Skip/tipper drivers.
Old duffers that live by the seaside(my grandad!)
I failed to see Asians/Africans as an option is it there driving In general or there ethnicity your referring too?.
Skip/tipper drivers.
Old duffers that live by the seaside(my grandad!)
I failed to see Asians/Africans as an option is it there driving In general or there ethnicity your referring too?.
Maybe we have racist posters as well as biased ones! Surely not.
Why is the profession who causes more delays and hold ups with their bridge strikes, roll overs, lost loads etc, and who cause untold misery for thousands of motorists every day now judging who are the worst road users
Don’t believe me, then just listen to any traffic report!
Not much disruption caused by a cyclist recently
Why is the profession who causes more delays and hold ups with their bridge strikes, roll overs, lost loads etc, and who cause untold misery for thousands of motorists every day now judging who are the worst road usersDon’t believe me, then just listen to any traffic report!
Not much disruption caused by a cyclist recently
There are laws etc in place to bring professional road users to account so they do not get away with doing such things but what is in place for cyclists when they do anything ?
Why is the profession who causes more delays and hold ups with their bridge strikes, roll overs, lost loads etc, and who cause untold misery for thousands of motorists every day now judging who are the worst road usersDon’t believe me, then just listen to any traffic report!
Not much disruption caused by a cyclist recentlyThere are laws etc in place to bring professional road users to account so they do not get away with doing such things but what is in place for cyclists when they do anything ?
Would be interesting to see the results if this was carried out on a different forum.Reckon they would be completely different.
I wonder why there are such laws being put in place for professional drivers and not cyclists.
Maybe this is part of the reason…
just wondering where do i vote for "drivers " of large black German cars for the purpose of this vote Lexus count as German there just copies of mercs[/quote
Oy stop picking on me I have a large black German car
I’m waiting for a certain Yorkshire "K"now it all to mention stobart drivers.
Everyone knows its “STOBBARDS” happysack…
Stobart drivers ha all they wanna do is be on tv and say how hard it is on road get a life
Not too difficult to answer this as its most def container drivers they all look like criminals and scruffy inbred pykies ignorant and selfish no road sense should not be allowed behind a toy truck let alone a real one from a dedicated royal mail professional hgv class one driver with a clean real licence
MEMBERPosts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:59 am
Stobart drivers ha all they wanna do is be on tv and say how hard it is on roadget a life
Not too difficult to answer this as its most def container drivers they all look like criminals and scruffy inbred pykies ignorant and selfish no road sense should not be allowed behind a toy truck let alone a real one from a dedicated royal mail professional hgv class one driver with a clean real licence
Just what this site needs, another troll.
[zb] off and see if you can find where you left your life
No troll mate just saying what I see isn’t this what the forum is ? Freedom of speech hmmm
It seems like Saaamon is the only one to notice the bad lorry drivers.Are you all blind or just biased as with most threads on here.
Why are cyclists the worst? Maybe because they hold trucks up and get regularly knocked off by them.In my view all categories as are bad as each other.Driving standards are abysmal.At least cyclists have the excuse of never being trained.What excuse is there for bad lorry drivers.
Instead of moaning about others it might be wise to look at our own driving and try to improve standards before criticising others.
MEMBERPosts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:59 amGoddy:
Stobart drivers ha all they wanna do is be on tv and say how hard it is on roadget a life
Not too difficult to answer this as its most def container drivers they all look like criminals and scruffy inbred pykies ignorant and selfish no road sense should not be allowed behind a toy truck let alone a real one from a dedicated royal mail professional hgv class one driver with a clean real licenceJust what this site needs, another troll.
[zb] off and see if you can find where you left your life
You have to be a container driver to react like that…
Question for you…
You certainly have view’s on a troll on this forum, but you have nothing to say about the more serious racist comment a few posts above that…
I would be very interested to hear your views on this post alone…
Skip/tipper drivers.
Old duffers that live by the seaside(my grandad!)
Do you think that is a acceptable comment to say on a so called ’ professional ’ forum like this ?
postman pat:
MEMBERPosts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:59 amGoddy:
Stobart drivers ha all they wanna do is be on tv and say how hard it is on roadget a life
Not too difficult to answer this as its most def container drivers they all look like criminals and scruffy inbred pykies ignorant and selfish no road sense should not be allowed behind a toy truck let alone a real one from a dedicated royal mail professional hgv class one driver with a clean real licenceJust what this site needs, another troll.
[zb] off and see if you can find where you left your life
You have to be a container driver to react like that…
I’m not a container driver nor a Stobart driver, the only two posts on this board by that member were obviously designed to get a negative reaction.
They succeeded.
I can’t see any racist comments. The poll is about types of vehiclle rather than ethinicity.
I do take offence at ‘white van men though’, but will let it pass.
I would presume by the large number of options all members of our multicultural society are covered, well except those blue buggers on the argos adds, bet they annoy other road users.
postman pat:
MEMBERPosts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:59 amGoddy:
Stobart drivers ha all they wanna do is be on tv and say how hard it is on roadget a life
Not too difficult to answer this as its most def container drivers they all look like criminals and scruffy inbred pykies ignorant and selfish no road sense should not be allowed behind a toy truck let alone a real one from a dedicated royal mail professional hgv class one driver with a clean real licenceJust what this site needs, another troll.
[zb] off and see if you can find where you left your life
You have to be a container driver to react like that…
I’m not a container driver not a Stobart driver, the only two posts on this board by that member were obviously designed to get a negative reaction.
They succeeded.
You still haven’t answered the question as I doubt you have the intelligence to understand what a racist comment is…
A racist comment is a negative statement to make especially on a forum like this…
Put your crayons away, look in a dictionary and understand what ’ racist ’ means and when its soaked into your grey matter, please explain to me and everybody else on here why you think its acceptable to put a ’ negative racist ’ comment on here.?
Or perhaps you agree with that comment ?
The question was who are the worst drivers and honestly said
1container drivers they show no respect at all always in a rush and look like criminals what’s wrong with my opinion ?
postman pat:
You still haven’t answered the question as I doubt you have the intelligence to understand what a racist comment is…A racist comment is a negative statement to make especially on a forum like this…
Put your crayons away, look in a dictionary and understand what ’ racist ’ means and when its soaked into your grey matter, please explain to me and everybody else on here why you think its acceptable to put a ’ negative racist ’ comment on here.?
Or perhaps you agree with that comment ?
To answer your question I haven’t seen the racist remarks and I can’t be bothered to read back through the thread.
The question was who are the worst drivers and honestly said
1container drivers they show no respect at all always in a rush and look like criminals what’s wrong with my opinion ?
As I said before, both of your first two posts on this board were obviously designed to get a negative reaction.
They were successful.
postman pat:
You still haven’t answered the question as I doubt you have the intelligence to understand what a racist comment is…A racist comment is a negative statement to make especially on a forum like this…
Put your away, look in a dictionary and understand what ’ racist ’ means and when its soaked into your grey matter, please explain to me and everybody else on here why you think its acceptable to put a ’ negative racist ’ comment on here.?
Or perhaps you agree with that comment ?
To answer your question I haven’t seen the racist remarks and I can’t be bothered to read back through the thread.
This thread is…
The worst drivers on the road. …
Africans and asians have been mentioned. …
Would you say that is a more negative comment to say on a forum like this or do trolls ruffle your feathers more ?