Worst on the road?

As a truck driver and motorcyclist I admit there are some nuts on bikes but the rest of us do ride with consideration, we have to as if we get it wrong we don’t have a big cage and airbags to protect us, I think people are envious because we don’t get held up by the traffic and most blokes don’t have the ■■■■■■■■ to ride a big bike, you would pee yourself on a 30 year old 50cc moped and would have to go running to your mum for new skiddies.

Lonewolf Yorks:

When I’m not driving a wagon I’m often found on this. When was the last time you was held up by a biker??

I dislike the way that bikers push their way up to the front of a queue at traffic lights, even if they go beyond the line, especially at temporary lights etc. Also the fact that some motorcyclists do some very dangerous manouvres causing other motorists to swerve or brake to avoid an accident. I know some bikers are sensible responsible riders, but a high percentage are not. Incidently I did used to ride motorbikes myself :exclamation:

I would say that Addison Lee drivers are amongst the worst, along with the majority of Nissan qashqai drivers

going back to the subject of worst drivers as its just gone a little wayward is Eddie stobart watching the dicks on tv and making up all believe they the only ones with tight schedules and targets etc we all got the same problems we choose not to make us look stupid on tv and also if you can’t use a tacho you shouldn’t be driving mind you containers drivers don’t seem to care about speed limits you know who I’m talking about Mr maritime 30 means 30 not 55 also skoda drivers who have glasses and look like the guy from the Halifax advert
Yes you know who

Can we have a new thread. Worst punctuation?

Punctuation whats this a new buzz word for punctures!!!. Seriously Happysack I just print it as I think it. Having spent more time looking out the windows of Kirkconnel school at the lorries going through than learning I was never on the prize list. So I was more than happy to walk out Nov.56 and having always got through life with not a thought or care about what was it Punctuation I am certainly no gauny start worrying about it now. Eddie.

Fatboy slimslow:
Cyclists! :laughing: arrogant, ignorant and uninsured! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I couldn’t agree more. :smiley: :smiley:

Humans are the worse thing on the roads :cry: . Especially when using something as a mode of transport :angry: .

Punctuation whats this a new buzz word for punctures!!!. Seriously Happysack I just print it as I think it. Having spent more time looking out the windows of Kirkconnel school at the lorries going through than learning I was never on the prize list. So I was more than happy to walk out Nov.56 and having always got through life with not a thought or care about what was it Punctuation I am certainly no gauny start worrying about it now. Eddie.



jessicas dad:

Lorry drivers are up there with the worst in my opinion…

speak for yourself not me.

Saaamon’s obviously a bit jealous because he only drives a van now. :laughing:

Incidentally, the worst examples of driving that I saw today were by van drivers, white or otherwise.

After yet another disgraceful selfish by yet another bell end container driver how he never caused accident I’ll never know just proves to me that my top ten worst drivers are
1 container drivers
2 container drivers
3 Eddie stobart
4 Tesco
5 container drivers
6 Fred Sherwood
7 tnt and dhl
8 container drivers
9 ■■■■■■ drivers
10 polish drivers
Says it all really

Dave the Renegade:
I dislike the way that bikers push their way up to the front of a queue at traffic lights

You mean the completely legal manoeuvre called filtering? :unamused:

After yet another disgraceful selfish by yet another bell end container driver how he never caused accident I’ll never know just proves to me that my top ten worst drivers are
1 container drivers
2 container drivers
3 Eddie stobart
4 Tesco
5 container drivers
6 Fred Sherwood
7 tnt and dhl
8 container drivers
9 ■■■■■■ drivers
10 polish drivers
Says it all really

So what you are saying is lorry drivers are probably the worst group on the road?

No not saying that I’d say some are prob the safest out there just certain ones for certain company’s and the worst are container drivers they just pykies

Try to imagine the roads being mainly made up of just cyclists,buses and school run parents then throw a few tractor drivers into the mix in addition to the obviously unmentionable ethnic angle in places like Middlesex ( West London ). :open_mouth: :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing:




Dave the Renegade:
I dislike the way that bikers push their way up to the front of a queue at traffic lights

You mean the completely legal manoeuvre called filtering? :unamused:

On the subject of tractor drivers just imagine a line of traffic has spent ages waiting for a safe opportunity to overtake a slow lumbering tractor then has to stop at the lights and the tractor then overtakes all the stationary traffic and pulls across the front thereby causing the whole issue again.In addition to which is the issue of cyclists putting themselves into dangerous situations by undertaking trucks.Filtering bs.It’s just more double standards being applied to cyclists which if applied to any other road user group would be driving without consideration for other road users.

The only reason people do not like motorcycles filtering is simply jealousy, they just hate the fact that someone is not being held up as they are !! :open_mouth:

The only reason people do not like motorcycles filtering is simply jealousy, they just hate the fact that someone is not being held up as they are !! :open_mouth:

It’s not so clever in the case of looking right with nothing in front at a roundabout and then some idiot on a moped goes up the inside and pulls across the front just as you start off.The fast bikes generally aren’t a problem because when they go to the front they do it on the offside and they’re gone.


The only reason people do not like motorcycles filtering is simply jealousy, they just hate the fact that someone is not being held up as they are !! :open_mouth:

It’s not so clever in the case of looking right with nothing in front at a roundabout and then some idiot on a moped goes up the inside and pulls across the front just as you start off.The fast bikes generally aren’t a problem because when they go to the front they do it on the offside and they’re gone.

I use a scooter and on L plates. I always go on the outside. Why do you think that everyone on a moped/scooter always goes on the inside?