Working abroad

Well I’m off looking this weekend.

OK it helps that I do have a romantic tie with another european country so it wont be me flying solo.

This country has had it, lentil munchers, the PC brigade, have taken the soul from this country, so im off!

Why do you think they pass through all the other countries to get here .Its not rocket science . Ya wanna try building a house in Greece flamin red tape does your head in . Im not even allowed to purchase a 50cc moped without a residence permit . I asked a polish girl once why she came here and she said the paperwork was easier than other countries .

Would you consider working in another country if their economies pick up before ours?.

I mean living abroad and working for a foreign company.

Would you?.

I hope you won’t send your money back to your families in England? :smiley:

pierrot 14:

What and be a parasite, taking local peoples jobs, not contributing to the economy :laughing:

Unlike the UK pete, you cannot be a parasite here in France. To get something here , you have to have paid into the system. I have been here since August 2005, I am registered with the unemployment offices, but am not allowed to claim a penny, oops sorry cent,

Excactly the situation of Poles here!!! 2 years before even start talking about contribution based benefits.

Maybe it’s becouse of common european rules? :wink:

Why do you think they pass through all the other countries to get here .Its not rocket science . Ya wanna try building a house in Greece flamin red tape does your head in . Im not even allowed to purchase a 50cc moped without a residence permit . I asked a polish girl once why she came here and she said the paperwork was easier than other countries .

Yeah, but it’s not hard to have the bureacracy easier than in Poland :slight_smile:

I would and hopefully will be in the future.
My mate is Canada and been there for a year and the area he lives they haven’t got enough workers for the available jobs , Alberta.
Same applies as above , if I go it will have to be on a work permit and I can only rent property and not buy unless I take residency.

i would go certainly (its my long term plan to emigrate out this dump anyway),

I think we should be fair about this and just get 50% of the polish people to go home . So sorry orys but all the nice girlies can stay but you and ya mates gotta go . PS lookin for a lodger

I think we should be fair about this and just get 50% of the polish people to go home . So sorry orys but all the nice girlies can stay but you and ya mates gotta go . PS lookin for a lodger

Here you are, you will probably appreciate these ladies from Warsaw

MMMMMMMM the one with the clarinet is a bit of a looker !

I too will be off as soon as my savings are high enough to cover me till i find a job and my better half sees that this country is finished,she wants to go but just not yet.
I dont want to go over old water regarding foreigners.but i’ve been on the council housing waiting list for 24yrs,i’ve at to buy my car and have always at to work.Joe Bloggs who lives up the road seem to come here and get the house that i should have got and he then tells me they brought him the car because it was cheaper than paying fares for him and the family to go to job interviews. he tells me hes better off not working.
When i finally go to Spain I know that if I aint got nothing i’ll have to come home because they wont give me anything till i’ve paid enough money in the system

i thought about it but theres to much id miss , family , football , cider etc ,a couple of weeks a year will do me

I might be a bit more fortunate than alot of people, I have worked in Canada, long before it was fashionable, also worked in Central America, I have also done some serious tramping in Europe from top to bottom and east to west, (months away not weeks) and I do know that there is only one sight to warm the old heart it is the ‘White cliffs of Dover’!!! or the Lights of London from a plane.

There is lots of good peole who emigrate but there is lots of good people who come back.
It does’nt matter how bad you think this country might be, or how bad it is getting, this is your home and believe me once gone you WILL miss good ol Blighty.(even if you don’t want to admit it)
If Australia was that good why do all the youngsters come to the uk or Pamplonia…just a thought… :laughing:

As a footnote if i couldn’t live in the UK in would go to Canada, but that is the only place I would go to. ( just no where near Quebec tho!!! )

I might be a bit more fortunate than alot of people, I have worked in Canada, long before it was fashionable, also worked in Central America, I have also done some serious tramping in Europe from top to bottom and east to west, (months away not weeks) and I do know that there is only one sight to warm the old heart it is the ‘White cliffs of Dover’!!! or the Lights of London from a plane.

There is lots of good peole who emigrate but there is lots of good people who come back.
It does’nt matter how bad you think this country might be, or how bad it is getting, this is your home and believe me once gone you WILL miss good ol Blighty.(even if you don’t want to admit it)
If Australia was that good why do all the youngsters come to the uk or Pamplonia…just a thought… :laughing:

As a footnote if i couldn’t live in the UK in would go to Canada, but that is the only place I would go to. ( just no where near Quebec tho!!! )

I agree with that having spent long periods away too. It is funny about the youngsters though as many of my younger facebook “friends” are traipsing around the Antipodes and all sending messages about how much they miss home and can’t wait to get back.

I think we should be fair about this and just get 50% of the polish people to go home . So sorry orys but all the nice girlies can stay but you and ya mates gotta go . PS lookin for a lodger

Are you really think that the nice girls will want to stay here if all Polish chaps will go home? :smiley: :smiley:

I would rather expect smarter half of British girls to follow us :smiley: :smiley: But then we’ll accept only these under 90 kgs :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Wheel Nut:

Here you are, you will probably appreciate these ladies from Warsaw

It’s really nice picture of Polish village folk from Warsaw. Becouse, as we all know, Warsaw is just a bit bigger village, and this green tractor is the best vehicle there (and only one able to pass MOT if they require any) :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: But it’s stationary just now becouse there weren’t any British lorries arround to steal diesel from it :smiley: