Any truck drivers like to explain?

Chester you are cutting albion’s grass for being the mosrt boring [zb] on trucknet. Im falling asleep here reading what you’re slabbering on about.

So why do you over take another truck at 56 mph when you know you can only do 56 mph, what is the point of that, the truck being over taken only has to knock off the speed limiter for 2 seconds to let him pass.
Why do you not answer his questions, why is it the problem of hitting bridges when you have the height of the vehicle marked up in the cab but still can not work out the height and crash in to it.?

These are all valid points Chester.

But it’s hardly a comparison because the situations you’ve highlighted are specific to trucks due to their their size and role. I dare say that if cycles were used as prolifically to carry goods commercially then you’d find the police with a cyclist staring at their shoes after whatever was on the back of their bike had fallen off…

Furthermore a truck driver covers more miles and spends longer on the road than a cyclist. The probability is therefore that trucks will be involved in more incidents.

Cyclists can choose to fit safety devices and maintain their own bike…truck drivers rely on their employer. Cyclists rarely carry anything except personal effects…the list goes on.

It could be that your argument is somewhere else. The UK has a very under developed infrastructure regarding cyclists. Cyclists generally have to share the same space as other road users, which is not the case elsewhere. In Germany and Austria for example cycle paths are highly developed. I have personal experience. In 2005 I cycled from Munich to Budapest.

The culture has become one that cyclists are the victims of other road users — and let’s face it cyclists are very exposed. But the reality is that as far as being any better or worse than anyone else a cyclist can ‘tut tut’ truck drivers, park their bike up, sit down at a desk and adopt their role at work in a job that could cause far more misery to other people’s lives than truck drivers do…

Chester - do you know the meaning of the words " personal responsibility " or in your world are cyclists always right and everyone else wrong .
Truck drivers have accidents - it happens .
Cyclists have accidents - it happens .

Get over your self and stop trolling for an argument .

As I’ve said before on this forum, there’s nothing like a cyclist story to get everyone’s back up. This is about the fifth item on the topic this week, ive never felt so popular.
Like it or not, as someone said earlier, most replies don’t answer the original question, they do the usual thing of saying how much they hate cyclists. Then, apart from all the “get off our roads” bull you always get the " you don’t pay road tax" numbnut. I can’t even be bothered to explain it anymore. Just accept there will be more cyclists on the roads as long as cars & fuel keep getting more expensive and wages don’t get any better.

But I am a good driver so none of the ops question’s refer to me, so I cant really answer them but perhaps you can answer mine. Why do cyclists wear dark clothes at night, not have the correct lights on go through red lights, cycle on pavements, not have a working bell, come up the lefthand side of me when I am indicating left, and not use a cycle lane when one is provided. Continue.


Over to you?

Why do cyclists ride like this?

Because the lot of them are mental



“I’m on a 10kg push iron, he’s in a 18/26/32/38/40/44 tonne truck, maybe if I just hang behind him at this junction, I might not die today”

How many axles does a 38 tonner have then?



“I’m on a 10kg push iron, he’s in a 18/26/32/38/40/44 tonne truck, maybe if I just hang behind him at this junction, I might not die today”

How many axles does a 38 tonner have then? Is a 38 tonner one of those artics with the small 7.5t sized tag axle?

4x2 with a dual axle trailer isn’t it?

Just in case they are any truck drivers who frequent this forum. Could you please tell me and my fellow cyclists why you keep driving into low bridges causing untold misery for many in society with gridlock, delays etc. why do you drive down motorways watching DVDs on laptops whilst heating up soup? Why you think 26 pallets with two crossed internal straps over the rear is SAFE :open_mouth: why you keep driving up the rear end of stranded vehicles who have seeked refuge on the hard shoulder? Why you overtake each over on dual carriage ways but it takes 16 miles to complete your manoeuvre.? Why you litter the laybys in our beautiful country and leave ■■■■ bottles in the verges? Why you park in a services but are to fat to waddle to the W/C so just pee in the truck park! Mmm nice smell the summer isn’t it.
Why do you keep rolling over your trucks on motorway intersections because you load has shifted? Why do you insist going down motorways without sheeting your load so big sheets of cardboard a plastic are discarded all over the place? Oh yeah to balance the argument out, maybe you did see a Chav on a Argos bike run a red light oh hum :neutral_face:

Over to you?

