Been limping over the last few weeks and today I did a shift for Culina, Port Salford. I actually did a shift for them on Saturday and some of the load went over and I was asked to return it to the depot.
Went back in yesterday and did 3 drops in the North East with no issues whatsoever. They asked me to come back in this morning (0700 start) which I did, 2 drops- Preston and Bolton. Set off for Preston and I was just approaching the drop (James Hall) when my personal phone rang, so I pulled into the services next door. It was my agency who said that Culina had rang them and noticed from the telematics that I had ’ speeded ’ on a number of occasions yesterday. As a result of a partially shot load on the Saturday and these ’ speeding ’ reports from yesterday’s telematics, they wanted me to do a ’ driving assessment ’ next week for them 
I asked the agency lad if it would be paid (not that I would demean myself by doing one anyway
), and he replied " No " 
So I explained that he should contact Culina and tell them that only slaves and prisoners should work for free. I then bought a paper, turned the wagon around, and drove it straight back down the motorway and parked it outside the security hut.
I handed the truck keys to the security lad and got in my car and came home for a nice cup of tea. So, what would you lot have done?
7 pages so far. Well, heres my take on it. The day I got that phone call I would have simply carried on with the job I was on. Why not? There is in this situation no threat of working without pay is there? There is no obligation to go and do an assessment if you don
t want to, paid or unpaid its not going to affect what you
ve done, or are doing.
If you dont like the attitude of Culina, or anyone else, then don
t do their assessment, dont work for them in the future, I get that, isn
t that what agency is all about? But why walk off a job youve already started? That I don
t get.
Cmon EB are you such a prima donna that a phone call asking you, (not obliging you) to do summat you don
t fancy the following week, really upset you so much?? I never had you down as such a delicate flower, mate.
Would I have done an unpaid assessment for Culina? Well, Ive been in full time work for a long time, and find it interesting reading how agency work is changing and evolving. If I liked Culina and wanted to get lots of shifts for them, I probably would. I
d do that to get a perm job, and doing multiple assessments seems to be expected if youre gonna be on agency. Working for agency has ups and downs, and that
s one of the downs of agency isnt it? If I didn
t much like them, I wouldnt. Excuse my ignorance, but I seem to have read that lots of companies want an assessment drive before approving an agency driver? Have I got that wrong? Does this mean, EB, you
re not going to do ANY unpaid assessment drives? Aren`t you limiting where you can work if you follow that through?
So, would I have turned around and taken that truck back? No.
Would I do an unpaid assessment? Maybe.
Just to answer a couple of your points Monsieur 
Your initial instincts are correct, I am no delicate flower
The agency I have been attending for didn’t request any initial assessment drives for any of their customers and I have done a number of shifts for Culina last year so had no problems with them and they had none with me.
As for ’ unpaid ', Beaver doesn’t do sweet FA for nowt, regardless of if it leads to other/better avenues or not. It’s the principle of the thing.
The bottom line is this; Culina have spat the dummy because of a partially shot load. The pointy shoe wearing agency bellends have not been paid and they are refusing (at this early stage) to pay me for one shift. The actual shift I had the load problem with, I have been already paid for 
I knew the sharp haircut crew were going to start being knobheads, I can sniff a bellend from 1000 feet (DD taught me well) and knew after the phone call regarding the driving assessment request that I wouldn’t be doing any more Culina shifts which is why I drove the truck straight back and went playing golf.