Work for travis perkins

Hy. I’m interested to work for TP. What are you think about?

You have managed to resurrect a 7 year old thread, so all the information will be out of date.
However I was called to do a shift for Travis Perkins within the last couple of months.
They are still a curtain will hide the load so will restrain type operation.
eg in my induction I was told under no circumstances am I allowed on the trailer at any time.
I then asked, how can I secure my load if i can’t have acces to the bed of a double decker carrying pallets of bricks on the bottom deck, and all manner of fixtures and fittings on the top deck.

Thus resulting TM resembling a goldfish ie opening shutting of mouth,
I was sent home :wink: (with 8 hrs pay for all you naysayers)

wages are poor and house prices are dear .
but if you help yourself to a small part of the load everyday then give or take 20 years you could build your own house. :wink:

seriously, i know a few drivers for builders merchants and whilst the pay is poor they do get home every night and tax credits top the wages up :wink:

…Having enough bricks to build a house means nowt if you can’t get the planning permission past the local Liberacedem MP. :unamused:

Hy. I’m interested to work for TP. What are you think about? :confused:

My first class 2 job was for TP. Only good thing I got out of them was my Hiab ticket. Pay was a bit below average but not too bad and great experience deliveri.g loads of awkward crap to awkwarx places. Eventually left under a cloud due to the manager never paying over time. Kept telling me it was “give and take, sometimes you get off early sometimes a bit later” surprisingly it was ALWAYS later. Ended up refusing to take the vehicle out one morning after another pay went in short of my promised OT. He ended up going to the cash machine and giving it to me through the window. Still makes me laugh when I think of that, making my stand with a loaded lorry sat in the yard and manager running out of excuses.

I deliver to a few different branches now and chatted recently to a very miserable forkie telling me he was on a zero hour contract.:open_mouth: Really? Said he has to stay home if they’re quiet and he was struggling to make ends meet.

You wouldn’t mind so much but TP are absolutely, chuffing minted.

isn’t that there new depot at warrington by the m62 next to brakes and hermes, looks very impressive and very expensive.

Yup thats the one, its massive, they are still working on it :open_mouth:

Never work for a firm that spends all it’s money on looking nice, but naff all on their own staff… :bulb:

Never work for a firm that spends all it’s money on looking nice, but naff all on their own staff… :bulb:

They see property and image as an investment and staff as a renewable commodity :wink:

Is the new place at Warrington going to be run by TP or DHL does anyone know

Hy. I’m interested to work for TP. What are you think about?

If it’s Class 2 work from a merchant’s yard, notoriously poorly paid even by the standards of a sector renowned for that. Can’t speak for the trunking side as I’ve never done it; used to do a bit of builders’ merchant work a few years ago on agency, mostly for Jewson and TP, only good things I can say about it is you’re guaranteed home every night and if you do happen to be doing your own house up at the time, if you can get stuff on staff discount it’s handy .

£5.52 an hour…can someone tell me what the minimum wage is nowdays as i think that doeesnt meet them !

£5.52 an hour…can someone tell me what the minimum wage is nowdays as i think that doeesnt meet them !

The original post was from 7 years ago

What’s the pay like now?

I went for an interview for a Hiab job at TP widnes about 5 years ago, turns up 20000 grand for Class 2 Hiab half way through he decides hes got a trailer for the Rigid they had and that it would mostly be Class 1 wagon and drag deliverys, ok I say thats more money then isnt it? No the same he says. Ok bye.

I Think you will find that TP and jewsons operate a similar way. In that each branch manager gets a percentage bonus on profits, so they can set their own wages o/t etc completely different from the yard down the road belonging to the same company. The more the manager saves the more he earns.

TP pay for drivers varies from 18k to 26k a year depending on where the branch is based, if it’s an out of town branch your at the lower end whereas London branches pay at the top. You also get benefits such as staff discounts.

And at the other end of the scale…always said Those lads on the rigids were overpaid…and it’s double time on a bank holiday!!


Never work for a firm that spends all it’s money on looking nice, but naff all on their own staff… :bulb:

They see property and image as an investment and staff as a renewable commodity :wink:

Food is also a “renewable commidity” - but I’m sure if you force-fed the board of directors out of date food “to save money”, sooner or later they’d all be poisoned…

A malcontent workforce is a festering sore, that any sensible firm would realise they could do without - best by preventing it occuring in the first place. :wink: