Your on the right track !
Pensioners sorry folks but doing less than 50mph on the motorway not good
Agency men on for stobart tesco contract,ive seen some propper down and outs driving them scania g series all with dented doors ,i bet the eddie spotters dont teck snaps of them sheds
Stobart drivers are a cut above all of you.You missed the n out.
Got to be comment of the week
Lol. He must have failed the assessment Paul.
It gets some folk bitter.
Ha ha very funny stobart driver’s all clean and tidy for the camera couldn’t find water if they fell off a boat
Hee hee.I love my new job. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
Lol. He must have failed the assessment Paul.It gets some folk bitter.
It gets me bitter when I have to wait 2hrs for a lift at their rail terminal!
Take the stairs.
Hee hee.I love my new job. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.
Good man not like that unhappysack who chucks a wobbly when you mention owt about esl ,he bites more than agency men
Beaver, you are flying tonight.
Just read the entire thread. I have alternately laughed in agreement, kept my gob zipped in disagreement, resisted the frequent urge to post responses, and emerged relatively the same person 7 pages later. This long - suffering pale blue dot will, however, continue to accommodate all manner of good and - err… not-so-good road users (regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, attitude, chosen mode of propulsion etc) with the same unshakeable aplomb, until the sun bloats to the point of swallowing what remains of us up. The “poll” cannot ultimately result in anything remotely meaningful or conclusive, and nothing will change one iota, so I don’t see any purpose in submitting my own pointless opinion to all the other pointless opinions. Who gives a flying ■■■■ at a rolling doughnut whether I prefer Moldovans to pygmies either?
I would be moderately interested to hear from it’s learned instigator exactly how this gem of gathered data will be collated and used for the benefit and advancement of mankind though.
i drive for royal mail extra long trailer day in day out and the worst in my opinion are in order of tossers are
tankers …containers… stobarts …transporters … Gregory and fred sherwoods and all the tipper lorrys most ignorant [zb] on the road example … m1 jun 38 southbound 50yards past the last marker typical container driver decides oh ill get off here and missed my front by inches for me not having to apply the brakes on hard who knows the m1 could be shut yet again due to some knob head being a ■■■■ miss daisy drives better than them i accept SOME mail drivers are knobs but dont tar all of them the same take a look at your selfs![]()
And … Breathe!
(The odd bit of punctuation wouldn’t go amiss, either )
Drivers of basic cars that’ve been pimped.
Cars with those eyelashes on the headlights.
Fairydust stickers.
Any car with a stupid fish symbol on.
Asians in Nissans.
Parcel vans associated with Pete.
Take the stairs.
I voted truckdriver as i drive at night so dont have much to do with the pond life(obstackles ive been trained to give regard to) and at that truck drivers doing an overtake at 0.5 mph faster than me is my only quib but i knock my cc off and let them go then all is good.
No option for shunters?
Royalmail drivers can be a pain, had one the othernight on the M1, he deceided to start accelerating as I was almost past him, must have been sending a tweet or half asleep.
Put some manners on him though with a close cut in as I was at me junction.
In fact I have found myself being more and more disrespectful to other motorists, must be a box jockey thing.
as i said before , breathe , there are SOME mail drivers who drive like ignorant t wats … breathe especially 7.5 tonne … however most do drive like they are professional drivers
i myself will flash any driver who wants to pull in. ill slow down if i see them wanting to come in front,
but like tippers. stobart . containers , who couldnt give a toss how quickly they want to get in front of you . they not professional… migrants would prob drive better than them… oh they are
oh and tesco asda knobs please note most parts of the a5 is now 50 not 35mph just thought id say
Ok I will say it
Where is the box saying “agency drivers”. You can tell by the gimpy look apparently !!!