A75 to Dumfries,that 40 mph single track road

AFAIK there are no “bits of DC” on the A75 until you reach Dumfries. There are several wide straight bits though as Toby says (a bit like the A303).

While I am not criticizing, In that situation I would have slowed down on a straight bit, just to get rid. I hate having some plonker up my arse like that. I wouldn’t stop though, just slow down a bit.

If he was annoying you that much by his antics, and you were obviously happy making progress at the speed you were doing, you could have just held your speed for a moment when you got to one of the dual sections and he could have passed you.

How come he couldn’t get past you if you were doing the 40 limit on the singles and 50 limit on the duals? He was obviously happy to go beyond the limit, you weren’t, and it’s easy to pass a truck doing 50 on the dual sections on that road, I’ve done it many times.

Spot on - In fact if you’ve got a whole line of trucks behind you on the A75 I would say slow right down on the straights or dual carriageways and let them all happily pass by :wink:


Rog interested why you should ask how long was he (stuck) as you put it behind?
The guy was doing the legal speed limit and doing nothing wrong.
If it was the way described it was the vehicle following that was totally in the wrong!
Sounds like the usual bad attitude of some drivers these days.Think they have the right to break a law and harass others because they are impatient and a bad driver.

I agree with ALL your points but when I was faced with being on a 40 limit for a very long time I always pulled over to allow others by if safe to do so - I do not mean every few minutes
I personally considered that ‘good manners’ but there is nothing in LAW which stated I MUST do so

Rog, I agree with you in principle, but in practice it is harder to do, when you are looking for a place to stop/pull in you can never find one :confused: The best thing to do (like others have said) is when you finally get to a dual carriageway is let them pass by doing 50mph and let the “gaggle” clear, before the next stretch of single carriageway. :slight_smile:

As for the clowns who bully other drivers, well a lengthy ban and heavy fine will soon show them the error of their ways :wink:

AFAIK there are no “bits of DC” on the A75 until you reach Dumfries.

I did wonder about that but Toby did mention dual carriageway so I assumed he had been on some. Maybe he encountered DC when approaching from his planet? :wink:

only 2 bits of DC on the 75, one of 1/2 a mile at Colin (east of Dfs) not really long enough for a vehicle at 56 to overtake one doing 50 specially, if there’s other traffic about. The other is maybe 1.5 miles of DC at The Glen (west of Dfs).

Police patrols are not bothered a jot if you happen to step a few mph over the limit on this road. Trust me, they can do a lot better than some random HGV doing a couple of mph over the limit.

What pricks their ears up is anything Irish pulling a plain fridge, a company with a bit of history or a driver taking the ‘‘P’’…

Camera vans are easy to spot a mile off so they aren’t a problem if your driving with awareness reading the road ahead.

Anyone doing a religious 40 on this road is a pain in the back side regardless of the ‘‘law’’. If someone is up your ring, there are numerous places to pull in or to help them past. - If everyone did this there wouldn’t be a problem.

I’m assuming he means the short dual before Dumfries and not far from the Shell garage. That’s the section were 99% of 40 mph drivers drop a gear and quickly accelerate to 56 mph to deliberately stop everyone else from overtaking. The look of disappointment on their face when they realise you’ve an extra couple of klicks in reserve is priceless.

There are two sides to every story. I’ve never once seen another driver blast the horn, flash the lights and force someone off the road simply for doing 40 mph. Even on that road and especially from another bean, it just never happens. There is always another reason.

Do 40 like yer’ supposed to. End of. :unamused:

Toby, mark time until you come accross this [zb] once again, probably up to his axles in a nice boggy field, or through a wall somewhere… then give him a blast of your horn and a friendly wave as you go SLOWLY past…

The A75 was designated a Euro-Route donkeys years ago… so why is it still single cabbageway for most of its length. ■■?

Stuck behind me, hard cheese old boy the limit is 40 which personally I detest, but I always welcome the resident nutter to provide entertainment.

The A75 was designated a Euro-Route donkeys years ago… so why is it still single cabbageway for most of its length. ■■?

Euro routes don’t have to be duals. The A75 is the E18 and the A69 is also part of the E18 and that is single for most of it’s route.


The A75 was designated a Euro-Route donkeys years ago… so why is it still single cabbageway for most of its length. ■■?

Euro routes don’t have to be duals. The A75 is the E18 and the A69 is also part of the E18 and that is single for most of it’s route.

let me rephrase… if these roads have been designated as euro-routes, why the hell haven’t they been upgraded to dual carriageway by now, ■■? look at the other main route to Ireland, the A55… brilliant !!!

As far as i’m concerned if your sticking to the law, doing your 40 and have a eager truck up your rear then decide to speed up as soon as you reach a duel carriageway section knowing fine well its going to make life awkward for your friend at the rear you deserve all you get…

What a boring stretch of road,until you get to Wigtown and nearer to Stranraer,(daylight hours ) as the view seaward is nice, as said should of been duelled further down by now, as the route to holyhead was I’ve even have had a night out in one of the laybys on it, not through choice mind,

my thoughts are this. you came off M74 and onto A75 on the limiter. at start of the single track at gretna, you slowed to 40. you then sat at 40 all the way, giggling at other drivers sitting behind you. passing numerous laybys that would allow cars and any wagons who want to go above 40 to get on with their day. you then reached the short dual carriageway at collin, and giggle time as you are straight back on the limited, refusing to let wagons pass you again. and why can’t anyone pass you? oh yes, a mile after the dual, you are pulling into the shell garage.

i know youwere doing the legal limit, but youare in a minority on that road. oh and i was off that day so not guilty.

It ain’t rocket science girls. Read this a few times, and you may get it! :unamused:


If he was annoying you that much by his antics, and you were obviously happy making progress at the speed you were doing, you could have just held your speed for a moment when you got to one of the dual sections and he could have passed you.

How come he couldn’t get past you if you were doing the 40 limit on the singles and 50 limit on the duals? He was obviously happy to go beyond the limit, you weren’t, and it’s easy to pass a truck doing 50 on the dual sections on that road, I’ve done it many times.

This was my thoughts exactly, but the OP is Toby… :unamused:

Do 40 like yer’ supposed to. End of. :unamused:

Single carriageway = 40mph easy. All the way along this stertch of road are signs for the speed limit for wagons! In all the time I have used the A75, there has never been a blue sign up with 40 on it (does anyone what the blue sign indicates?). There is nothing in the Highway Code stating that if you have got another wagon weaving or flashing behind you, increase your speed to the limit or pull into a lay-by.
Why is it that when they have passed I will see these motors parked up later on in a lay-by or in a field?
My employer pays by the hour so I’ll stick to the speed limit and they are not going to take the fine or the points which in turn affects my personal car insurance for three years.
So I’ll stick to limit on that road and any other that says 40 and 50 on a dual carriageway.

The A75 was designated a Euro-Route donkeys years ago… so why is it still single cabbageway for most of its length. ■■?

it’s that Scottish independance thing. they were offered the money years ago from the EU. but they refused it.