Worst on the road?

■■■■ poll appears to be broken… It only let me vote for cyclists once :smiley:

Maybe if you tried cycling once in a while you could change your username :grimacing: :grimacing: :wink:


■■■■ poll appears to be broken… It only let me vote for cyclists once :smiley:

Maybe if you tried cycling once in a while you could change your username :grimacing: :grimacing: :wink:

Quality. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Cyclists - for undertaking u in traffic

Pensioners- fed up overtaking them on motorways

School run drivers - roads are stand still daily between 3 an 4 pm

Cyclists aren’t actually all that bad, usually give them a bit of room and they’ll give you a thumbs up (cant vouch for city centre cyclists!), its the road captain ones with the head cams that think they own the roads who are the worst.

teenagers for me , not all but the majority of young lads do themselves no favours . only yesterday i was in my car overtaking a lorry on a dual carridgway & a carfull of ‘yoofs’ just appeared in my mirror & started all the flashing of lights & testiculating various hand signals at me , Sorry lads yer now going to go at my pace rather than the legal speed i was originally doing, When i finaly turned off, they took more notice of me by directing their obviously intelligent argument at my car than what was happening directly in front of them :frowning:

the government cant find a way to bring insureance premiums down for ‘just passed drivers’ ?
all these
‘fit a tracker’ ?
‘not allowed out after 7 at night’ ?
‘no passengers’ ?
do they think this will work ? of course it wont but i do have a solution that seems to be a bit obvious , why not resrict the ‘newly passed’ drivers to a maximum ‘CC’ band car ? at 17 a pass would only see you insured for a 1.1 at 18 insured for a 1.4 at 20 a 1.6 & then nothing over a 2litre until they’re 25.

maybe the accident rate would lower if the ‘boy racers’ out to impress their friends, didn’t have the power to wheelspin without stalling a 1.1 :smiley:

molepower I can assure you a 17 year old is quite capapble of killing themselves or someone else in a 1.1
It is nothing to do with the car.It is about the attitude behind the wheel!

Now why I wonder why nobody mentioned my earlier post.At least give your opinion or may be you agree I am correct.

I wondered why saamon and my self seem to be the only ones to notice that there are plenty bad lorry drivers out there.
Also I wonder why cyclists have the highest ratings? Maybe something to do with the obvious hatred for them on here.
Remember they have an excuse.They are not trained.What excuse do lorry drivers have?

molepower I can assure you a 17 year old is quite capapble of killing themselves or someone else in a 1.1
It is nothing to do with the car.It is about the attitude behind the wheel!

Now why I wonder why nobody mentioned my earlier post.At least give your opinion or may be you agree I am correct.

I wondered why saamon and my self seem to be the only ones to notice that there are plenty bad lorry drivers out there.
Also I wonder why cyclists have the highest ratings? Maybe something to do with the obvious hatred for them on here.
Remember they have an excuse.They are not trained.What excuse do lorry drivers have?

Ok I’m gonna bite this time (normally I merely ignore you as this post of yours is just a rehash of every other post you make).
Yes there are some absolutely atrocious lorry drivers out there who shouldn’t be in control of a fairground dodgem never mind a truck, I see that sad fact daily as I’m sure that every other member here does too. Unfortunately bad driving in a truck because of their sheer size and presence is far more noticeable than bad driving in smaller modes of transport, so as such we notice it a lot more.

So I and probably anyone with any sense agrees 100% with you that driving standards are dropping, but my questions are twofold; firstly, what exactly do YOU expect the members of a forum to do to change this? Secondly, why do you feel the need to repeat your message at every opportunity on this forum? You’re leaning against an open door to be honest, every member here knows tailgating is dangerous and bullying, every member knows speed limits are there for a reason, every member witness’s atrocious driving daily, but still you feel the need to spout vitriol at every opportunity, why?

I am genuinely curious as to why you limit your lectures to this forum. Obviously road safety is something that you are passionate about and I applaud you for that, but I think that most members here agree with your sentiments but are grown ups who left the pious preaching back in Sunday school.

