Worst on the road?

so what if its two yrs ago does it matter they still not changed on road [zb]:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: good to start it again :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Royal mail drivers

^this x1000

i drive for royal mail extra long trailer day in day out and the worst in my opinion are in order of tossers are
tankers …containers… stobarts …transporters … Gregory and fred sherwoods and all the tipper lorrys most ignorant [zb] on the road example … m1 jun 38 southbound 50yards past the last marker typical container driver decides oh ill get off here and missed my front by inches for me not having to apply the brakes on hard who knows the m1 could be shut yet again due to some knob head being a ■■■■ miss daisy drives better than them i accept SOME mail drivers are knobs but dont tar all of them the same take a look at your selfs :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Crikey the lunatic mail commenting on bad driving, we had one come into our depot to complain about one of our drivers and people came out to take photographs should they not be believed.

bald bloke:
I put white van man because they seem to be on their phone a hell of a lot and not paying enough attention.

Personally it was difficult just to have the one vote.

You had three votes ? ? ?

Lorry drivers who think their lorry is bigger than others .

i drive for royal mail extra long trailer day in day out and the worst in my opinion are in order of tossers are
tankers …containers… stobarts …transporters … Gregory and fred sherwoods and all the tipper lorrys most ignorant [zb] on the road example … m1 jun 38 southbound 50yards past the last marker typical container driver decides oh ill get off here and missed my front by inches for me not having to apply the brakes on hard who knows the m1 could be shut yet again due to some knob head being a ■■■■ miss daisy drives better than them i accept SOME mail drivers are knobs but dont tar all of them the same take a look at your selfs :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Perhaps it’s you that’s driving like a ■■■■ end. Personally I think royal mail drivers, especially those with extra long trailers, are the worst. Furthermore, all royal mail drivers with extra long trailers can’t use punctuation.

Tipper drivers…always on a mission,barge through any gap :laughing:

Yup me too, I meet those 7.5 tonner night men on Royal Mail coming up to Manchester it’s like they’re in a race .

Peaky Blinder:
Tipper drivers…always on a mission,barge through any gap :laughing:

Yep :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

tango boy:
Cobleys drivers at the mo :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Peaky Blinder:
Tipper drivers…always on a mission,barge through any gap :laughing:

Got to crack on driver :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Class 2 drivers,proper jealous of us class oners.

Class 2 drivers,proper jealous of us class oners.

No it’s just that most class 1 drivers think they’re a cut above .

Dan Punchard:

Class 2 drivers,proper jealous of us class oners.

No it’s just that most class 1 drivers think they’re a cut above .

Our licences say we are I’m afraid.

Well it doesn’t say it on mine !

Stobart drivers are a cut above all of you.

Can’t see this on tapatalk but just checked online and there must be some mistake.
No option for skip drivers?

or tippers


Can’t see this on tapatalk but just checked online and there must be some mistake.
No option for skip drivers?

or tippers

Same thing .

Stobart drivers are a cut above all of you.

You missed the n out.

Dan Punchard:

Class 2 drivers,proper jealous of us class oners.

No it’s just that most class 1 drivers think they’re a cut above .

not me,given the chance it would be a nice merc sprinter,26 yrs class one and sick of it