Any truck drivers like to explain?


Ooh getting told off for poor punctuation, on this forum as well. I’m off to stand in the corner, big hat with a D on.

Don’t try to paint truck drivers as thick if you can’t punctuate correctly yourself. Simples :wink: :wink:

Where did I paint truck drivers thick? Don’t start with spelling police as it puts folks off posting on forums, in case they are ridiculed for spelling, and to be honest does it really matter?


Cyclists are thick.

I just think the comment by Farnborough Boy was absolutely ridiculous

He does have a point though.

How many lorry drivers throw themselves under the wheels of a bicycle thus resulting in their untimely death? :smiley:

Does anybody think in my original question I had put “could you explain to me and my fellow truckers” as opposed to “me and my fellow cyclists” we may have had different responses even though the questions remain the same?



Ooh getting told off for poor punctuation, on this forum as well. I’m off to stand in the corner, big hat with a D on.

Don’t try to paint truck drivers as thick if you can’t punctuate correctly yourself. Simples :wink: :wink:

Where did I paint truck drivers thick? Don’t start with spelling police as it puts folks off posting on forums, in case they are ridiculed for spelling, and to be honest does it really matter?

I got no problim wiv people teling me my wording is rong becos i no it is perfik i went to a skool as wel :grimacing:



Cyclists are thick.

I just think the comment by Farnborough Boy was absolutely ridiculous

He does have a point though.

How many lorry drivers throw themselves under the wheels of a bicycle thus resulting in their untimely death? :smiley:

Not sure about that one but how many have been using their mobiles or watching DVD’s or falling asleep etc. when they’ve smashed into the back of innocent people…causing their untimely deaths?
The point I was trying to make is that you can’t generalise, there are good and bad, intelligent and stupid in all walks of life :slight_smile:




Cyclists are thick.

I just think the comment by Farnborough Boy was absolutely ridiculous

He does have a point though.

How many lorry drivers throw themselves under the wheels of a bicycle thus resulting in their untimely death? :smiley:

Not sure about that one but how many have been using their mobiles or watching DVD’s or falling asleep etc. when they’ve smashed into the back of innocent people…causing their untimely deaths?
The point I was trying to make is that you can’t generalise, there are good and bad, intelligent and stupid in all walks of life :slight_smile:

The whole cyclist and truck thing on here is wearing a bit thin now to be honest and like other members on here, we have had long intelligent discussions to justify our opinions and i just felt like writing something simple and direct but the fact remains that cyclists do kill themselves through stupidity ie being thick.

I am a cyclist as well as a truck driver.
I don’t ride up the inside of trucks and I stay alive. It really is that simple which most cyclists find that hard to grasp.
You are right, not all cyclists are thick… But most of them definitely are.

Sorry but a lycra lout dies hitting the back of a caravan is darkly amusing. Particularly if a National Trust stickered Rover 75 was towing it. The impact must’ve been nigh on 20mph, therefore the cyclist died of embarassment.
Next week, a major footpath in Oxford is closed after a fat git on a mobility scooter ploughs into a busker.

See that’s what I like about this forum. Just when you think the thread is in danger of going all serious you get somebody along to bring it down a level or two.
I dont think any death on the road could be classed as darkly amusing by any normal person. I don’t think any cyclists throw themselves under trucks, ossasionally the inexperienced get caught out, same as truckers really, they just have more protection.
You must know quite a lot of cyclists to insist " most" of them are thick. Another pointless generalisation.

So out of 4 pages! In my original post, myself a truck driver posting as a cyclist made some generalising assumptions of truck drivers. Only a couple of you realised that is how the public see us.

Iam pretty sure if I had not mentioned cyclist in the opening post, replies would have been different, instead it had you foaming at the mouth ranting at the cyclist.

If a trucker posing as a cyclist can have this effect on you on the Internet, I do wonder if some of you should be driving for a living on our roads.

I agree with what Chester has said, as it is true, everyday we hear on the Radio Two traffic bulletin of a another “SHED” load.
Next time you are on the road, count how many ratchet straps you have seen in the road, for a motorbiker hitting one could be fatal.
At the last break or stop over, it seems the driver has not checked it?
I was at Crewe truck stop, the loo is open 24 hours, but still drivers prefer to wee on the tarmac by their truck, and urine bottles have been thrown over the hedge as you exit the truck stop.

Not just that, I ended up with 1 in my wobble box tyre last year, ripped the tyre round once it got caught on the chassis which then flapped around and knackered a load of my side trim.

And to add insult to injury, the number of truck drivers going past my wobble box stranded on the hard shoulder, beeping and laughing and giving ■■■■■■ signs :unamused:



“I’m on a 10kg push iron, he’s in a 18/26/32/38/40/44 tonne truck, maybe if I just hang behind him at this junction, I might not die today”

How many axles does a 38 tonner have then? Is a 38 tonner one of those artics with the small 7.5t sized tag axle?

a 38 tonner looks just like a 40 tonner but is plated different - ie a 2 axle unit and a 3 axle trailer as a rule

a 3 axle unit and a 3 axle trailer with a small wheel lift axle is still a 44t - the small wheels are for weight saving

Seriously though, going off my original post. Do you not think we need to get our house in order first before we bleat on about changing other road users, I think my original post is what the public think of us and all the replies have been about a spelling mistake and a tongue in cheek comment a taking 16 miles to overtake each other. Well done you’s!

Or is it that you are that blinkered of the stark reality we are regarded? That burying your heads in the sand is the best way forward.

Was it not just at the start of the bank holiday IBCs coming off a trailer on the M25 shut for hours, probably hundreds of folks on their way to the airport on holiday etc. they going to really love truckers after that fiasco.

we are and always will be treated worse than criminals! no matter how polite or courteous we drive, accidents will and do happen thats life.

what we need is a strike once the shops are empty and the fuel has run out maybe just maybe joe public will see what we bring to the country.

oh and i think cyclists should be fined for not using cycle paths :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a problem with a lorry driver watching a dvd then?

As long as it isnt a copy film …cos thats an offence


Is there a problem with a lorry driver watching a dvd then?

As long as it isnt a copy film …cos thats an offence

No criminal offence is committed by simply watching (or possessing) an unauthorised copy of a film or DVD.

The offence is (1) Displaying said vid in public and/or (2) attempting to sell on even an original copy. All those people selling on their entire collection of originals on Ebay are going to be busted sooner or later in other words. :wink:

I believe it was also illegal to bugger your own wife about a decade ago, but I think they got the law changed on that one.
Nope, that’s no more off topic than the rest of the replies on this thread. :stuck_out_tongue:



Is there a problem with a lorry driver watching a dvd then?

As long as it isnt a copy film …cos thats an offence

No criminal offence is committed by simply watching (or possessing) an unauthorised copy of a film or DVD.

I believe many scout leaders try unsuccessfully, that line of defence.