Worst on the road?

Yes it is a sad fact that as professionals our driving standards are pretty appalling.Obviously there are still plenty very good drivers out there but unfortunately some of the bad ones seem to think they are good.We do not need a stupid inaccurate poll like this to tell us.
Every day on the roads there are countless acts of not just bad driving but downright dangerous driving and we wonder why there are so many deaths on our roads.
Will it ever improve? I somehow doubt it with the atrocious attitudes of many drivers.

Yes it is a sad fact that as professionals our driving standards are pretty appalling.Obviously there are still plenty very good drivers out there but unfortunately some of the bad ones seem to think they are good.We do not need a stupid inaccurate poll like this to tell us.
Every day on the roads there are countless acts of not just bad driving but downright dangerous driving and we wonder why there are so many deaths on our roads.
Will it ever improve? I somehow doubt it with the atrocious attitudes of many drivers.

Get over it. I drive dangerously on a daily basis. I also like steering with my knees whilst making a cup of tea.

Albion, it’s life and there are bad apples all over. if everyone was to be perfect then this world would be a boring place. Now off to try and do stunts in my lorry

Yes micky about right for someone who believes there is only one lane on a motorway.The others are overtaking lanes.The logic is stunning.

There is only one lane on a motorway you dippy. Have a look it’s called lane discipline. Surely being so perfect at everything you should know that?

Looks to me you have no sense of humour. Maybe step away from the roadside and find faults with cyclists?

Did you hear that transport department are looking to waste there money making Dutch cycle lanes in Cambridge. Over £4 million going to be wasted. Money could be spent on better things like more bins for dog ■■■, or making more bus stops.

The more you post the more you convince me you’re a troll.

You should always drive in the left-hand lane when the road ahead is clear. If you are overtaking a number of slower-moving vehicles, you should return to the left-hand lane as soon as you are safely past. Slow-moving or speed-restricted vehicles should always remain in the left-hand lane of the carriageway unless overtaking.

There is only one lane on a motorway you dippy.

Now I thought I knew the highway code but seems you are trying to convince me otherwise.
So if there is only one lane on a motorway which one is it? Lane one…lane two…lane three…or maybe lane four or five?
Ah wait I get it, if you apply lane discipline there is only one lane…yeah that must be it eh?

JEEZ no wonder I don’t have a sense of humour coming on here.I think I need a stiff drink now!

There is only one lane on a motorway you dippy.

Now I thought I knew the highway code but seems you are trying to convince me otherwise.
So if there is only one lane on a motorway which one is it? Lane one…lane two…lane three…or maybe lane four or five?
Ah wait I get it, if you apply lane discipline there is only one lane…yeah that must be it eh?

JEEZ no wonder I don’t have a sense of humour coming on here.I think I need a stiff drink now!

Left hand lane which is known and called lane 1. Others are for overtaking. Now go and have that squash, but make sure you don’t drink to much. Don’t want you ending up in AA

18 to 25 no matter what they drive!

I would like to add the a**sehole who parked in the caravan bay at Donnington Park at lunchtime today, when there were dozens of spaces in the truck park!

I would like to add the a**sehole who parked in the caravan bay at Donnington Park at lunchtime today, when there were dozens of spaces in the truck park!

Truck park stinks of ■■■■, much nicer in the caravan part :wink:

going back to the subject of worst drivers as its just gone a little wayward is Eddie stobart watching the dicks on tv and making up all believe they the only ones with tight schedules and targets etc we all got the same problems we choose not to make us look stupid on tv and also if you can’t use a tacho you shouldn’t be driving mind you containers drivers don’t seem to care about speed limits you know who I’m talking about Mr maritime 30 means 30 not 55 also skoda drivers who have glasses and look like the guy from the Halifax advert
Yes you know who

going back to the subject of worst drivers as its just gone a little wayward is Eddie stobart watching the dicks on tv and making up all believe they the only ones with tight schedules and targets etc we all got the same problems we choose not to make us look stupid on tv and also if you can’t use a tacho you shouldn’t be driving mind you containers drivers don’t seem to care about speed limits you know who I’m talking about Mr maritime 30 means 30 not 55 also skoda drivers who have glasses and look like the guy from the Halifax advert
Yes you know who

How do you know the Maritime motor was doing 55?

All this could be eleviated if people and I mean all people just gave them selves a bit extra time to make their journey instead of leaving it till the last second then having to rush and drive like idiots. IMHO

Often, bad driving isn’t down to lack of ability, it’s down to bad attitude!
I’m sure we’ve all seen examples and thought, “he must know that’s a stupid thing to do, he’s just chosen to do it?”

Maybe it was 53 mph as an experienced truck driver you just know that it was rather quick and just to put your childish minds at ease not all royal mail drivers are bad you have to remember for what they do they are under worked and get paid well for what they do women truck drivers are worst

Honda CRV or Citroen Picasso drivers - built for sunday driving, limited to 45mph on motorways. If you have one of these vehicles in front of you, you can guarantee its going to be trouble…

it has to be farmers on tractors, i am sick of them doing 20mph on the A55, at least OAP’s usually manage a giddy 35mph.

Lorry drivers are up there with the worst in my opinion…

speak for yourself not me.

i vote cyclists motorbikes and taxis

It will be interesting to see how many drivers get caught for tail gating which is highly dangerous.
I voted farmers with tractors, white van drivers and motorcyclists, as most of the three show very little consideration for other road users.


When I’m not driving a wagon I’m often found on this. When was the last time you was held up by a biker??