WLC Logistics

Heres a few pictures for carl

Well Smart! :smiley:

Good Pics :smiley:

not bad :slight_smile:


the old girls looking good mate :laughing:

Found this in the Tate…

Smashing looking rig m8 ! :sunglasses: u do all the extras urself ?

heres few photochops for ya !

ross the truck was bought with all the extras on but roxys boss fits all the bling to all his trucks
3x magnums
1x stralis
2x tga xxl,s
and another fh xl
although the tga,s and the last volvo arnt in company colours

are you still pulling for dairy crest out of nuneaton roxy, i might be wrong but i heard something on the grapevine about WLC that would make me think twice about working for him, something along the lines of a driver getting lost and having the money deducted out of there wages for the extra diesel used, only hearsay not sure if it was true,so dont shoot me down if it aint :wink:

gav ive just spoke to roxy and he,s out all week but he said yes he,s still doing dairycrest and he dont know where you heard that but he said its a load of pish (english translation rubbish) :wink: :laughing:

The Star Treatment :smiley:

:wink: im roxys other half and i can tell u he has always been fair to us :laughing:

apologies to roxy then, it was off one of d/c’s drivers i heard, dont you just love drivers chinesse whisper

smart motor but looked better in the first few pics without the Union Jack on it.

i saw roxy today pulling off the M6 at J4 about 8am, and now i wont to truely say sorry for my above comment, after seeing the size of him,and i thought roxy was a girl :blush: :laughing:

pmsl :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
gav if your in dairycrest again and you see him get him a coffeee, im sure he,ll forgive ya :laughing: :wink:

Heres a few pictures for carl

so are there a lot of kangaroos around Nuneaton :question: :question: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing:yes roxy is a big man but he is a big softy :stuck_out_tongue: unless he is ryield then he turns green and rips his shirt just like hulk :wink the out side is nice with the union jacks but i do admit it was niceer without them: and the inside of the truck its like a tarts budewah its all blue velvit :confused:

A few more pictures for Carl