Working abroad

Would you consider working in another country if their economies pick up before ours?.

I mean living abroad and working for a foreign company.

Would you?.

Yep, without too much hesitation :wink: been looking forsome time to do so anyway. If only the french didn’t insist on their FCOS/FIMO might have had a chance there, got a close friend (french couple) keeps looking out to get me work :slight_smile:

What and be a parasite, taking local peoples jobs, not contributing to the economy :laughing:

Yeh Why not, the poles etc came to our country when the going was good.

if someone would have me, yeah

Me and the Mrs are off to Canada this year. I’ve had a job offer with a few Canadian companies and we are going out sometime soon to have a look. Just waiting to sort a few things out. :smiley:

Getting laid off in November put quite a large spanner in the works, but not being able to get another job has really made me determined. I looked on a Canadian job bank yesterday and there was about 200 HGV jobs advertised.

This country is finished and so is truck driving, what with all this 48hr week and CPC bollox. UK PLC, you can keep it.

Yes why not I might as well be a Foreigner somewhere else I get treated like one here

The guy offering the job in Italy is an Irish guy

The guy offering the job in Italy is an Irish guy

Is he based in Germany and of mixed creed? He live out there i take it?

If I could find a job for an old codger then yes, nothing much left for me here :slight_smile:

What and be a parasite, taking local peoples jobs, not contributing to the economy :laughing:

Unlike the UK pete, you cannot be a parasite here in France. To get something here , you have to have paid into the system. I have been here since August 2005, I am registered with the unemployment offices, but am not allowed to claim a penny, oops sorry cent, I am on their register so that they can help me find work etc. The only thing my family get here is e293 per month, family allowance for our 2 kids, of which the youngest was actually born here.

I`m living and working in a Foreign Country that i was born in and lived all my life in ( so far ) its called Great Britain. Its a Great Country to live in as long as your NOT British.

Yeah Deffo!! I Quite fancy going to Poland to live and work!! Looking into it at the minute Just got to master the old languageski first though :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I left the UK in 1999 for Denmark, great country, can highly recommend a Scandic country for a lesson on how to get it almost perfect. Came back to the UK for a spot of work in 2006, been based here, but working in Denmark mostly, been in Poland most of last year building a house and in a few weeks thats it, off to Poland.

pierrot 14:

What and be a parasite, taking local peoples jobs, not contributing to the economy :laughing:

Unlike the UK pete, you cannot be a parasite here in France. To get something here , you have to have paid into the system. I have been here since August 2005, I am registered with the unemployment offices, but am not allowed to claim a penny, oops sorry cent, I am on their register so that they can help me find work etc. The only thing my family get here is e293 per month, family allowance for our 2 kids, of which the youngest was actually born here.

Just a bit of banter mate, following on from the English Work thread. I understand that most folks will do whatever needs to be done to keep the money coming in, and fair play to them. The problem is, when " Foreigners " land on these shores ( legally ) the ■■■■ hits the fan. I do not blame anybody for enriching their life by travelling to foreign countries in order to work, unfortunately there seems to be a " not on my doorstep " mentality at the moment.,Live and let live, not a criticism just an observation.

Sugar Ray:
I`m living and working in a Foreign Country that i was born in and lived all my life in ( so far ) its called Great Britain. Its a Great Country to live in as long as your NOT British.

You have hit the nail very squarely on the head there Ray with that short post.

56 is the new 40

Drew, is that age or speed?

speed, if age then it would be 47 is the new 120


pierrot 14:

What and be a parasite, taking local peoples jobs, not contributing to the economy :laughing:

Unlike the UK pete, you cannot be a parasite here in France. To get something here , you have to have paid into the system. I have been here since August 2005, I am registered with the unemployment offices, but am not allowed to claim a penny, oops sorry cent, I am on their register so that they can help me find work etc. The only thing my family get here is e293 per month, family allowance for our 2 kids, of which the youngest was actually born here.

Just a bit of banter mate, following on from the English Work thread. I understand that most folks will do whatever needs to be done to keep the money coming in, and fair play to them. The problem is, when " Foreigners " land on these shores ( legally ) the [zb] hits the fan. I do not blame anybody for enriching their life by travelling to foreign countries in order to work, unfortunately there seems to be a " not on my doorstep " mentality at the moment.,Live and let live, not a criticism just an observation.

Good point, but it’s just a shame that once they arrive on terra firma at Dover, a lot of these people seem to think that the UK owe them a living, job, house, car, income etc. bout time for the government to get their act together… or is it too late ■■? And I know it’s been said before, but why do these people cross a multitude of borders to get to England■■?

Good point, but it’s just a shame that once they arrive on terra firma at Dover, a lot of these people seem to think that the UK owe them a living, job, house, car, income etc. bout time for the government to get their act together… or is it too late ■■? And I know it’s been said before, but why do these people cross a multitude of borders to get to England■■?

Just to clarify before I get jumped on, I am talking about people who come over here to work, not scrounge. As for crossing a multitude of borders to get here, plain and simple the uk is a soft touch, the fault of the government, and yes it probably is too late, the horse has bolted.