Wooohooo I'm rich :) Advice needed


Thats nothing! My mates bank put £2.3million in his account by mistake! lol! :laughing:

I would of gone abroad :smiley:

They took it out straight after, but it still ended up on his statement! Gues he was a genuine millionaire! Lol!

Dean at Tower Staff did me out of £80 and he has robbed others, so tough ■■■■ keep it and good luck.

To Slander someone, what you have said has to be manifestly untrue, and the person who says they have been slandered has to PROVE its untrue, also to bring a case of slander it is heard in the High Court, and you would have to pay a Barrister £10,000 (min) in advance to take the case, and if you lost you are responsible for your costs plus the other sides, if the person you are suing is a lorry driver for instance and you win, you will have a hollow victory as you will never recover your costs and damages (if any) as any body with any sense goes bankrupt instantly.

It is a rich mans law, and very rarely used, and as it is written on here it is not slander but libel, another rich mans law.

If it’s a small amount, it could be overlooked, spent and if anything came of it, if it was reasonable to presume it was yours and spent, then there’s not much that can be done.
However for larger amounts, or where it’s obvious it isn’t yours, it becomes problematic. It could be pursued a CCJ issued. If spent, then it would be a periodic payment malarkey depending on income.

The best thing to do in the situations is raise the matter to their attention (written) and keep the correspondence. If no response then bank it on the best interest you can get. They may come round eventually, agree a settlement before court proceedings. If a bigger sum, leg it to Brasil.


A word of advice Darby Flyer.You say that you were aware that the money was not yours, when it first arrived in your bank account. You also say that they once paid your wages, into someone else,s account, and that after a long wait, they got it back and paid you what you were owed. Now in my personal opinion, the decent thing would have been to immediately notify them of their error, and got it sorted out. Incompetent they may well be, but that does not mean that they deserve getting slagged off on here for that. I hope that they don,t turn crusty, and accuse you of slandering them,by what you have posted, and by publishing their address on this site. You would then find that the £768.75 which you seem to think makes you rich, will be peanuts as compared to what could be many thousands of pounds that you might be ordered to pay them,in compensation for the damage that your post may have caused their business.

He’s not slandered them as far as I can see, just told facts.

And, to be honest, if they can’t even pay wages to people that work for them, they should find another business to be in, preferably one without employees who will no doubt have bills that need to be paid by wages…

Keeping money which you know is not yours is theft, regardless of any other circumstances.

I’m pretty sure that from top to bottom, he’s not kept it, so therefore not stolen it and was pretty clear about returning it even in his 1st thread… Could you say the same?

My comment wasn’t aimed at Derby Flyer as he had made it clear that the money was returned, rather at the various later posters saying that it should be kept, at least for a time.

As to your second point the answer is yes, and I don’t take kindly to any insinuation otherwise.

Blunder Man:
Dean at Tower Staff did me out of £80 and he has robbed others, so tough [zb] keep it and good luck.

Sorry to hear that mate, and I must admit to being grateful that I have always had what I am owed from them. They were good in the respect of giving me work, but any comments made are mainly expressed toward what I would call useless work ethics. When they start resorting to plain, downright and unneccesary lies because they have staff that can’t work somewhere then it’s time to leave.

I would also like to point out that the wages are not paid in bulk from a database system. They have to manually transfer each and every one so it’s obvious when dealing with large numbers of staff, errors will be made. Why the hell does it happen more than once? I wasn’t even working for them the first time it happened and I got £360+ in my account then - for the same bloke.