Sorry but that is not your decision to make.
If the cyclist uses the road then you should wait for a safe opportunity to pass.
so your on a dual carriageway. there are 2 lanes obviously and a cycle lane about a meter wide with 2 cyclists, one in the cycle lane, and one in the left hand lane.
the right hand land is filled with cars trying to overtake you.
in future i should wait until the cyclist either moves over into his lane or until he turns off? politely ‘tooting’ to say “excuse me i need to use that” is wrong?
the whole point of the horn is to tell other road users of your whereabouts?
am i still wrong? im still learning so give me a chance 
It’s a bit like tris the other day talking about moving into my lane. It is not his lane at all.
Drivers need to realise they do not own the road…
its both your lane, share it

Correct. Wrong. Wrong
you are indeed correct that the horn is there to warn others of your presence. If you find yourself on a d/c in the scenario you described then yes you should wait behind the cyclist until a safe overtaking opportunity arises, which leads me to the last “wrong”; if you find yourself in such a position then generally you are not looking far enough ahead and therefore not planning far enough ahead.
A bit like them (invariably) little hatchbacks you see stuck behind a tractor for miles on a d/c 'cos they can’t look further ahead than the brake lights of the vehicle in front.
Not a pop at you btw, you’ve said you are still learning, I’m just trying to make it as painless as possible. 
White van man - because he must have been offered the job as a halfway house thing - nothing else available. Pull out in front all the time, never look at their mirrors (if they have not already been broken off!) and on a good day the best you’ll get out of them for a rebuke is a maxwell house wave.
Taxi Drivers - You don’t need to know how to drive, you don’t need to know your way about - just how to do 180 turns when being approached from all directions by traffic. Forcing traffic to stop suddenly was always a “driving test fail” in my book, so as far as I’m concerned these people get their licences by buying a licence - and not earning and learning it properly. 
Teenagers - Everyone is a boy racer, including the girls. 'Nuff said. 
Moped/Scooter riders. Almost as slow as a cyclist but ride practically on the white lines to stop other traffic from passing. One moved to the right to try and stop me passing them earlier, they were fairly close to the verge (NSL) but as I overtook (left them plenty of room thank christ) they moved as if to block me. Then cue the head shaking normally done by decrepid motorists in Rover 45s as I pass by.
And why do mopeds (as ginger beer as they are) make all that stupid noise?
Those “recovery companies” who run clapped out trucks that were probably run by real recovery firms 15 or 20 years ago. They have the words "RECOVERY " and a mobile number on the doors made with stick on wheelie bin letters/numbers. Drivers can’t function without a phone stuck to their ear, the truck interior looks like someone emptied a litter bin inside it and lane discipline is a skill the driver hasn’t learnt yet.
They are apparently on call 24/7 except on Sundays when they go banger racing, motocross racing or hare coursing.
I am white van man (well actually it’s green and silver) so I’m not voting for myself 
It’s a tough call but I’d have to plump for taxi drivers. I do 95% of my driving on motorways at night, and I see ridiculous demonstrations of driving from all categories of drivers (including truckers, who at the moment seem to enjoy getting to within 2 feet of my back door before deciding to overtake, even though they can see for the previous half mile they’re gaining on me) but without a doubt taxi drivers are the worst culprits and have absolutely no concept of lane discipline. You can also forget about indicating. They also seem to think that they have some right to drive with their full beam on at night, usually they are completely in a world of their own.
Cyclists are a close second. The other 5% of my driving is in town and city suburbs, and the amount of clowns I see at night driving on unlit roads with no lights, no reflectors, no high-vis clothing or helmet is ridiculous. I’ve got a good mind to start sounding the horn really loudly as I pass these idiots having seen them at the last minute and nearly clobbered them with my wing mirror. If it wasn’t late evening then I probably would do. It’s about time cyclists are licensed and regulated like the rest of road users, and the police need to get to grips with all the unlit idiots at night.
What about driving instructors? I’ve seen a lot blatantly encouraging learners to pull out on traffic rather than wait. They stop them at short notice (stop dead on a hill infront of me and I’m not too understanding) and get them to practice reversing in silly places. I’ve seen a few on their mobiles which I thought was illegal as the instructor is in charge of the vehicle?