboard a plastic are discarded all over the place? Oh yeah to balance the argument out, maybe you did see a Chav on a Argos bike run a red light oh hum :neutral_face:

Over to you?

Do not feed…


“I’m on a 10kg push iron, he’s in a 18/26/32/38/40/44 tonne truck, maybe if I just hang behind him at this junction, I might not die today”

How many axles does a 38 tonner have then? Is a 38 tonner one of those artics with the small 7.5t sized tag axle?

Not an answer to the OP but just had a flash back, i mean i just remembered my driving course in 1975/6 had a great instructor although he did used to go away from time to time so his friend filled in, both good guys never ever got angry with me. Oh the main guy he used to shoot off to some place called The Middle East. I was of course paying my own way so if it took a bit longer it was easier on my pocket. I think around 150 pounds and wage around 30 pounds a week. So 1 day he is going through the Highway code and he said how much room should you give a cyclist , so i said 3 ft 4ft and so on. He said enough room for them to fall off.
I passed thanks to him , i was never asked that question and i,ve never to this day killed or harmed a cyclist

This is boring now, can we talk about RDCs, how many spotlights we have and if a scania is a better truck than a Volvo.

Chester, when you come in from the pub at 1am, have a cup of tea watch a bit of telly and go to bed.

Scania will always be better than Volvo

As I’ve said before on this forum, there’s nothing like a cyclist story to get everyone’s back up. This is about the fifth item on the topic this week, ive never felt so popular.
Like it or not, as someone said earlier, most replies don’t answer the original question, they do the usual thing of saying how much they hate cyclists. Then, apart from all the “get off our roads” bull you always get the " you don’t pay road tax" numbnut. I can’t even be bothered to explain it anymore. Just accept there will be more cyclists on the roads as long as cars & fuel keep getting more expensive and wages don’t get any better.

Chester,much as I would love to argue the point about cyclists and trucks it comes down to this

75% who drive trucks are a/holes and 75% of cyclists are the of the same breed.

answer? walk or stay at home .

I concur. Boom boom.

I don’t think truck driver’s hate cyclist’s, It’s cyclist’s and the media that hate us , so a few threads defending ourselves on our own forum ain’t much to ask

Over to you?

Why do cyclists ride like this?

if you want to drive a motorcycle,car or hgv you must satisfy the authorities you are capable of doing so safely.its called a driving test. how many cyclists have proven their abilities? is there still such a thing as a cycling proficiency test? by the way ive past 3 of the 4 mentioned.