So basically you are reiterating what I said…ie
Anything over the legal limit, could be a concern for DVSA in terms of an ‘O’ licence.
Anything over the limit the individual co sets, which is well under 56 …is not.
That was exactly my point to Simcor.
No one knows what the terms of their O-licence are. Maybe they have agreed a voluntary undertaking to restrict their vehicles to 53mph. Maybe its a clause in their insurance. Maybe its Mr Culina on a powertrip. Whichever it is, it doesn’t matter. Its their vehicle, drivers should drive it in the way they are instructed by the owner provided that instruction doesn’t break the law.
It really is quite simple, if you think you know better than the bosses, put your money where your mouth is and put your own on the road. If you ain’t willing to do that, shut up, drive as you are told and make sure you tick all the boxes before you pull away because while they are paying the bills its their call, not yours.
the maoster:
As for The Beaver he differs from me in as much as I prefer to smile whilst sticking a stiletto into the companies ribs whereas he goes for the pool cue to the teeth method! Whatever, at least he possesses cojones and a spine.
No he doesn’t, if he had cojones and a spine he would have stood and argued his case rather than the passive aggressive hissyfit of dumping the wagon at the gate and going home.
Was he wrong to take the original load. Yes.
Does he have anyone else to blame. No.
Was he right to refuse to finish the run he was on. No.
Was he right to refuse to do an unpaid assessment. Hell Yes.
The assessment is the only thing about this whole situation that EagerBeaver did right. Everything else is just a catalogue of why he should be ushered out of the industry as fast as humanly possible. Its drivers like Beaver that give the rest of us a bad name.
Cheers for your account of the ins and outs of how the haulage industry works, but I’ve been in it a bit longer than 5 mins, so I’m fully aware thanks, but next time I want to be patronised you will be the first one I come to.
No desire to put a truck on the road again today, so I’ll pass on your suggestion…been there done that.
Whether Beaver’s actions were the right way is his own affair, but at least he is capable of showing these types of wonkers he will not be ■■■■ ed about,.and if more drivers had done the same when all this type of schooolboy treatment towards drivers came about around 10 to 12 yrs ago,.we would not have all the ■■■■■■■■ we have today.
Me?..I prefer a more subtle approach, I look like I’m playing their bloody stupid games, and more times than not win them at it…, but still look like I’ve lost to them, so everybody’s happy.
I would have completed the job after being severely ■■■■■■ off that they would ask me to do an assessment to see if I fit their standards.
I would be only going home for my tea after work, read a book, watch tv and ■■■■ about on Trucknet…So maybe feign a breakdown (red line or soft tyre) next to a cafe, have my tea waiting for callout, read, tv and get paid enough to cover my next day’s assessment and then some…and then ensure that my assesment was by the book and more than impressive…just to ■■■■ them off…
Some of you serial conformists who will have an hissy fit about me doing this sort of stuff, and call me everything under the sun…I couldn’t give a ■■■■, just calm down, it’s old school tactical revenge, winning by appearing to lose, and getting paid for playing their bloody stupid games…so deal with it.