Lorry drivers are up there with the worst in my opinion…
I went with pensioners, white van man, and cyclists in that order. I know I’m young (26) and have alot off years infront off me but I hope when I get to the age where I begin to become a danger to others I will have the sense to call it a day. Last week an elderly lady pulled straight out infront off me I almost t-boned her there was nothing behind me nothing coming the other way, another 2 second wait she would have been safe. The problem is this is all to much off a regular occurrence. If your getting to an age when your perception off speed and distance has all but gone and you struggle to see past your bonnet I’m afraid it’s time to go for your own sake as well as others.
No bulk tipper driver option?
The real Biffo:
It all depends on what type of road, bendy A & B roads & in town, then cyclists you’re welcome. Most other times it’s Audi drivers you’re welcome
It’s a good job I don’t drive for Royal Mail too
Commercial Motor is conducting a quick survey, Who in your opinion are the worst road users? please choose above, the results will be amalgamated with other research and appear in print in a future edition- you can choose up to 3 options
No average car driver that has only ever passed one driving test, has never since passing the test looked at or for that matter seen a copy of The Highway Code. Does not or for that matter know how to us the lanes on a motorway or dual carriageway or how to enter or exit them.
They also consider themselves experts in all driving matters.
Can’t wait to see them in a classroom taking a Driver CPC,
Car drivers in general should have been an option #imjustsaying
For me it’s a choice between bus drivers and taxi drivers.Taxi drivers won my vote, but I’d include private hire car drivers in that.
that was my choice although i would have chosen driving instructors had that option been there. their standards are no better than the fools that they put on our roads
I put taxi drivers first but there should be two options for taxi drivers, black cab and private hire. The private hire round my way are absolutely shocking, some of the worst driving I’ve seen. Who said they were predictable? Expect the unexpected and they will do the opposite. Black cab drivers are the better and more predictable.
Second was school run drivers, tends to be mums with one mission in life which is to get as close to the school as possible, parking where ever they see fit, dropping the kids off and then joining the ‘first one to the shops’ race.
It seems like Saaamon is the only one to notice the bad lorry drivers.Are you all blind or just biased as with most threads on here.
Why are cyclists the worst? Maybe because they hold trucks up and get regularly knocked off by them.
In my view all categories as are bad as each other.Driving standards are abysmal.At least cyclists have the excuse of never being trained.What excuse is there for bad lorry drivers.
Instead of moaning about others it might be wise to look at our own driving and try to improve standards before criticising others.
I’m waiting for a certain Yorkshire "K"now it all to mention stobart drivers.
Was this poll thought up by a five year old?
I can’t see the results meaning much.
if this was a survey for most arrogant sanctumonious (is that spelled right) road users allways putting the world to rights i would have to say cyclists.
if this was a survey for most arrogant sanctumonious (is that spelled right) road users allways putting the world to rights i would have to say cyclists.
No it is wrong along with your grammar? I thought most of the cyclists on here were also truck drivers! Notice lorry drivers are worse than caravan drivers…tut tut.
I would like to have seen 7.5 tonners in the list.
I would like to have seen 7.5 tonners in the list.Tiger
That would then bump up the lorry drivers score would it not?
I would like to have seen 7.5 tonners in the list.Tiger
That would then bump up the lorry drivers score would it not?
No, they’re not lorry drivers. They’re car drivers that happen to have a 7.5 tonne licence by default, hence the standard of driving.
Nope they have to sit a test now.They can only drive up to 3.5 ton on a car license.
Anyway sitting an LGV test does automatically make you a good driver.
Nope they have to sit a test now.They can only drive up to 3.5 ton on a car license.
Anyway sitting an LGV test does automatically make you a good driver.
I stand corrected, and agree with your second point
I would say around here, the worst are our ethnic brother taxi drivers, (Private hire.) as they drive like they’re on the streets of, ahem, their homeland and don’t seem to give a toss.
The other one I would have liked to have seen added, is sales reps.
■■■■ poll appears to be broken… It only let me vote for cyclists once