Your opinions- sorry first 3 votes got reset try again

Please vote your opinions on the upgrade so far

the questions are a little bit of fun, but would appreciate an honest answer (PS I voted firebombing my cat, I dont have one) :grimacing:

sorry minor glitch votes reset please vote again

What is the problem with Finland?

(on paikalla arvoitus avulla Suomi?)


I like the ERFs - plastic does not rust :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

I like the ERFs - plastic does not rust :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

true but they also have a nasty habit of falling to bits when you least expect it :laughing:

not to bad so far ricker its getting there

Like at lot of others I missed the thread about the upgrade taking place so was a bit taken aback and at first didn’t like the new format, but as all the glitches and little bugs have been sorted out I’m now used to it and like the changes that have been made. I like the new front page and immediately saw the message today about the ‘rule & sanctions’ update which I might have missed previously.

I’ve done a bit of computer studies in the past and understood how some of differing codes might not have matched up when upgraded, but wouldn’t have known or have been able to sort any of that out myself, so really do appreciate that a lot of hard keyboard work has gone on behind the scenes to get everything sorted. I’m looking forward to the all the new features that are in the pipeline but also appreciate that it takes time and might mean a few more glitches that have to be sorted so we just have to hang in there.
IMHO TNUK is the best on the web for anyone involved in transport.

I also previously posted, in ‘bubbleman’s scrapbook memories’ that unlike a few other forums on the web TNUK is subscription free and long may it be so :smiley: :smiley: so lets just get on and support Rikki, the admin folk and all the mods; because I don’t think any of them are becoming £Mills; on the back of TNUK.
Regards to all
Dave Penn;

Actually Dave, to be honest, I have a proxy server set up in an ex council house on Teesside and am actually posting this from the rear deck of my yacht , at present moored of St Lucia, but dont tell anyone OK :grimacing:

Thank you for your kind words- but you should extend them to the volunteer team who moderate the forums, they decide most of the policy, and the tone of the forums, and are also members of the community, in effect you guys police yourselves. I get paid a wage for the work I do, they get very little and if any thanks is due that TruckNet Uk remains the biggest website for truck Drivers it is due to them

I went for the make babies one, purely because it meansi would get some action :exclamation:


So Rikki you really have become one of them elusive £Mills; :laughing: :wink: :laughing: :wink:

Maybe I didn’t express strongly enough my understanding of the work that the admin & mods; undertake WELL DONE GUY & GALS :smiley: :laughing: :wink:

Don’t fall off the back of yer boat Rikki without yer Hi-VIZ vest, Hard Hat, Steelies and all the other H &S equipment that could save your life :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: :wink:
Thanks again ADMIN & MODS;

All the best to you all
Dave Penn;

So Rikki you have become that elusive £Mills; :laughing: :wink: :laughing: :wink:

Maybe I didn’t express strongly enough my understanding of the work that the admin & mods; undertake WELL DONE GUY & GALS :smiley: :laughing: :wink:

Don’t fall off the back of yer boat Rikki without yer Hi-VIZ vest, Hard Hat, Steelies and all the other H &S equipment that could save your life :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: :wink:
Thanks again ADMIN & MODS;

All the best to you all
Dave Penn;

Somebody else after a mod position :smiley: :sunglasses: :smiley:

Errr No â– â–  :laughing: :laughing: :unamused:
My real job takes up too much of my time :exclamation:

i tried to send a PM yesterday and couldnt get it to send
if you did get it Rikki it was more luck than judgement

oh and Press Center can you put that in correct English

Could of sworn i saw Rikki in the back ground on his yacht when Peirce Morgon did the documentary on Monaco on ITV not to long ago :exclamation: :open_mouth: :confused: :confused: :neutral_face:

What if you are somebody like Kybro and already live in Finland? :laughing:

I have to say that I preferred the older style, but I am slowly getting used to the new one. The grey shading when moving the mouse around is irritating.

Comments not intended to slight any of those who have put a lot of hard work and effort into the upgrade, BTW. :wink:

gnasty gnome:
I have to say that I preferred the older style

Totally agree.

I have no way to check back now, but i’m sure the postings font has changed.

Before i could spend hours here reading stuff, now i find after 10 minute my eyes are tired & i want to get off the site. For some reason the present font is very tiring to read.

As a long time regular contributor, i’m quite seriously likely to visit less unless the ease of reading is improved.

Bring back the old site. This one has too many glitches. If it ain’t broke…

AT first like most I was not a friend of the new
site,However as one works more with each new
part of the site it has proven that it is A1 okay,
and i am FOR the new site,yes if has little points that
need polishing but as we all use and post these will
be attended to, and as Rikki posted, the old site was
Well past it,s sell by date, and not every one likes
useing a antique, unlesss it is a Ford Transcontinental, :slight_smile:


gnasty gnome:
I have to say that I preferred the older style

Totally agree.

I have no way to check back now, but i’m sure the postings font has changed.

Before i could spend hours here reading stuff, now i find after 10 minute my eyes are tired & i want to get off the site. For some reason the present font is very tiring to read.

As a long time regular contributor, i’m quite seriously likely to visit less unless the ease of reading is improved.

If you look at the top right of the forum pages you’ll see a thing which looks like this: ^Av (no down arrow on his keyboard, but you know what I mean). I found toggling it up a size solved that problem for me. :wink: