Yeh ok, on the other hand the antihesis of that is the Rail Union.
Whether you agree with their methods or not, in terms of the disruption they may or may not cause, they represent their members well. 
No the donât. Half the country hate the rail unions and ainât too fond of the train drivers either for all that fuss over single operator trains last year. It was a textbook case of a group taking a stand over something that didnât matter, hiding it under the guise of Health and Safety and bringing the South of England into chaos. All that resulted is that train drivers got a rep as moaners.
Same with the junior doctors. What did they achieve apart from to take a public that was largely supportive of their cause and turn a great number against them by going on strike, closing services and putting lives at risk, just so that the contract they were unhappy about could be imposed. They were never going to win, and they knew it because the government always had the power to say, âwe are doing it weather you like it or not.â
EasyJet have a union and Ryanair do not it seems.
EasyJet staff seem very happy and the Ryanair staff have oppressive conditions apparently.
Yet I would buy my ticket on Easy all day long before I would buy it on Ryanair so I guess unions must be a good thing.
Or is it more of a case of when there is bad or unscrupulous management there is then a need for a good union or similar to balance the power so that the individual doesnât get shafted ?
It is these get rich quick guys who are leading the race to the bottom and bringing decent players down with them. But when it collapses they will be long gone with their loot.
Workers at a good outfit wonât join a union as they have little to gain for their dues but their boss is probably praying the union gets into the place down the road who are cutting the rates to crap, growing like wildfire and paying crap wages and conditions.
Beaver, Rob and the rest of the dirty dozen or so on here will not turn the industry back from the brink on their own but unlike most they will retain their dignity above all.
For everyone elseâs sake I think unions are the last hope before itâs too late. I have the names of at least a dozen good leaders to get started. 
Second Question is for Nsmith directly as your posts are usually on the money but your stance on this one surprises me.
Letâs say you have a regular cover driver on for the day and after the first drop he calls you to say there is no equipment to strap the now partial load and he thinks the load will topple at the back.
You instruct him to press on carefully but some of the stuff topples.
Is your response to him that you now want him to do a driving assessmentâ â ?
Forget about the overspeeds from a different journey as the truck was within the legal posted speed limits at all times or else you must bring all drivers with legal overspeeds in for assessment which we know they do not.
Personally I would view such an assessment as a disciplinary action for the load topple and yet if the driver refused to move until straps were supplied Iâm sure he would be in some trouble too.
What is your reply to your drivers phone call about no straps and your response to the said pallets toppling as a result Nick?
Assessmentâ â ? Surely not or your driver will surely walk away as not so Eagerbeaver did this time.