Worst in europe

Heres one for you lads and lasses, which nationallity do you think are the worst drivers,

Belgiums and Luxumburgers and any estern block

nah gotta be bulgarians. cant even get on the train without hitting the sides. :laughing:

the germans, spanish, french, irish, english, welsh, scots, dutch, belguims, luxembourgs, itialians, porto,danes, nords

the germans, spanish, french, irish, english, welsh, scots, dutch, belguims, luxembourgs, itialians, porto,danes, nords

don’t leave anyone out will you :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

bulgarians, romanians, portugese in trucks
spanish and italians in cars

Got to be Belgians

Wheel Nut:
Got to be Belgians

as much as i like the people and the country (yes, really!) i have to agree for simply stupid manoevers, lots of people say the italians but i disagree, they are pretty good apart from when it’s foggy :open_mouth:

I have seen some poor lorry drivers from portugese, spanish and also Lithunian lorry drivers

Belgians and bubbles (greeks)

Bubbles without a doubt…Bloody mental.!!

Belgians with Brits a close second.A Belgian vehicle with just five digits on it’s number plate should be avoided at all costs.

Belgians with Brits a close second.A Belgian vehicle with just five digits on it’s number plate should be avoided at all costs.

Too True, :laughing:

especially with a Catholic icon swinging from the mirror stem…

Whether Middlesbrough or Mechelen

Nobody has mentioned the Moroccans but the Thai cars take the biscuit .
Ooops! just seen the title…

I`ve never been to Greece so for me its got to be the Belgians. Then the Uk

Belgians for sure, but running along side them I would include the Greeks and Portuguese.

The best are in no particular order the British and

polish very bad

a lot of differant countries drivers have bad habits but im with a few of you lads, us brits are the worst by far in most respects

We are…By that I mean British. 2400 miles abroad last week. Not one horn, or headlights flashed. 5 minutes back in England…V-signs, horns etc…

Romanians: Full Stop!!

Harry whats wrong with the ““F”” Troop then