Oh perleeze. If I set the cruise control on the truck at the maximum allowed by the truck systems, that is the limiter set speed, and the vehicle systems have eco roll (other names are available) which, with no driver input, allows the vehicle speed to exceed the limiter setting in neutral before applying the exhaust brake the driver can be prosecuted for not being in control of the vehicle?
Please reference the case when this has happened. I have given you the courtesy of making the references you asked for, please return that courtesy if you can. If you can’t I accept your acknowledgement that you are mistaken.
At the very least if this was illegal then construction and use laws would have been breached by the vehicle manufacturers. Wouldn’t these systems, if aiding lawbreaking, be withdrawn/modified? I’m not seeing those modifications except by company policy, usually on economy grounds.
I chose the under simply because I am not making an argument for speeds above the limit determined by vehicle and road type.
I would guess that yes you could possibly be prosecuted for not being in control of the vehicle, just because the vehicle allows eco roll etc you still have the means by engine retarder or use of the brakes to control the vehicles speed. As equally, you can guess that you could not be prosecuted for not being in control of the vehicle. I still would not like to test it in a case of law for example as I said if you were involved in an accident and speed was shown to be a factor.
In the highway code can you coast a car down a hill out of gear or is it classed as not being in control of the vehicle, which I believe is correct without going to read it just to confirm or deny but that’s what I was taught when I first started to drive?
I also don’t believe that eco roll is actually in neutral even though it shows N in the gear selection indicator.
And no I don’t personally know of any cases where someone has been prosecuted for exceeding the speed limiter so can’t provide any links to that, if I did know of them then I happily would. I am talking hypothetically as a counter discussion.
Maybe I should have a read up again on the highway code and use and construction regs and see what my interpretation is, but I would like to see from an official body the stance on this subject for my own piece of mind and curiosity.
It is one subject that intrigues me of which there are many.