Worst on the road?

they all driving for maritime lol :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

as i said before , breathe , there are SOME mail drivers who drive like ignorant t wats ā€¦ breathe especially 7.5 tonne ā€¦ however most do drive like they are professional drivers
i myself will flash any driver who wants to pull in. ill slow down if i see them wanting to come in front,
but like tippers. stobart . containers , who couldnt give a toss how quickly they want to get in front of you . they not professionalā€¦ migrants would prob drive better than themā€¦ oh they are :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: oh and tesco asda knobs please note most parts of the a5 is now 50 not 35mph just thought id say

Well said.
If we all showed a little common sense and eased up when someone is slowly passing the public would have a better perception of us when on 2 lane carriageways.
It does not take much to ease off and let the slightly faster wagon pass rather than letting it take 2 miles and holding up all of the general public in the process.
Seems like some drivers take it as an affront to be overtaken.

as i said before , breathe , there are SOME mail drivers who drive like ignorant t wats ā€¦ breathe especially 7.5 tonne ā€¦ however most do drive like they are professional drivers
i myself will flash any driver who wants to pull in. ill slow down if i see them wanting to come in front,
but like tippers. stobart . containers , who couldnt give a toss how quickly they want to get in front of you . they not professionalā€¦ migrants would prob drive better than themā€¦ oh they are :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: oh and tesco asda knobs please note most parts of the a5 is now 50 not 35mph just thought id say

I too will will ease off if someone is struggling to overtake. However it does beg the question of why would they overtake in the first place? If Iā€™m catching someone at 0.5 mph over a long period Iā€™ll just ease off a tad (itā€™s not illegal to ease off the limiter), and more to the point this is Britain ffs, thereā€™ll be a hill or traffic jam along in a minute to render the overtake moot anyway.

the maoster:

as i said before , breathe , there are SOME mail drivers who drive like ignorant t wats ā€¦ breathe especially 7.5 tonne ā€¦ however most do drive like they are professional drivers
i myself will flash any driver who wants to pull in. ill slow down if i see them wanting to come in front,
but like tippers. stobart . containers , who couldnt give a toss how quickly they want to get in front of you . they not professionalā€¦ migrants would prob drive better than themā€¦ oh they are :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: oh and tesco asda knobs please note most parts of the a5 is now 50 not 35mph just thought id say

I too will will ease off if someone is struggling to overtake. However it does beg the question of why would they overtake in the first place? If Iā€™m catching someone at 0.5 mph over a long period Iā€™ll just ease off a tad (itā€™s not illegal to ease off the limiter), and more to the point this is Britain ffs, thereā€™ll be a hill or traffic jam along in a minute to render the overtake moot anyway.

Mao, welcome to the 1% club. There canā€™t be many of us!

99% feel its okay to drive a foot from your rear end and straddle the white line, so they can glare at you through the mirror. They will then pull into middle lane causing some poor motorist to anchor on, crawl past you, and then finish the job by cutting in front of you, leaving you no stopping distance, so forcing you to back off, which then forces the next ape behind you to start the process again.
Is this behaviour now mandatory? Have I missed a paragraph in the CPC?

As there isnā€™t an option for all of the above, I voted none of the above :unamused:

just do what the nft ( national ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  ā– ā– ā– ā–  ) did ā€¦
m1 roadworks stuck behind 3.5 tonne ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– , takes him in fast lane doing approx 57 mph. flashing his lights at the poor guy and takes a few cones out on the way ,as the width was 6.6 not 8.2 ah well bell end

These seem to be the worst around the ā€™ valleysā€™ & other roads , Early morning rush traffic from 6am to 8am, car drivers, & builders / construction vans.
Impatient, cut you up, pull straight across infront of you to take the first exit on roundabouts coming from behind you, as your starting to roll forwards to go straight ahead.

All you perfect truckers please tell me why is it when someone pulls into middle lane To allow another truck To join motorway then wait till till he ready To pull in only for the other truck To speed up and leave him in middle lane I just donā€™t get it just ease off let him pull in then overtake :exclamation: :exclamation:

All you perfect truckers please tell me why is it when someone pulls into middle lane To allow another truck To join motorway then wait till till he ready To pull in only for the other truck To speed up and leave him in middle lane I just donā€™t get it just ease off let him pull in then overtake :exclamation: :exclamation:

Im far from one of this forums perfect drivers but if I may try, slip road etiquet is tricky as slip road traffic should give way to vehicles on the main carriageway, but that doesnt mean you have right of way as there is no such thing apparently.

Anyway if its safe to do so and a situation is evolving that two large vehicles are competing for the same roadspace then the vehicle on the main carriagway should (but doesnt have to) move over to allow a fellow damsel to join.

Now the merging vehicle should realise that they have been done a favour and either slowly merge or ease off if its apparent the vehicle on the main carrigeway has a slower top speed.

However its a judgement call if the speed differential is so much in the merging vehicles favour that easing off is silly then foot down and little flick of the indicator to apologise is expected.
But this can be negated if your side by side and in this case the merging vehicle should ease off as by continuing they may drag lighter traffic with them thus causing the vehicle that has let them in more problems.

However I do understand that another sister of the road will just want to crack on and as im pegged at 52mph its pointless to elephant race, so if I am the main carriageway vehicle I usually indicate my intention to pull in behind the merging vehicle at the point it is acceptable to warn lighter vehicles not to follow through.

This seems to work quite well and its a bonus if the merging vehicle gives a little thankyou flash.

One note of caution, if a car tries to follow the faster merging vehicle threw then put some manners on the ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  and at the same time utter the phrase ā€œoh no you dontā€.

All you perfect truckers please tell me why is it when someone pulls into middle lane To allow another truck To join motorway then wait till till he ready To pull in only for the other truck To speed up and leave him in middle lane I just donā€™t get it just ease off let him pull in then overtake :exclamation: :exclamation:

They are being pricks. Unfortunately when you move into the middle lane to let them out you do not know they are pricks. Still prefer to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
Most drivers will appreciate another driver moving out to let them in and will duly oblige to let them back In at the earliest opportunity.

Yes they are prick s and no you donā€™t know they are but so annoying when your just past them and thinking of indicating to pull then boom they think its funny to come up the inside and not even a thank you
Knobs :unamused:

Annoying pricks yes but one has to accept that even the best drivers will make a poor decision, its rarely personal and only by accepting our own faults can we forgive the faults we recognise in others.

We all reach the same destination in the end it is only the journey that is different. So live, love, laugh and begin each day with the knowledge that at some point at least one bugger is going to ā– ā– ā– ā–  us off.

Cant remember the last time I was this stonedā€¦ :wink:

nothing wrong with being stoned :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


i was once driving along in a merc actros and these two cyclists were cycling two-a-breast down the cycle lane. the one on the inside was in the cycle lane and the one on the outside was on the roadā€¦

so i tooted the horn. politely. because i needed that space.

i swiftly got two fingers. so i had to wait until the traffic went by before i could overtakeā€¦

some cyclists seem to be lords of the road!

ANOTHER TIMEā€¦ in Londonā€¦ driving a DAF i think. rigid. and a cyclist sshed his head into my passenger mirror! full cycle speed! bent the thing round!

he got up. and without even glancing my way quickly got back on his bike and rode off! now im stuck mid london traffic with a mirror i canā€™t see out ofā€¦

ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 

so i tooted the horn. politely. because i needed that space.

And here we have a perfect example of why there is such a problem.

If you needed the space then you should have waited until there was space to overtake. The cyclist has as much right as you to be on the road. It is up to the cyclist whether they use the cycle lane or not. NOT YOU.

so i tooted the horn. politely. because i needed that space.

And here we have a perfect example of why there is such a problem.

If you needed the space then you should have waited until there was space to overtake. The cyclist has as much right as you to be on the road. It is up to the cyclist whether they use the cycle lane or not. NOT YOU.

there was a cycle lane?

he could of cycled behind the other cyclist in the cycle lane which is created for the safe riding of cyclists.

this cyclist was on the roadā€¦ because he wanted to chat with his mate

the cyclist should show respect to other road users and use the lane provided for him and not cause traffic by being an ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– . simple.

Rule 66
Cyclists may ride two abreast but on busy, narrow roads should ride in single file. If cyclists are two abreast on a busy, narrow road it is acceptable to knock the outer one off providing all twuntcam footage can be deletedā€¦

[Highway Code 2015, Roadrage Edition]


so i tooted the horn. politely. because i needed that space.

And here we have a perfect example of why there is such a problem.

If you needed the space then you should have waited until there was space to overtake. The cyclist has as much right as you to be on the road. It is up to the cyclist whether they use the cycle lane or not. NOT YOU.

there was a cycle lane?

he could of cycled behind the other cyclist in the cycle lane which is created for the safe riding of cyclists.

this cyclist was on the roadā€¦ because he wanted to chat with his mate

the cyclist should show respect to other road users and use the lane provided for him and not cause traffic by being an [zb]. simple.

Sorry but that is not your decision to make.
If the cyclist uses the road then you should wait for a safe opportunity to pass.
He probably should be in the cycle lane for his own safety but you have no right to blast your horn to tell him to move.
Itā€™s a bit like tris the other day talking about moving into my lane. It is not his lane at all.
Drivers need to realise they do not own the road.
Vulnerable users need protection from those that think they do.


so i tooted the horn. politely. because i needed that space.

And here we have a perfect example of why there is such a problem.

If you needed the space then you should have waited until there was space to overtake. The cyclist has as much right as you to be on the road. It is up to the cyclist whether they use the cycle lane or not. NOT YOU.

there was a cycle lane?

he could of cycled behind the other cyclist in the cycle lane which is created for the safe riding of cyclists.

this cyclist was on the roadā€¦ because he wanted to chat with his mate

the cyclist should show respect to other road users and use the lane provided for him and not cause traffic by being an [zb]. simple.

Sorry but that is not your decision to make.
If the cyclist uses the road then you should wait for a safe opportunity to pass.

so your on a dual carriageway. there are 2 lanes obviously and a cycle lane about a meter wide with 2 cyclists, one in the cycle lane, and one in the left hand lane.

the right hand land is filled with cars trying to overtake you.

in future i should wait until the cyclist either moves over into his lane or until he turns off? politely ā€˜tootingā€™ to say ā€œexcuse me i need to use thatā€ is wrong?

the whole point of the horn is to tell other road users of your whereabouts?

am i still wrong? im still learning so give me a chance :neutral_face:

Itā€™s a bit like tris the other day talking about moving into my lane. It is not his lane at all.
Drivers need to realise they do not own the roadā€¦

its both your lane, share it :unamused: :laughing: :sunglasses: