A75 to Dumfries,that 40 mph single track road

On the morning of Friday 23/12/11 at about 7.15 ish,i pulled off in to the Shell garage,and got the full works from a green truck that is on the telly at the moment,i can tell you his air horns work well when used in anger after he could not get past me in time on the dual carriegeway,so nearly ran me off the road,when spitting his dummy out.I was not sure if there was an undercover cop car about,as it is my licence and dont want to lose it for the sake of going over 40 mph.His lights seemed to be working well too,when they were being lit up so he he could see where he was going,the flashing mode was in order,along with the weaving motion of his steering going left and right to make sure that he knew that i knew he was still stuck behind the Toby Mobile.

How long in time and miles was he ‘stuck’ behind you?

Don’t worry about it, your in the right and I don’t like bombing down there either, too many unmarked coppers for my liking. That said, it’s ridiculous that some of that road isn’t 50 for HGV’s, the lanes are twice as wide as a motorway lane and straight and unbroken by side roads, it should have special classification if they don’t want to kerb down the middle of it

I saw lots of tracks in the side of the road,where trucks have come off the road,next time you are up there,you will see what i mean,have they fallen asleep,or been pushed off the road.?Also a lot of accident damaged road furniture,and some flowers from fatal RTC`s.Walls that have been crashed in to as well.

Should i have gone further up the motorway and head off via Lockerbie,is that a weight limit on there?

■■■■ anyone that is “Stuck” behind you if you are driving within the law. Crack on…You may never see him again. Happy new year. :wink:

Rog interested why you should ask how long was he (stuck) as you put it behind?
The guy was doing the legal speed limit and doing nothing wrong.
If it was the way described it was the vehicle following that was totally in the wrong!
Sounds like the usual bad attitude of some drivers these days.Think they have the right to break a law and harass others because they are impatient and a bad driver.

I use this road every week and see many a mad truck driver trying to over take someone in a really inappropriate place.

Its a dangerous road and the scars on the verges tell many a story. The regular drivers tend to keep in touch on CB’s and know the score as there are a few unmarked cars mainly BMW’s.

Just keep driving at the speed you are happy with. TBH some of them are going to catch the ferries and when I get to the port I often see the one’s that were flying and get the same ferry as them :confused:

Toby dont let these brainless morons stop you being a Professional.

Should i have gone further up the motorway and head off via Lockerbie,is that a weight limit on there?

nah, that would add a lot of time/mileage if you’re coming from the south and the road is a wee bit tighter (Lochmaben, Torthorwald).

A75 is a forking disgrace for a major trunk road/euroroute, it should be dualled all the way with bypasses at Crocketford, Springholm and Dunraggit. Never will be as we all know England stops somehwere south of Lancaster and Scotland only includes the central belt and highlands :imp:

What about the children too,there is a sign at Felixtowe port to warn of the dangers of kids placing their cuddly toys under truck wheels whilst waiting for a container to go on the skelly,i did not see any children playing in the port?

I was tipping at Curries European,the old Dunlop warehouse,not the new one.

I rang the firm,but did not get the number plate due to the warp factor of him passing me,they said they would email the planner in the area,i may get a chocolate bar in the post as an apology. :stuck_out_tongue:

Rog interested why you should ask how long was he (stuck) as you put it behind?
The guy was doing the legal speed limit and doing nothing wrong.
If it was the way described it was the vehicle following that was totally in the wrong!
Sounds like the usual bad attitude of some drivers these days.Think they have the right to break a law and harass others because they are impatient and a bad driver.

I agree with ALL your points but when I was faced with being on a 40 limit for a very long time I always pulled over to allow others by if safe to do so - I do not mean every few minutes
I personally considered that ‘good manners’ but there is nothing in LAW which stated I MUST do so

I agree with Rog,it’s not our place to police the roads,if the geezer behind wants to go faster then why not let him by when you can?

Yes that is fair enough if you have the time to pull in and let them pass.I am afraid with the number of impatient motorists these days you would be pulling over far to often.
The fact still remains that any driver that harasses someone who is doing nothing wrong needs to change his attitude and his bad driving habits.

Also travelling at the legal speed limit is not policing the roads Bri.
The roads are clearly marked when and where vehicles can overtake.If there are no suitable overtaking opportunities a safe distance from the vehicle in front should be maintained.
Only on an unmarked unclassified road it would be polite to pull in when safe.

How could he give you the works for turning into the shell station when he nearly ran you off the road at the end of the dual. You don’t nearly run someone off the road then finish up behind them.

If he was annoying you that much by his antics, and you were obviously happy making progress at the speed you were doing, you could have just held your speed for a moment when you got to one of the dual sections and he could have passed you.

How come he couldn’t get past you if you were doing the 40 limit on the singles and 50 limit on the duals? He was obviously happy to go beyond the limit, you weren’t, and it’s easy to pass a truck doing 50 on the dual sections on that road, I’ve done it many times.

Also travelling at the legal speed limit is not policing the roads Bri.
The roads are clearly marked when and where vehicles can overtake.If there are no suitable overtaking opportunities a safe distance from the vehicle in front should be maintained.
Only on an unmarked unclassified road it would be polite to pull in when safe.

Nooooo,travelling at the legal speed limit isn’t policing the roads but what about consideration?
I personally think it’s polite to pull in and let someone by whatever road it is,even if it’s just get someone off my back.The job can be hard enough sometimes what with delays and deadlines without one of our own holding us up.
I suppose I remember back to when sometimes time was tight and you needed to push on,rightly or wrongly,but this is the reality of the job for some.I’m lucky enough now not to have that pressure but I don’t forget when I did so I guess this is why I take this view.