Your Thoughts On The Infamous M62

Ok chaps and chapesses…been discussed a bit before but…

Our local rag has reported that in the last month the M62 has been closed ten times due to accidents…

What do peeps think about this and do you think the latest changes to the road (upgrade to managed motorway status) will have any effect on the accident rate?

If not, what would help?

Your comments please… :wink:

I stated on this forum some months back, that the lanes are too narrow and it is just a bloodbath waiting to happen, seems the bloodbath has been happening in dribs and drabs.
It is inherently dangerous and those responsible should be taken to task, possibly even sued by those affected by the changes. :imp:


Avoid @ all costs, any other country these roadworks would have been completed by now…!

its not the road ,its the standard of driving,the me first attitude of ALL drivers today,the total lack of courtesy to others and the dicks who are distracted by ipods,phones,LAPTOPS!,and the like,wagon drivers in lane 1 that leave a foot and a half between them and the barrier so everyone else has to straddle the white line to get past,don’t you know how wide your wagon is?.

Assume the roadworks are still two lanes for any vehicles and 6’6" width limit outside?

Wouldn’t be surprised to see lorries being restricted to the NS lane if accidents keep happening, its happened before in roadworks, wouldn’t be surprised either if being restricted to the NS lane becomes standard rules at certain times on all routes.

Massive traffic overload is what happens when a country is unnaturally overrun in a short time span and population still increasing, get used to it, it was never possible to build enough infrastructure to accommodate the increases we simply don’t have the land space or the money seeing as so much of the present population are not and never will be nett contributors to our society.

The carnage and jams now will seem like nothing in 20 years time.

Most of these comments apply to the rest of our road infrastructure as well.

Agree with all comments really. Time for more roads TBH…but isn’t going to happen due to £££.

And what is it with people driving and doing so many other things at the same time…■■ I saw a woman driving the other day while using an ipad!!! FFS!!!

Avoid @ all costs, any other country these roadworks would have been completed by now…!

You obviously don’t drive in Germany, roadworks there can take years and then no sooner are they completed and they start again.

A simple soloution from my point of view is to make lane 1 in the current roadworks lgv only.

mr lordi:
A simple soloution from my point of view is to make lane 1 in the current roadworks lgv only.

So how will car drivers enter/exit the motorway at the junctions??

I think the roadworks have been going on 3 years now and i cant honestly see the differance. The road is a death trap… but hey at least they are making money out off the cameras.


mr lordi:
A simple soloution from my point of view is to make lane 1 in the current roadworks lgv only.

So how will car drivers enter/exit the motorway at the junctions??

Good point, ok lgv must stay in lane one only.


Avoid @ all costs, any other country these roadworks would have been completed by now…!

You obviously don’t drive in Germany, roadworks there can take years and then no sooner are they completed and they start again.

I imagined it’d be quicker as almost everything of theirs is better than the UK…

Ok chaps and chapesses…been discussed a bit before but…

Our local rag has reported that in the last month the M62 has been closed ten times due to accidents…

What do peeps think about this and do you think the latest changes to the road (upgrade to managed motorway status) will have any effect on the accident rate?

If not, what would help?

Your comments please… :wink:

How did we manage before we had managed motorways■■? also managed by who exactly

jessicas dad:
I think the roadworks have been going on 3 years now and i cant honestly see the differance. The road is a death trap… but hey at least they are making money out off the cameras.

A fella I work with came in today and said he’d received two tickets this week, on consecutive days, for speeding through the same camera spot two days in a row a couple of weeks ago. It’s the last camera as you exit the roadworks westbound.

you’r way off the mark.

the only way from the north west to the A1 is either woodhead or the M62. woodhead is congested through tintwhistle, or the M62 whitch is also congested.

the answer is another motorway that joines the two.

you’r way off the mark.

the only way from the north west to the A1 is either woodhead or the M62. woodhead is congested through tintwhistle, or the M62 whitch is also congested.

the answer is another motorway that joines the two.

Yep,the answers to all the country’s problems are all so easily solved in the head of a Lorry Driver whilst dreaming his dreamy dreams sitting there with the heater on and listening to radio 2. :wink: :unamused: … ata_player

By far the worst motorway in the country even the 25 isn’t as bad !! I dread going over that way unless I can beat the traffic at peak times, some 1 mentioned in the thread truck drivers not knowing how wide our trucks are, tell ya what you need to ask car an van drivers who on numerous occasions have nearly had my tyre down the side of their vehicle through no fault of my own as these drivers can’t keep a straight line !!

It’s the worst roadworks on a motorway I’ve ever seen. I’ve said it before too, but managed motorways are the worst idea EVER to be designed and carried through to the build process. Yet again I went through 5 miles of the one in Brum after Hilton Pk southbound yesterday. Yet again I’m forced out from the completely clear hard shoulder to overtake 6 trucks all sitting behind one another in lane 1 when the hard shoulder was open. Each one of them looked oblivious as to why I was waving my hand at them to move over, and you wonder why you sit in jams. I am going to make a full post on this with video and pics to put my views across when I get time.

I do have to mention though, that coming northbound on the m6 yesterday (traffic was awful and a lot worse than normal, partly due to the fact that they decided to narrow it 2 lanes at j6 - although you would only hit the traffic coming from the a38m i suppose so nothing really lost). Anyway, once again I noticed all the plant vehicles parked up for the night. How much is this costing the Haulage Industry not to mention everyone else ? Get these firms working 24 hours a day, create jobs and get the traffic moving. The fact that they only work on it for up to 10 hours a day is a disgrace.