Coming Leeds bound yesterday on the A64 i past coming east bound 6 of his Scanias all pulling flats all empty it was around 13.00 cant think were they might be heading not that bothered just curious ■■?

Back to Thirsk maybe?

He’s hauling steel across the water for somebody. May have undercut Prestons of Potto to get a contract. Then again I could be wrong :smiley:

Why young stobart?? If you are talking about the new blue trucks that are running the steel it is all William stobart I.e ws transport

Wards at sherburn

Why young stobart?? If you are talking about the new blue trucks that are running the steel it is all William stobart I.e ws transport

He probably means it’s his son who was on the TV show as it’s his company ain’t it?

Probably going back to Severfield Rowan ( or whatever it is this Month :unamused: ) @ Dalton Ind Estate Nr Thirsk. Got the contract for structural steel … was Prestons … Bet Ann isn’t happy :wink:


Why young stobart?? If you are talking about the new blue trucks that are running the steel it is all William stobart I.e ws transport

He probably means it’s his son who was on the TV show as it’s his company ain’t it?

I believe its Williams not the sons



Why young stobart?? If you are talking about the new blue trucks that are running the steel it is all William stobart I.e ws transport

He probably means it’s his son who was on the TV show as it’s his company ain’t it?

I believe its Williams not the sons

Why would he sell the general haulage side of Stobarts to concentrate on the airport, biomass and rail side of the company then set up another haulage company doing the steel contract that he was already doing just a few month down the line?
I reckon he has set it up so maybe not far in the distant future his son can take it all over and be Eddie Stobart number 2.
Plus I’ve seen them pulling Tesco trailers and the curtainsiders of Eddie Stobarts, what’s he doing with all the European work and Motorsport contracts?

I’d guess that even though he runs the show ( ws ) and makes a tidy sum it must gall him at times that the stobart brand is always linked to Eddie not William,which is why even though it was claimed his son started his own company it’s not rocket science to work out who really owns it and runs it( name on it is a clue ) ,like what was said at a meeting recently ,eventually you’ll all drive blue trucks and wear a blue uniform :exclamation: :exclamation: I guess just rebranding it in one foul swoop wouldn’t go down well with the club :wink: :laughing: :laughing: ,but if you did it over a period of time by replacing green trucks with blue then I guess there wouldn’t be the outcry from the club .
It also may work in removing the stigma attached too the company ( loosing name) as I know a lot of companies vowed too never use stobarts after the debacle that was Lutterworth opening( chilled), if you get rid of Eddie stobart chilled and rebrand it eventually with w.s fresh maybe,just maybe there companies out there who will then start too deal with them again ( long shot ) .
I’d just rebrand it Corby chilled,get some top line scanias,and let the good times roll again :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

its the son ,well its supposed to be ,i bet he just hands the keys out :laughing: :laughing:

seth 70:
its the son ,well its supposed to be ,i bet he just hands the keys out :laughing: :laughing:

That’s quite a slur on an obviously bright young man Seth, shame on you!

I do seem to remember after watching the BAFTA nominated tv series that he was also a dab hand with a lawn mower too. :wink:

boys done good,hes gone from cutting the lawns at HQ waving a passing lorrys,then a week tramping ,next thing hes the main man at one of the fastest growing transport firm on earth,theres more ws lorrys on the m62 than there is white lines ,fair play to him ,i wish stobart was my dad :wink: :wink: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

the maoster:

seth 70:
its the son ,well its supposed to be ,i bet he just hands the keys out :laughing: :laughing:

That’s quite a slur on an obviously bright young man Seth, shame on you!

I do seem to remember after watching the BAFTA nominated tv series that he was also a dab hand with a lawn mower too. :wink:

I bet there was a few landscape gardening company’s undercut along the way in his early career also :smiley:

Authorisation: 15 vehicle(s), 30 trailer(s)
Authorisation: 30 vehicle(s), 30 trailer(s)
The Traffic Commissioner has given a direction under paragraph 2 of Schedule 4
that the above operating centre(s) shall be transferred from licence OC0253322,
held by EDDIE STOBART LTD, with the operating centre(s) being removed from
that licence as part of this application

It’s a simple one really.
William Stobart and DBAY own Stobart (the general haulage / steel / tesco bit)
Tinkler and his investers own Stobart Group.
This includes the Biomass, the bulidings (Stobart Property Ltd), the railway and the airport and airline.
Most important of all Stobart Group (Tinkler et al) own the brand and the Stobart name.
William and DBAY only get the name for four years.
After that they either lease it (£3 million per year) buy it for use only on transport and warehousing (£15 million) or buy it outright (£50 million)
Looks very much like me that William in cahoots with the boy and a couple of ex directors are looking to set up on their own.
Officially the company is run by Ed Stobart and they are subbing work from Stobart.
That’s why you see them pulling steel and Tesco trailers effectively William is subbing work to himself via Ed.
By the time comes to stop using the name there will be a lot more WS Transport trucks on the road than Stobart.
The only trucks with the Stobart (Group) name on will be the Biomass trucks. (unless William and DBAY cough up some serious dough)
Eventually they’ll run out of ways to keep selling the comapny to each other and back again.

More here … z2vEaBdS2G

All a tax fiddle :sunglasses:

Every time they chop it up and share it out a bit differently they all draw out a big dollop of cash. The other reasons are that it takes a bit of debt off this bit and puts it on to a different bit. They then have what looks like the fast growing businesses in the bit that is listed on the stock market which boosts the share price so they can offload some more shares.

It’s all about getting as much cash out of the business and into there own pockets as fast as they can.

Ex Haulier:
It’s all about getting as much cash out of the business and into there own pockets as fast as they can.

I have no problem with that whatsoever, after all that’s what being in business is about isn’t it?

It’s ok as long as you are not mugging off the shareholders. The financial press have suggested they have behaved a little less than totally ethically in the past. There are different standards that apply to public and private companies.

Personally it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if they built up the new haulage company and then sold it to the public company a couple of years down the road. This would of course put another great wodge of cash in someone’s pocket.