I can explain it … anyone who hits a low bridge is an idiot and has no right to hold a licence.
Therefore … they are all idiots.

Don’t get your lycra in a twist…why would you care? You’re using the cycle paths aren’t you? Oh no, I forgot, you haven’t got the correct tyres for that…

Troll of the month so far! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

4x2 with a dual axle trailer isn’t it?

Yes; but only if its on “road-friendly” suspension.

Just in case they are any truck drivers who frequent this forum. Could you please tell me and my fellow cyclists why you keep driving into low bridges causing untold misery for many in society with gridlock, delays etc. why do you drive down motorways watching DVDs on laptops whilst heating up soup? Why you think 26 pallets with two crossed internal straps over the rear is SAFE :open_mouth: why you keep driving up the rear end of stranded vehicles who have seeked refuge on the hard shoulder? Why you overtake each over on dual carriage ways but it takes 16 miles to complete your manoeuvre.? Why you litter the laybys in our beautiful country and leave ■■■■ bottles in the verges? Why you park in a services but are to fat to waddle to the W/C so just pee in the truck park! Mmm nice smell the summer isn’t it.
Why do you keep rolling over your trucks on motorway intersections because you load has shifted? Why do you insist going down motorways without sheeting your load so big sheets of cardboard a plastic are discarded all over the place? Oh yeah to balance the argument out, maybe you did see a Chav on a Argos bike run a red light oh hum :neutral_face:

Over to you?

Because we can :sunglasses:

Speaking from vast experience could the ‘Cyclist’ please explain why most think they are above the law ?
I use for example… Running red lights, cutting through and between vehicles in standing traffic, riding up the inside of trucks and other vehicles waiting in traffic, ignoring pedestrians and other members of the public ?

I don’t think truck driver’s hate cyclist’s,

I love em ,make a nice crunching sound under the wheels ,they make really funny faces when the “cool looking” licra is biting up their ■■■■ crack ,you can stick one the grill as mascot or simply throw ■■■■ bottles at them ,they provide endless hours of amusement what’s not to like ■■ :smiling_imp:

Top marks, alte hase, you’ve won a prize for the most down to earth and accurate post on this thread…

And the prize is…■■■■ it’s a push-bike…eek :exclamation: :exclamation:

Oh Chester you are a One luvie. :slight_smile:

Did Chester pick his bike up(new), from the factory?

You pros are always posting those funny cycling vids, just thought you might like to give us an explanation for this.

Just in case they are any truck drivers who frequent this forum. Could you please tell me and my fellow cyclists why you keep driving into low bridges causing untold misery for many in society with gridlock, delays etc. why do you drive down motorways watching DVDs on laptops whilst heating up soup? Why you think 26 pallets with two crossed internal straps over the rear is SAFE :open_mouth: why you keep driving up the rear end of stranded vehicles who have seeked refuge on the hard shoulder? Why you overtake each over on dual carriage ways but it takes 16 miles to complete your manoeuvre.? Why you litter the laybys in our beautiful country and leave ■■■■ bottles in the verges? Why you park in a services but are to fat to waddle to the W/C so just pee in the truck park! Mmm nice smell the summer isn’t it.
Why do you keep rolling over your trucks on motorway intersections because you load has shifted? Why do you insist going down motorways without sheeting your load so big sheets of cardboard a plastic are discarded all over the place? Oh yeah to balance the argument out, maybe you did see a Chav on a Argos bike run a red light oh hum :neutral_face:

Over to you?

1 out of 10, must try harder next time