Any truck drivers like to explain?

just wait soon many mature truckers retire, then you will have romanians etc causing more mayhem on british roads,

Any truck drivers like to explain why we still deliver cycles and parts on trucks to a group of people who treat us with such disdain? We deliver their bikes to outlets so that they can arse about around us on the roads!

Off-load that shiny Pinarello frame - refuse to load that Halfords special offer. Cyclists need trucks - no-one needs cyclists.

If that doesn’t bring Albion out… :wink: … z2SLEc2FpU

At least the police are beginning to see sense and ban these bloody cycle races with the old fools wobbling down the dual carriageway.

Wheel Nut:

At least the police are beginning to see sense and ban these bloody cycle races with the old fools wobbling down the dual carriageway.

So he rode into the back of a caravan. I gotta say, despite being sorry for the guy’s family, that has to be the ultimate Darwinism for a cyclist. :slight_smile:


Wheel Nut:

At least the police are beginning to see sense and ban these bloody cycle races with the old fools wobbling down the dual carriageway.

So he rode into the back of a caravan. I gotta say, despite being sorry for the guy’s family, that has to be the ultimate Darwinism for a cyclist. :slight_smile:

It is a sort of thing that needed a like button :stuck_out_tongue:

I notice Chester asks why it takes 16 miles to overtake another truck ? … Simple !
Because of the likes of whinning miserable bits like him the EU has insisted trucks have limiters fitted, so stupid because although the actual speed limit for HGV’s on M ways is 60 mph the trucks are limitted to 56 !!! how damm stupid is that :question:
Whenever I see complaints from idiots like Chester and others who want trucks banned from their cities and towns I say "OK , lets not deliver to those towns and cities, lets not deliver any f****ng cycles and if they are that keen riding to and from the bike factory and to a city or town where truck do deliver.
Miserable scrooge.

You have to laugh at some of the stupid replies to the original question, stupid replies I feel because the lad has actually asked a very relevant question.
So where are the answers in defence of littering laybys, urinating against your truck or even worse someone else’s instead of using designated toilets!
I know not all lorry drivers are guilty of this by the way or even being too lazy to secure their loads properly but by God some drivers are, so hence the question I feel.

So instead of putting cyclists down why not try to give an honest & logical answer or is it again as so many times seems to be the way on here … “The Best Line Of Defence Is Attack!”

Id like to know where cyclists take a pee on long bike rides.

Just in case they are any truck drivers who frequent this forum. Could you please tell me and my fellow cyclists why you keep driving into low bridges causing untold misery for many in society with gridlock, delays etc. why do you drive down motorways watching DVDs on laptops whilst heating up soup? Why you think 26 pallets with two crossed internal straps over the rear is SAFE :open_mouth: why you keep driving up the rear end of stranded vehicles who have seeked refuge on the hard shoulder? Why you overtake each over on dual carriage ways but it takes 16 miles to complete your manoeuvre.? Why you litter the laybys in our beautiful country and leave ■■■■ bottles in the verges? Why you park in a services but are to fat to waddle to the W/C so just pee in the truck park! Mmm nice smell the summer isn’t it.
Why do you keep rolling over your trucks on motorway intersections because you load has shifted? Why do you insist going down motorways without sheeting your load so big sheets of cardboard a plastic are discarded all over the place? Oh yeah to balance the argument out, maybe you did see a Chav on a Argos bike run a red light oh hum :neutral_face:

Over to you?

Sorry - just read this. Can’t be bothered with the content but to infer we are thick?
Errors are highlighted in red - comments below are in order.

Could - should be would.
why should have a capital W
why should have a capital W
seeked? I believe the word you want is sought.
“Why you overtake each over on dual carriage ways but it takes 16 miles to complete your manoeuvre.?” I don’t know where to begin on this - so many errors.
Why do you …
Services will do
Please look up the actual meanings of to, two and too
Rolling your trucks over is correct
You mean your
Sometimes people go up motorways too. Not good syntax.

Just off to give bike 2 a complete overhaul. Bike 1 has been serviced ready for the season. Bike 3 awaits a complete re-spray and rebuild. Yes; I’m also a cyclist.

I don’t normally bother with poster’s spelling and grammar - none of us is perfect and not all of us are good at writing. However, to infer that we are thick because we drive lorries unlike cyclists is not acceptable - hence my response.
Now, did you have an important point to make?

I don’t normally bother with poster’s spelling and grammar - none of us is perfect

None of us ARE perfect!.. No offence mate, honestly, just couldn’t resist pointing out the irony :laughing: :laughing:
Yeh, I know, I’m being a smartarse :blush: :laughing:


I don’t normally bother with poster’s spelling and grammar - none of us is perfect

None of us ARE perfect!.. No offence mate, honestly, just couldn’t resist pointing out the irony :laughing: :laughing:
Yeh, I know, I’m being a smartarse :blush: :laughing:

I know what you mean - my only objection is that the OP branded truck drivers as thick. Pot - kettle…

I think you will find the 16 miles to overtake thing states dual carriageways, not motorways.
Whirlwind thinks truckers don’t hate cyclists, he may be correct, every time I read things like " they make a nice crunching sound as you run over them" I feel the love. It must be the first time on this forum.
I see we have now moved on to spelling & grammar, are you sure you want to go down that road on this forum? Some of the stuff you see on here is unreadable, and I don’t mean from our European colleagues. You do know these here internetweb machines have spell check don’t you.
Hey if you want to stop delivering bikes to stores fill your boots, the dole queue is ready & waiting to take your details. Face it, you carry what you’re told to,where you’re told, when you’re told to and don’t have any say in it. Unless you are doing so well as an O/D that you can turn it down of course.
I see you all missed the m25 spillage story, no comments on the standard of driver? No pages of wild speculation? Oh well.
As said earlier more cycles will be going on the road, it’s a fact that vehicle journeys are declining. That should cheer you up at least.

Can’t believe you all bit! :unamused:

It’s not just lorry drivers, cyclists and motorists who are thick as ****; it’s about the same percentage of the entire UK population.

alte hase:

I think you will find the 16 miles to overtake thing states dual carriageways, not motorways.
Whirlwind thinks truckers don’t hate cyclists, he may be correct, every time I read things like " they make a nice crunching sound as you run over them" I feel the love. It must be the first time on this forum.
I see we have now moved on to spelling & grammar, are you sure you want to go down that road on this forum? Some of the stuff you see on here is unreadable, and I don’t mean from our European colleagues. You do know these here internetweb machines have spell check don’t you.
Hey if you want to stop delivering bikes to stores fill your boots, the dole queue is ready & waiting to take your details. Face it, you carry what you’re told to,where you’re told, when you’re told to and don’t have any say in it. Unless you are doing so well as an O/D that you can turn it down of course.
I see you all missed the m25 spillage story, no comments on the standard of driver? No pages of wild speculation? Oh well.
As said earlier more cycles will be going on the road, it’s a fact that vehicle journeys are declining. That should cheer you up at least.

Being so dammed obvious is why nobody bothered to give a reply, merely by the position of the ibc’s ‘casual’ and random disribution on the carrigeway its clear the foreign driver made the grave mistake of not checking the loads security, put in place by the impatient to leave slap dash loaders, before they hurriedly cycled off for their bank holiday time trials.

I think you’ll find it a cold day in hell before food, drink, fuel, clothing, furniture, medicines and a million other daily essentials go out of fashion, leaving hgv’s parked up and their drivers queing at the dole office, your dream of it being so, and the empty roads of your utopian cycling dreams, are the nightmares of the first world, and the daily existance of many in the third world, apart from your narrow minded middle class self centred blinkered hypocrisy who else do you serve daily.

Very nicely put.

Nobody has argued with me on the points that I made on page 1, so is it that we all think the same about our fellow drivers and just accept it? :open_mouth:
Also not many have refuted, or tried to explain to the o/p why the things he mentions actually do occur, but instead play insult-tennis between truckers and cyclists :unamused: , then we get the ones who only go on to prove by their responses, what I said about some of today’s “drivers” attitudes and character :unamused: .
Ignoring the fact that the o/p is on a trolling trip, he DOES make some valid points, (some of which I admit I agree with) so if nobody on here can convincingly defend and argue that these points are nonsense, then it looks like the public may also have a point about us :bulb: :neutral_face:

I just don’t hold sway with this “us and them” business.

We’re all human it doesn’t matter what you drive, some truckers/car drivers/cyclists are dicks and some aren’t, scene.

I just drive how I think I should drive be it a truck, car or bicycle. I appreciate that point of view doesn’t make for very interesting forum reading so I’ll leave you to it.

Alte haste why did you feel the need to highlight that it was a foreign driver? I can’t see why there is a lot of anti-foreign driver attitudes on here.To me a driver is a driver end of, good and bad in all nationalities.
Just remember when you are over the water there will be some like you over there, that will have you in the foreign driver category, so if say a Bulgarian has a bad accident, you are by your own criteria, are the same as him to them.
I have got to know a lot of Dutch, Belgian, French, and the odd German driver,and the ones I know are more drivers than some of the knobs I see daily over here.
As for the Easties, ok they maybe don’t do themselves many favours in the UK, but they have managed to find their way here through numerous countries, more than likely without a sat nav being on ten bob an hour, where as some UK drivers can’t find the M25 without a sat nav :unamused: , so they can’t be that bad can they :bulb: .

Alte base, I completely missed the part about the driver being foreign, even when I re read it I’m struggling to find it. I do like the way you shoehorned in the cyclists as bad loaders though, I’m not paranoid, they really are out to get me. Good grief!
As usual you have missed the point entirely. It was suggested in earlier posts that truckers shouldn’t deliver cycles to halfords, my point is, unless you are an O/D you don’t get to pick what is in the back of your truck. If I refused a load because I didn’t like it, cigarettes for instance, then I would be finished at my place.
Have you been reading Orwells 1984 perchance? A cyclists utopian existence, middle class self centred blinkered hypocrisy! hey you are spot on though, Every time I bike to work, start another double decker night trunk, especially the friday night one, i think to myself “I’m living the dream” who do I serve? Me & my family, that’s who.


Come back when you’ve a tax disc and contribute to the up keep of the highways and byways! :slight_smile:

There is a problem with that line of debate in that there are some cars that are tax/VED exempt, vintage and electric being the 2 that come readily to mind. Would you suggest the owners/drivers of those vehicles stay off the roads or refrain from pointing out the bad practices of other road users?

You miss the point. All should as uses them then if they think they are exempt they can claim it back - simple isn’t it?