Your Thoughts On The Infamous M62

what i cant understand is why dont they make lane 3 narrower beacause only cars use lane 3,then they could make lanes 1 & 2 slightly wider. It’s not rocket science !!!

On another thought,this managed motorway scheme will have taken 3 years in the end to complete,it only took them 19 months in the late 1950’s to build the first 75mls of the M1…something to think about. :smiley:

The M4 ‘managed’ section at Bristol, started in the summer and will be ready in Spring 2014 :open_mouth:
Over a year and a half to put up some signs on a 4 mile stretch??
Not surprised really as there’s usually just about 10 people working on it at any given time, usually between 11am and 3pm :imp:

It’s the worst roadworks on a motorway I’ve ever seen. I’ve said it before too, but managed motorways are the worst idea EVER to be designed and carried through to the build process. Yet again I went through 5 miles of the one in Brum after Hilton Pk southbound yesterday. Yet again I’m forced out from the completely clear hard shoulder to overtake 6 trucks all sitting behind one another in lane 1 when the hard shoulder was open. Each one of them looked oblivious as to why I was waving my hand at them to move over, and you wonder why you sit in jams. I am going to make a full post on this with video and pics to put my views across when I get time.

I do have to mention though, that coming northbound on the m6 yesterday (traffic was awful and a lot worse than normal, partly due to the fact that they decided to narrow it 2 lanes at j6 - although you would only hit the traffic coming from the a38m i suppose so nothing really lost). Anyway, once again I noticed all the plant vehicles parked up for the night. How much is this costing the Haulage Industry not to mention everyone else ? Get these firms working 24 hours a day, create jobs and get the traffic moving. The fact that they only work on it for up to 10 hours a day is a disgrace.

Be even more busy if it was down to less lanes peak hours as well anyway let’s hope they don’t resurrect this scheme … -motorway/

You’ll be pulling your hair out :laughing:


Avoid @ all costs, any other country these roadworks would have been completed by now…!

You obviously don’t drive in Germany, roadworks there can take years and then no sooner are they completed and they start again.

And the lanes are a bit narrower than in the UK :stuck_out_tongue:

As for the M4, you get idiots like this
But this happens all the time doesn’t it :unamused:

Simple, just ban cars off it all together, that wud be great, not having to sit behind some prick doing 45 in the middle lane totaly ovlivious to whats going on around them, i wud love to drive through there in a snow plough, and run all the pricks straight off the road, especially the ones that hit the roadworks at 70, pull infront of u then slam on infront of a fully laden truck, they deserve to be smashed to bits, as always get there license out of a lucky bag, pricks, rant over!!!

Best way to get through these roadworks during the day, that is if your moving, is to drop it to 40-45 and just chill out in lane 1 keeping your distance, i usually do about 70-75ks. Far less stressful, safer and negliable in terms of extra time taken, its not that far.

Its a bloody awful stretch to drive on but the sheer determination by everyone, mainly our own, to be doing the max speed is whats causing all the accidents. 5mph on a motorway is nowt worth getting stressed out about. I’ve previously been one of the ‘50mph at all costs’ drivers and getting worked up at middle lane hoggers, but realised it aint worth it.

Maybe if vehicles speedo read a proper true reading instead of being 4-5mph faster than what they show.So if they are doing 50 they are doing 50 and not 45.

Just go with the flow and dont get stressed,if your late TOUGH :smiley:

Best way to get through these roadworks during the day, that is if your moving, is to drop it to 40-45 and just chill out in lane 1 keeping your distance, i usually do about 70-75ks. Far less stressful, safer and negliable in terms of extra time taken, its not that far.

Its a bloody awful stretch to drive on but the sheer determination by everyone, mainly our own, to be doing the max speed is whats causing all the accidents. 5mph on a motorway is nowt worth getting stressed out about. I’ve previously been one of the ‘50mph at all costs’ drivers and getting worked up at middle lane hoggers, but realised it aint worth it.

The problem with doing that is you get every one taking the p out of you all wanting to get in in front of you because there’s a space which can cause you more problems than not leaving a load of space but I know what you mean.

Maybe if vehicles speedo read a proper true reading instead of being 4-5mph faster than what they show.So if they are doing 50 they are doing 50 and not 45.

I don’t get the way people say this. I drive all kinds of different trucks and cars and have tried this as passenger in several cars too . I have sat navs on my 2 phones and my tablet too and all of them always show the speed as the same as the Speedo in any vehicle.

does have somw lovely views though.


Maybe if vehicles speedo read a proper true reading instead of being 4-5mph faster than what they show.So if they are doing 50 they are doing 50 and not 45.

I don’t get the way people say this. I drive all kinds of different trucks and cars and have tried this as passenger in several cars too . I have sat navs on my 2 phones and my tablet too and all of them always show the speed as the same as the Speedo in any vehicle.

The sat nav speedo is 100% accurate. The vehicle speedo becomes more inaccurate the faster you go…

Agree with all comments really. Time for more roads TBH…but isn’t going to happen due to £££.

And what is it with people driving and doing so many other things at the same time…■■ I saw a woman driving the other day while using an ipad!!! FFS!!!

I saw the same woman, on the M6 near Knutsford !!! (Had it rested on her Fanny & Steering wheel, perhaps it was on Vibrate) :unamused: