A75 to Dumfries,that 40 mph single track road

It ain’t rocket science girls. Read this a few times, and you may get it! :unamused:

outdated. so ignore it.


Do 40 like yer’ supposed to. End of. :unamused:

Single carriageway = 40mph easy. All the way along this stertch of road are signs for the speed limit for wagons! In all the time I have used the A75, there has never been a blue sign up with 40 on it (does anyone what the blue sign indicates?). There is nothing in the Highway Code stating that if you have got another wagon weaving or flashing behind you, increase your speed to the limit or pull into a lay-by.
Why is it that when they have passed I will see these motors parked up later on in a lay-by or in a field?
My employer pays by the hour so I’ll stick to the speed limit and they are not going to take the fine or the points which in turn affects my personal car insurance for three years.
So I’ll stick to limit on that road and any other that says 40 and 50 on a dual carriageway.

The law is 70mph for cars on a motorway but it doesn’t mean you sit in the fast lane preventing others from overtaking or going faster just because its ‘‘the law’’.

If you have a vehicle behind who wants to go faster why not just let them by if your able to and make life easier for yourself and others rather than speeding up preventing them then crying about it on forums just because you get flashed… :unamused:

End of the day the OP prevented the driver behind from overtaking by speeding up on a overtaking section…

Except he didn’t. He used his vehicle legally and within the law. If you were on a 40 mph road, then the limit get’s raised. Would you stay at 40 ? Didn’t think so… :unamused:

To be fair 40mph is the MAXIMUM speed limit not a target that you must be doing, so if you wanted to ■■■■ about at 30/35mph then thats your beeswax, some nice views along that road no need to hurry.

To be fair 40mph is the MAXIMUM speed limit not a target that you must be doing, so if you wanted to ■■■■ about at 30/35mph then thats your beeswax, some nice views along that road no need to hurry.

Amen, its “THE LAW”

The law is a nice little earner.


To be fair 40mph is the MAXIMUM speed limit not a target that you must be doing, so if you wanted to ■■■■ about at 30/35mph then thats your beeswax, some nice views along that road no need to hurry.

Amen, its “THE LAW”

I get paid £12.59 an hour to keep to the law, and £18.20 after 48 hours, the law is a nice little earner. Drivers who speed are either rich or idiots.You get home faster and I,ll earn £950 a week ! keeping to the speed limits.

If you are one of the speed/ law breakers on the A49 North/South of Hereford, I,ll show you my £37k earnings for last year, for keeping to the speed limits FFS…

:open_mouth: Are there any jobs going at your place?

Amen, its “THE LAW”

I get paid £12.59 an hour to keep to the law, and £18.20 after 48 hours, the law is a nice little earner. Drivers who speed are either rich or idiots.You get home faster and I,ll earn £950 a week ! keeping to the speed limits.

I get paid a minimum of 9.5 hours per shift regardless of if I get done in less. So if I speed I can get home a bit earlier and earn the same money for doing less hours, in effect raising my hourly rate. I get paid until 04:45 but in the last 6 months doing the job there has only been about half a dozen times I haven’t been back indoors while still on the clock. The other morning I went shopping in Sainsbury’s and still got back home while still being paid. Crack on and I can get paid for doing nothing, paid while shopping, paid for filling the car with petrol or having my breakfast when I get in. Keep it lit. :wink:

yes there is only one bit of dual carriageway in dumfries at collin, although there is a wide straight just after annan i wonder why he did,nt pass you there. anybody chancing comming up or down the a75 doing more than 43/44ishmph be warned they are on that road most days usually in unmarked cars, dont think they are not there because they park in side roads but still in view of the main a75 and thats all the way from gretna to stranraer :smiling_imp:

Nobody cares that you are doing 40 on the single, that is not the issue. I use that road 6 times a week and they don’t bother me in the slightest. It’s your license, your job and entirely your business. In fact if you don’t know the road you would be crazy to do anything but 40 mph. They won’t get any criticism from me even when they do try to race me on the duals.

The only gripe that everyone has is when they do 56 on the duals to stop everyone else from overtaking. It’s a bit hypocritical saying it’s the law when they completely ignore the 50 limit, which 99% of them do. A lot of them accelerate that fast even the cars struggle to react quickly enough to get past. If they are such law abiding citizens why can’t they just do 50 on the duals.

50mph on DC.s, does my head in on some roads.

i wonder if it was MO(TOPGUN) that you got behind you, he seems like a bit of a bellend.

Except he didn’t. He used his vehicle legally and within the law. If you were on a 40 mph road, then the limit get’s raised. Would you stay at 40 ? Didn’t think so… :unamused:

He did, quote:

‘‘i can tell you his air horns work well when used in anger after he could not get past me in time on the dual carriegeway,so nearly ran me off the road,when spitting his dummy out’’

If I was doing 40 on a SC with ‘Mr impatient truck’ and possibly others behind and then came across a half mile DC, I would ease off to 30 for 60 seconds


Except he didn’t. He used his vehicle legally and within the law. If you were on a 40 mph road, then the limit get’s raised. Would you stay at 40 ? Didn’t think so… :unamused:

He did, quote:

‘‘i can tell you his air horns work well when used in anger after he could not get past me in time on the dual carriegeway,so nearly ran me off the road,when spitting his dummy out’’

That don’t mean ■■■■. He never said he sped up. He said the impatient ■■■, couldn’t get past in time. :unamused:

If I was doing 40 on a SC with ‘Mr impatient truck’ and possibly others behind and then came across a half mile DC, I would ease off to 30 for 60 seconds

I know what you’re saying Rog…But in effect. You allow yourself to be bullied for being legal.
I had this argument with “The missing one” when I first signed up. :confused:

If I was doing 40 on a SC with ‘Mr impatient truck’ and possibly others behind and then came across a half mile DC, I would ease off to 30 for 60 seconds

yea but you driving a truck just doesnt happen these days rog, you spend more tim elooking up thai brides than you do driving probably

That don’t mean [zb]. He never said he sped up. He said the impatient ■■■, couldn’t get past in time. :unamused:

I’m sure it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out the reason why he couldn’t get past him on a 1/4 of a mile stretch of duel carriageway… :unamused:

If he was annoying you that much by his antics, and you were obviously happy making progress at the speed you were doing, you could have just held your speed for a moment when you got to one of the dual sections and he could have passed you.

How come he couldn’t get past you if you were doing the 40 limit on the singles and 50 limit on the duals? He was obviously happy to go beyond the limit, you weren’t, and it’s easy to pass a truck doing 50 on the dual sections on that road, I’ve done it many times.

This is the 1st thing I thought. Although it is everyone’s right to stick to the speed limits, and tbh up there It’s daft not to. If you can let the speed jockeys past then why not? You don’t need to stop or pull over, just ease off on a decent straight, flash your left indicator and let him on his merry way. Keeps everyone’s stress down, and if you hit a dual carriageway, hold at no more than 50mph until the backlog is passed you.

My cousin had a car driver go under his front axle, yes a fatal, and the evidence in court on his defence was his tachograph.He was with Wincanton at the time based in Hereford, Sun Valley Poultry Ltd.The SC is at least 15 miles leaving Hereford.The tacho was used to highlight, “HE’S CONDUCT, MANNER, & PROFESSIONALISM” at the steering wheel !

Ok the car driver was being kamakaze, but the taco was taken away by the white caps and processed and used to his advantage.

The 40mph limit is not a target speed, its the maximum speed, which can be lowered for pedestrians, horses and their riders, unfamliar roads, and at night.

40mph, “IT’s THE LAW” :unamused:

think of the children. and the horses.