A75 to Dumfries,that 40 mph single track road

Except he didn’t. He used his vehicle legally and within the law. If you were on a 40 mph road, then the limit get’s raised. Would you stay at 40 ? Didn’t think so… :unamused:

If I had vehicles waiting to pass me, then yes I would, if vehicles sat behind me then I’d speed up.

On a short dual, it would make no time difference at all, it’s a truck not a race car, just chill :laughing:

My truck can do 55mph on the sat nav, work likes us to do around 52 for mpg’s, so I do 50, that way I’ve got a bit in the bag, it’s easier for everyone else to pass me, I get even better mpg’s and it makes no difference to most of my journey times.

I never speed on singles, duals or motorways, except when I’ve been caught out by over-run, but I bring it back into check when I realise.

And well done for that. My beef is with the bullies.

think of the children. and the horses.

Can I just think of foals? Two birds one stone so to speak.


think of the children. and the horses.

Can I just think of foals? Two birds one stone so to speak.

…or you could think of the horsey children our beloved Prince Charles and Camilla never had. Again, two birds one stone.

I forgot to say that i gave a few short clicks on the left indicator,to show the road was clear for a bit on the single track,and there was space to pass,then a car comes up fast,so he tried to give it a go,then dives in again,this seemed to annoy him.

Reading the replies, seems like the majority is behind you. Me too. Perhaps if we held the speed down to the legal 40 for a few months the loss of income to the police might remove the ‘safety’ camera vans, if they aint making a profit?

Cactus Jaxx:
Reading the replies, seems like the majority is behind you. Me too. Perhaps if we held the speed down to the legal 40 for a few months the loss of income to the police might remove the ‘safety’ camera vans, if they aint making a profit?

Most of us are behind him because he speeds up to 56 on the duals so we can’t get past.

Why do you want rid of the camera vans if you’re such a law abiding driver?