I expected cyclists to be top of this straw poll as they are the only untrained road users in that list

the maoster:

molepower I can assure you a 17 year old is quite capapble of killing themselves or someone else in a 1.1
It is nothing to do with the car.It is about the attitude behind the wheel!

Now why I wonder why nobody mentioned my earlier post.At least give your opinion or may be you agree I am correct.

I wondered why saamon and my self seem to be the only ones to notice that there are plenty bad lorry drivers out there.
Also I wonder why cyclists have the highest ratings? Maybe something to do with the obvious hatred for them on here.
Remember they have an excuse.They are not trained.What excuse do lorry drivers have?

Ok I’m gonna bite this time (normally I merely ignore you as this post of yours is just a rehash of every other post you make).
Yes there are some absolutely atrocious lorry drivers out there who shouldn’t be in control of a fairground dodgem never mind a truck, I see that sad fact daily as I’m sure that every other member here does too. Unfortunately bad driving in a truck because of their sheer size and presence is far more noticeable than bad driving in smaller modes of transport, so as such we notice it a lot more.

So I and probably anyone with any sense agrees 100% with you that driving standards are dropping, but my questions are twofold; firstly, what exactly do YOU expect the members of a forum to do to change this? Secondly, why do you feel the need to repeat your message at every opportunity on this forum? You’re leaning against an open door to be honest, every member here knows tailgating is dangerous and bullying, every member knows speed limits are there for a reason, every member witness’s atrocious driving daily, but still you feel the need to spout vitriol at every opportunity, why?

I am genuinely curious as to why you limit your lectures to this forum. Obviously road safety is something that you are passionate about and I applaud you for that, but I think that most members here agree with your sentiments but are grown ups who left the pious preaching back in Sunday school.

Ok thanks for your reply and also for being honest.At least you admit there are plenty bad lorry drivers something a lot on here seem to dispute or refuse to believe it is true.

My answer to your first question is that some on here seem to be extremely quick to criticize other groups of vehicles when in reality some truck drivers are just as bad.We are meant to be the professionals but it rarely shows on here or on the roads and that is what gets my back up.
I would love to come on here and praise truck drivers and I probably would have 30 years ago but I am not going to do that just because I am one of them especially after what I see on the roads most days.
I do not spout vitriol at all.I am being perfectly honest and when I read some of the rubbish that is posted and I speak my mind.
This is a forum which is for giving your views and opinions and that is what I am doing.Unfortunately I very rarely get anyone willing to have a proper discussion and dispute my views.Usually it just childish abuse for a reply.

I can also assure you I do not limit my lectures as you call them to this forum.I am involved in various activities which are all transport related and far more productive than anything that happens on this forum.
If what you say is true about other members why will they not have an adult discussion about any given subject?
Maybe because they are in self denial!

Do you honestly believe every member on here drives professionally because judging by the attitude in their posts I somehow doubt it.

I expected cyclists to be top of this straw poll as they are the only untrained road users in that list

Ha Ha yes that could very well be but I suspect it is more to do with the fact some are voting several times for them.
The whole thing is a complete farce and certainly not accurate.

The real Biffo:
It all depends on what type of road, bendy A & B roads & in town, then cyclists. Most other times it’s Audi drivers :wink:

Audi drivers !!! There should be a box for this too … :laughing:

A : Arrogant
U : Useless
D : Driver
I : Inside

Just a thought …any other suggestions?

Like I said before Albion, with a significant (note I did not say all) number of members here you are leaning against an open door as we know that you aren’t telling us anything we don’t already know. I absolutely agree that as little as maybe ten years ago standards were much higher, my own personal take on it is that the fall started with the closure of the mines and the Governments forced retraining of ex miners into a job their heart wasn’t really in to, but that’s a discussion for another day I reckon!

The problem I have with what you post is NOT the content (with which I largely agree), but rather the tone of your posts. There are members here who have probably done more miles in reverse than you or I combined, and I feel that your posts are slightly scolding in their tone. Human nature is such that we rarely like being told over and over how bad we are, and as such eventually we disagree for disagreeing s sake. I have no doubt whatsoever over your passion for this, your ability to do the job or your ability to train others to a high standard. I just request that you remember we aren’t your students.


The real Biffo:
It all depends on what type of road, bendy A & B roads & in town, then cyclists. Most other times it’s Audi drivers :wink:

Audi drivers !!! There should be a box for this too … :laughing:

A : Arrogant
U : Useless
D : Driver
I : Inside

Just a thought …any other suggestions?

We are not arrogant, it’s just that we are so much better than other road users that it may come across to the less educated as arrogance! :grimacing:

This poll was designed to focus on cyclists by the look of it, perhaps the magazine is suffering from a loss of readership and needs a controversial topic.

Lets face it we all make mistakes and I for one have done some things that some would find shocking but 99% of the time I like to think I’m an OK driver.

Oh and I drive an Audi :blush:


I expected cyclists to be top of this straw poll as they are the only untrained road users in that list

Ha Ha yes that could very well be but I suspect it is more to do with the fact some are voting several times for them.
The whole thing is a complete farce and certainly not accurate.

Cannot vote more than once on the same account

How very dare you! I will have you know I passed my cycling proficiency, second attempt maybe but still, a pass is a pass.
As for the poll, never bothered. Seen & done some daft things in all types of transport, loss of concentration mostly, but never been in an accident, yet, so I would say I was average.

This poll was designed to focus on cyclists by the look of it, perhaps the magazine is suffering from a loss of readership and needs a controversial topic.

Lets face it we all make mistakes and I for one have done some things that some would find shocking but 99% of the time I like to think I’m an OK driver.

Oh and I drive an Audi :blush:

Just how is it designed to focus on Cyclists?
there are 12 options and only one on cyclists?
Not being funny mate but if you think 1/12 is focusing then you need to consider if a touch of paranoia is kicking in

and for your info the mag is doing pretty ■■■■ good having seen the recent sales figures, since its main rival has stopped print and gone online totally there has been a real upsurge in subs- seems folks still like to have the magazine in their hands. but hey if the facts don’t fit your argument feel free to ignore them- ps our online stats are at record levels too

Wow Rikki, Relax- I was just expressing an opinion as cyclists are a particular thorn in the side of truck drivers (amongst others of course) it just seems rather predictable that that they would acheive a high if not the highest score.

As its a hot topic and rightly so I am all in favour of focusing on cyclists and the danger they (or more accurately some of them) present to themselves by lets face it a lack of understanding and co-operation with other road users and in the same vane other road users co-operating with them.

Great news on the magazine and long may it continue.

Amusing how of all the posts on this page, mine was the one that touched a nerve, funny thing that paranoia.

Thank you for putting me straight though.

the maoster:
Like I said before Albion, with a significant (note I did not say all) number of members here you are leaning against an open door as we know that you aren’t telling us anything we don’t already know. I absolutely agree that as little as maybe ten years ago standards were much higher, my own personal take on it is that the fall started with the closure of the mines and the Governments forced retraining of ex miners into a job their heart wasn’t really in to, but that’s a discussion for another day I reckon!

The problem I have with what you post is NOT the content (with which I largely agree), but rather the tone of your posts. There are members here who have probably done more miles in reverse than you or I combined, and I feel that your posts are slightly scolding in their tone. Human nature is such that we rarely like being told over and over how bad we are, and as such eventually we disagree for disagreeing s sake. I have no doubt whatsoever over your passion for this, your ability to do the job or your ability to train others to a high standard. I just request that you remember we aren’t your students.

Once again thanks for your reply.Yes you are probably correct about my tone some of the time but I am afraid the attitude of some really wind me up.
I think some of them think they are being humorous but in my book they are not funny.
Not so sure many will have done more miles though.Clocked up a hell of a lot over the years.
I never for one minute think of anyone on here as a student but I apologise if it comes across that way.I will try harder not to come across as scolding but I really wish others would give their honest opinion or put up a decent argument instead of the childish abuse.

Skip/tipper drivers.
Old duffers that live by the seaside(my grandad!)