With holding my keys!

any body know on how the law stands with the wonderfull tesco rdc withholding my keys and not giving them back to me after i’ve told them i only have an hour an a half left on my tacho and 40mins of that is to drive back to base as it was a sat morning and no body was able to come and collect me… i wont go into full details as it would take ages to type, but i had to get really forcefull and start arguing with the goods in manager, as i dont think it’s fair that the young lad at the window deserves me ranting at him…

What where you going to do, drive off while they were still tipping you.

i told them i dont care whats left on the truck get the bay doors closed because im going, id been delayed at euro tunnel for 2 and a half hrs, early am sat morning rang the goods in office at 0300 to inform them that i was held up, on arrival there they sat me for nearly 4hrs before allocating me a bay then sat on the bay for nearly 3hrs,

If you arrived on your book in time and they also started unloading you right away, then it’s probably not tescos problem that you are running out of tacho.

If you had been there on your time and they were taking ages to tip you then I would imaging that you have grounds to get upset. You could threaten them with a phonecall to the police and say they are holding you against your will.

I know it’s frustrating but the delay at the Chunnell wasn’t there fault,you’ll probably find that whoever you were doing the load for would be behind tesco 100% even though they kept you waiting, never like to upset big customers. You going in ranting and raving wont have helped the situation, at the end of the day how you get home is your bosses problem not tescos.

Give em a ‘spare’ set

I would of told them that I had no option but to drop the trailer in the circumstances due to time constraints that I had already informed them about, if they refused to return the keys then that would be tantamount to false imprisonment and you would be totally within your rights to phone the police :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Give em a ‘spare’ set

yeah, so the driver can pull away from the bay whilst still being tipped :unamused:


Give em a ‘spare’ set

yeah, so the driver can pull away from the bay whilst still being tipped :unamused:

Is ROG some kind of TRAINER■■? Or some kind of MUPPIT■■? :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

So he had been in there for nearly 7 hours. Totally unacceptable. Not knowing the circumstances of the opo but i’d have tried to leave after 3 hours waiting and re book it for monday if your yard is only half hour odd away. What Tesco depot was it?


Give em a ‘spare’ set

yeah, so the driver can pull away from the bay whilst still being tipped :unamused:

So long as he’d unhitched first… :slight_smile:

If the company is refusing to give back the keys to the truck so the driver can SAFELY exit with or without the trailer then give em a spare set

Nobody is advocating pulling off a bay if unsafe to do so

Common sense rules

Always take rear number plate off me :sunglasses: prepare for bobtail back to yard :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: my money’s on LICHFIELD :smiling_imp:

First of all it’s not false imprisonment, there’s nothing stopping a driver from walking off the site. However they can’t keep your company’s vehicle, if the company don’t want it there. The only redress here is to have a moan at the transport office and let them deal with it, there’s no point going off on one at the RDC staff only to find out that the supplier will no longer use you. I’ve been at times very unhappy at the ‘service’ at RDC’s and generally if I have a problem (hours/side-tip required etc) I’ll have a word with someone first, If it can’t be resolved then I let the office deal with it.

As for handing in a spare set, whether or not you aren’t stupid enough to pull off on a red light, if found out is a sure-fire way to losing customers and possibly more :imp: . The only thing that they won’t get off me is the remote fob :wink: . (you really don’t help yourself at times Rog)

Being there for almost a full shift (tescos not your’s) is taking the proverbial though.

You shouldn’t be in this job if that is how you act. Giving drivers a bad name.

They took a while to tip you and if you have an hour and a half left with a 40 minute drive then they could have easily tipped you in the other 50 minutes you still had available.

Thanks for giving the rest of us a bad name.



Give em a ‘spare’ set

yeah, so the driver can pull away from the bay whilst still being tipped :unamused:

So long as he’d unhitched first… :slight_smile:

And put trestles under the front of the trailer. :wink: :smiley:

Didn’t they offer to chalk your tyres etc, etc, :slight_smile:

Sir +:



Give em a ‘spare’ set

yeah, so the driver can pull away from the bay whilst still being tipped :unamused:

So long as he’d unhitched first… :slight_smile:

And put trestles under the front of the trailer. :wink: :smiley:

Chalk■■? :wink:

probably should have mentioned it earlier. :bulb:
i had a similar situation a couple of weeks ago,when i was held up in the aftermath of the accident on the m1 j25.i informed the goods in staff what time i had left,but was greeted with the usual ■■■■ you attitude.
they were only using 2 bays,and the 3 other drivers in front of me had all waited over 2 hours just to get on a bay.i phoned the office,and the gaffer said wait as long as you can then pull out. :sunglasses:
i quietly sat in the waiting room,and five mins before i was going to leave the goods in bod shouted me over…i said your too late love,can you give me my paper work back…i`m away.
you should have seen the look on her face…absolutley priceless :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

See in my mind I would be giving them a random set of keys. When my time was nearly up would be off to catch the train and leaving them to worry how to get it off the bay! Guess that’s why I don’t work with freight!