Worst on the road?



The only reason people do not like motorcycles filtering is simply jealousy, they just hate the fact that someone is not being held up as they are !! :open_mouth:

Itā€™s not so clever in the case of looking right with nothing in front at a roundabout and then some idiot on a moped goes up the inside and pulls across the front just as you start off.The fast bikes generally arenā€™t a problem because when they go to the front they do it on the offside and theyā€™re gone.

I use a scooter and on L plates. I always go on the outside. Why do you think that everyone on a moped/scooter always goes on the inside?

Because they havenā€™t learnt the hard way yet?



Dave the Renegade:
I dislike the way that bikers push their way up to the front of a queue at traffic lights

You mean the completely legal manoeuvre called filtering? :unamused:

On the subject of tractor drivers just imagine a line of traffic has spent ages waiting for a safe opportunity to overtake a slow lumbering tractor then has to stop at the lights and the tractor then overtakes all the stationary traffic and pulls across the front thereby causing the whole issue again.In addition to which is the issue of cyclists putting themselves into dangerous situations by undertaking trucks.Filtering bs.Itā€™s just more double standards being applied to cyclists which if applied to any other road user group would be driving without consideration for other road users.

I know you have an unhealthy obsession with cyclists but the term ā€˜bikersā€™ generally means motorcyclists. Cyclists that have a motor that is.

There is only one lane on a motorway you dippy.

Now I thought I knew the highway code but seems you are trying to convince me otherwise.
So if there is only one lane on a motorway which one is it? Lane oneā€¦lane twoā€¦lane threeā€¦or maybe lane four or five?
Ah wait I get it, if you apply lane discipline there is only one laneā€¦yeah that must be it eh?

JEEZ no wonder I donā€™t have a sense of humour coming on here.I think I need a stiff drink now!

There is only one lane on the motorway, the one you are in, in much the same way as the only moment you have is now, the past and future donā€™t exist.




Dave the Renegade:
I dislike the way that bikers push their way up to the front of a queue at traffic lights

You mean the completely legal manoeuvre called filtering? :unamused:

On the subject of tractor drivers just imagine a line of traffic has spent ages waiting for a safe opportunity to overtake a slow lumbering tractor then has to stop at the lights and the tractor then overtakes all the stationary traffic and pulls across the front thereby causing the whole issue again.In addition to which is the issue of cyclists putting themselves into dangerous situations by undertaking trucks.Filtering bs.Itā€™s just more double standards being applied to cyclists which if applied to any other road user group would be driving without consideration for other road users.

I know you have an unhealthy obsession with cyclists but the term ā€˜bikersā€™ generally means motorcyclists. Cyclists that have a motor that is.

i liked the bit where he said ā€œon the subject of tractorsā€ then quoted nothing to do with tractors :laughing: :laughing:

and anyway, not all tractors are slow and lumbering :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Maybe not but all tractors are pain in ars just like them ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  container drivers

Maybe not but all tractors are pain in ars just like them ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  container drivers

Get off that bloody fence ferchrissakes! Say what you mean man.m :stuck_out_tongue:


how have you never been trained how to use a taco , where did you get your lessons from ?

I think youā€™ll find thereā€™s plenty of drivers who have never been trained on tachographs, myself included.

Unless youā€™re lucky enough to have some training, you know itā€™s part of the job so you find the informations and teach yourself.

I had no tacho training until I did the driver hours module for my DCPC. Which I think is wrong, but thatā€™s just how it is.

I do say what I mean and what I mean to say is the majority of container drivers are bell ends

I do say what I mean and what I mean to say is the majority of container drivers are bell ends

All your postā€™s tell us you hate container drivers. Your not fishing for a bite are you from so called container drivers?

No not at all why are you one of them bet you are

No not at all why are you one of them bet you are

Nope a fridge driver

Motorbikes by a mile. Ride at stupid speeds in traffic, swerving in and out, and then complain when they get knocked off. IMO should be fair risk for riding like a ā– ā– ā– .

Motorbikes by a mile. Ride at stupid speeds in traffic, swerving in and out, and then complain when they get knocked off. IMO should be fair risk for riding like a ā– ā– ā– .

dew did you not read the results? Motorbike riders 3%ā€¦truck driversā€¦11%ā€¦kinda puts your theory out the window!

Personally I donā€™t like polls like this it just help reinforce prejudices.

All of us are are not one particular road user, we swap between them. So if we get out our truck and get in our car or on a push bike does that make suddenly make us a bad road user? Or does it happen if its vice versa?
Each user group seems to have its fair share of incompetents and outright selfish nutters, they are the ones that are most noticeable and get the whole group tarred with the same brush.
And do we Drive at our best all the time? I know Iā€™m not always the best I could have been and I know other make mistakes. Hopefully Iā€™ll notice thier mistakes manage to avoid them.

Personally I donā€™t like polls like this it just help reinforce prejudices.


I find the germans worse :unamused:

Anything that has 1 or more wheels and that has a human being in chargeā€¦ :smiling_imp:

i drive for royal mail extra long trailer day in day out and the worst in my opinion are in order of tossers are
tankers ā€¦containersā€¦ stobarts ā€¦transporters ā€¦ Gregory and fred sherwoods and all the tipper lorrys most ignorant ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  on the road example ā€¦ m1 jun 38 southbound 50yards past the last marker typical container driver decides oh ill get off here and missed my front by inches for me not having to apply the brakes on hard who knows the m1 could be shut yet again due to some knob head being a ā– ā– ā– ā–  miss daisy drives better than them i accept SOME mail drivers are knobs but dont tar all of them the same take a look at your selfs :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Cobleys drivers at the mo :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You both do realise that this is from 2013, nearly 2 years ago.

Iā€™m waiting for a certain Yorkshire "K"now it all to mention stobart drivers.

:smiley: stobrats drivers :laughing: :laughing: (not yorki derbyshire lad )dose that count :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: