Wooohooo I'm rich :) Advice needed

Unfortunately the advice I need doesn’t relate to how much I can give each and every one of you. :laughing:

Some may remember me posting about how useless my old agency was with wages. In the past, they have paid me someone elses money, then asked me to return it, which I did, and another time they paid my money into someone elses account and it took days to get it sorted.

Well, there has been a sizeable sum deposited from this agency into my account but I haven’t worked for them for over a month and I have had any owed holiday pay, so I know it’s not been earned or accrued.

Now, this agency is still being bloody useless as I am still waiting for my final wageslip and P45 to come through the post, so therefore I will NOT be phoning them about this latest incident.

Fair enough, if it’s not for me, then I won’t be a [zb] about it and keep someone elses wages BUT saying that, it’s not for me to sort out.

If they don’t go out of thier way to contact me, how long is it reasonable for me to wait before I class it as mine?

Would the tax office ever return overpayments via an employer? Especially one I have just left.

Like I say, if they phone me, I’ll use it as leverage for my payslip and P45 although I don’t really need them, but I’ll return it all the same as someone is going to be skint this week because of them. If I could think of a way to make them pay twice, then I would do it basically to teach them a lesson. (While giving me some spends aswell :laughing:)

Advice please

1/ you may need them in the future?

2/ Sorry mate, I’ve spent it! I can pay you a tenna a week back!

I’m hoping you won’t need them again! I’ll pack for this holiday we’re going on then shall I? :smiley:

Trust me mate, they couldn’t organise an ■■■■ in a brothel so I won’t be going back. If I “Mind” it for them, it just means I have got to calculate available funds minus over £700 :open_mouth: and I can see some mistakes being made :laughing: as maths was never my strong point, :laughing:

Well If they are as bad as you make them sound and you have been messed around with money then it’s payback time! Take the cash out of your account and let them chase you for ‘the money you thought you were owed’! If you’re talking about £700 and you’re sure your not going back then try it. I’m pretty sure (others will tell you I’m wrong or right) and offer them all you can afford to pay back, around £5-£10 a week. They cannot force you to pay the money back. I’m pretty sure of that as long as you offer a minimal payment back weekly they’ll have to swallow it!

Well apart from what I have already stated, they send out payslips to staff on the industrial side, but not the drivers.

They have a plastic shed with som drawers and the digi downloader in. The excuse is seeing as drivers have to go to the shed and download their digi cards, they can pick up payslips at the same time.

Now, as I no longer work for them, I have no reason to be travelling 30 miles in that direction to go to work, so I’m sure as hell not spending petrol money just for a payslip and P45 which SHOULD have been posted to me anyway. I now work for a small coach company and myself and the boss agreed that we would wait for my wages until I got my P45 to save messing about with BR tax codes and the like. I have had to fill a P46 in now which is my 3rd week there, so basically, in-directly they have prevented me from recieving 2 weeks wages on time. I know I’ll get it all but thats not the point.

Unfortunately, these idiots don’t owe me anything, even though I did have to chase up my holiday pay which incidentally, didn’t get paid with my final wage.

Useless, totally useless.

Oh well, that didn’t last long. They have sent me a text to ask for it back, which as it is some poor buggers wages I will gladly do.

Shame I can’t generate interest on it while its in my bank :laughing:

Ooops already spent it! You spent too much time on here and not enough on the web looking for Holidays and clothes! Or taken the cash out and gone on a bender (Oops thats another post!)
I’m as honest as you are though so you’re probably gonna give the money back but always wish you hadn’t!
All the best Derby from Streaky.

You are right Streaky. It’s now gone :frowning: all £768.75 of it :frowning:

What a suprise, they still couldn’t tell me where my P45 is.

For anyone in the Immingham / Grimsby / Scunthorpe area’s, it Tower Staff Solutions.

Also be aware that a good friend of mine keeps getting badgered about going - ahem - Self Employed with these and we all know what that means don’t we. Yep, umbrella.

A word of advice Darby Flyer.You say that you were aware that the money was not yours, when it first arrived in your bank account. You also say that they once paid your wages, into someone else,s account, and that after a long wait, they got it back and paid you what you were owed. Now in my personal opinion, the decent thing would have been to immediately notify them of their error, and got it sorted out. Incompetent they may well be, but that does not mean that they deserve getting slagged off on here for that. I hope that they don,t turn crusty, and accuse you of slandering them,by what you have posted, and by publishing their address on this site. You would then find that the £768.75 which you seem to think makes you rich, will be peanuts as compared to what could be many thousands of pounds that you might be ordered to pay them,in compensation for the damage that your post may have caused their business.

Compensation? They can try it me old mukka.

I read a very good sticker on a van today, and believe me it’s true.

“If I gave a [zb], they’d be the first I’d give it to.” :laughing:

As for the possibility of them reading this thread, I very much hope so. It’s not the first time I’ve done it for them but today will more than likely be the last and I’m sure i’m not the only one who has done it in one form or another. It might even give them a jig in the right direction to sort themselves out.

As for getting money out of me? They’d have more luck milking a Chihuahua.

Keeping money which you know is not yours is theft, regardless of any other circumstances.

Along similar lines…

If you have been “overpaid”, then it is not legal for the employer just to take the money back.

If they have made deductions for tax and NI etc then they need to inform their local tax office, because the running totals for tax will need correcting.

The HMRC web site gives all the info you need on this sort of thing.

Point one:

Darby Flyer:
Oh well, that didn’t last long. They have sent me a text to ask for it back, which as it is some poor buggers wages I will gladly do.

Point two:

Darby Flyer:
…It’s now gone :frowning: all £768.75 of it :frowning:

So for the benefit of those that read the first post then reply - try READING the whole thread. It’s not a long one.

I’d like to point out that my concience, morals and intentions are all clear, satisfactory and good. I’ve never stolen anything from anyone in my life.

Bus Driver: I did phone the tax office on the off chance that it may have been a tax refund but as suspected, it would never be paid through an old employer. :frowning: :laughing: shame really.

Unfortunately for them, if this had been my own wages, it would have been snatched immediately by the bank since being off work my credit cards and accounts have been neglected and I am in the hands of demonic debt collectors.

Its correct that the money would not be mine but snatched it certainly has been recently, it does come back but its an absolute ballache explaining to someone in India that it is not my money.

Anyway, your conscience is now clear but they need to tighten their admin up by the sounds of it…

A word of advice Darby Flyer.You say that you were aware that the money was not yours, when it first arrived in your bank account. You also say that they once paid your wages, into someone else,s account, and that after a long wait, they got it back and paid you what you were owed. Now in my personal opinion, the decent thing would have been to immediately notify them of their error, and got it sorted out. Incompetent they may well be, but that does not mean that they deserve getting slagged off on here for that. I hope that they don,t turn crusty, and accuse you of slandering them,by what you have posted, and by publishing their address on this site. You would then find that the £768.75 which you seem to think makes you rich, will be peanuts as compared to what could be many thousands of pounds that you might be ordered to pay them,in compensation for the damage that your post may have caused their business.

He’s not slandered them as far as I can see, just told facts.

And, to be honest, if they can’t even pay wages to people that work for them, they should find another business to be in, preferably one without employees who will no doubt have bills that need to be paid by wages…

Keeping money which you know is not yours is theft, regardless of any other circumstances.

I’m pretty sure that from top to bottom, he’s not kept it, so therefore not stolen it and was pretty clear about returning it even in his 1st thread… Could you say the same?

I think if I was in your shoes I would have asked them to come and collect it from your home while they drop off your last wage slip and P45.

Too late for that now though, You should call them and say that as you have been so good about this they could respond by pulling their finger out and getting your paperwork sorted out ASAP

I think if I was in your shoes I would have asked them to come and collect it from your home while they drop off your last wage slip and P45.

Too late for that now though, You should call them and say that as you have been so good about this they could respond by pulling their finger out and getting your paperwork sorted out ASAP

I was considering something along those lines as at the end of the day, and also in the case of my wages going to the other chap, they could have paid it out twice, knowing that they would have got it back.

The problem came about because there is another chap with the same surname and initial as me. They also told me after my wages went to him, that they had put a note against my entry in the database - No a very clear one was it :laughing:

As for slandering them, the final straw came with the following tale. It’s a thursday and I am working for company A. The following day i am booked in at a different place - company B. During the day, I get a call from company B telling me about my manifest, so I can route myself up when I get home. Its a very good company that basically lets me get on with it.

While in the call, I get a text. I read this text when finished and its from the agency telling me company B no longer need cover and can I stay at company A :open_mouth:

Obviously I phoned the agency and said I had read the message. “Yeah they don’t need anyone now” was the reply. “Oh? Thats funny, I’ve just got off the phone with them and have my instructions for tomorrow!” You could hear her face going red as I had caught her out big style. Apparently, they needed to cover company A and the guy they were going to send in had worked there and left under a cloud. So all they wanted to do was swap us over, so why lie?? It was that total and unnecessary deceit that did it for me. I was on holiday the following week, and found a new job while off.

Thats why I say what I say about them.

Thats nothing! My mates bank put £2.3million in his account by mistake! lol! :laughing:

Agency work, the workers themselves are all ■■■■■! Glad I am well out of it, if I find myself out of work again I will offer myself to firms on a casual basis so as to not need the agencies involved to get the work done. Hate em :imp:

Thats nothing! My mates bank put £2.3million in his account by mistake! lol! :laughing:

I would of gone abroad :smiley: