With holding my keys!

MMM, i don’t really think i would of waited the 3hrs to get on a bay nevermind a further 4 waiting for the lazy (zb’s) to unload the trailer, But with hindsight waited until you could of gotten onto a bay, unhitched the trl moved the unit from under it, and told them in the office that you had to go as you were nearely out of duty time, and that another driver would be along A.S.A.P to collect the trl and paperwork, Or failing that , then you would need to access your cab and take a daily rest period whilst on the bay, before you would be moving again in 9 or 11 hrs time, (but only stay as long as you needed to in order to appear to of taken a full daily rest)

I’ve threatened to do the latter previously, and it has worked , but i wasn’t lying regarding my hours, If they had of insisted on not being flexible they would of had a 44ft trailer blocking 1 bay off for 11hrs and i was only collecting 2 pallets of chilled

Simple just let your self run out of time then refuse to move. Then it’s there problem. It’s them that will have a trailer blocking a bay for 24 hrs

you didn’t say whether the time you had left was on your driving or spread if you have sat for over 3hrs and you are on a fifteen you could add the hour as far as I know,personally I wouldn’t have said anything let them get you tipped get back the yard do a print out and explain one very now and then doesn’t hurt I find

Might also be a bit tricky guessing the 6 digit code to exit the place…

Might also be a bit tricky guessing the 6 digit code to exit the place…

plastic barriers don’t take much pressure…

Turn your fridges off on arrival?? :question: And then tell them THAT, they don’t pay for your diesel that runs the geni!!!

Letting them know that you’re not going to be a mobile warehouse for X amount of hours? That would drive me round the twist.

Just sounds like RDC’s are getting worse over recent times…

Funny thing is it’s supermarkts everytime only have to look at way they run transport to see aint got clue , prefer lidl crack on tip yourself shame tesco dont start doing this as tends to work .

You cant do 16 hr day that was changed a good few year ago even doing a splitday u can only do 15 max spreadover

Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Board Express

Last time I went to Tesco Teesport I had a similar situation and the staff couldn’t have been more helpful. Yes I have bitched about them before, but credit where it’s due.

Get your chalk and point it at the manager and say dont make me use this boy’o!

more hot air… no one ever does anything do they…honestly…

Didn’t anyone consider phoning in asking for a fasttrack tip, and if none was to be had, turning the entire truck around before even entering the yard…

No point turning up at an RDC when your tacho is already on 13:30hrs daily spread is there?

Of course, they might lie to you to get you to turn up, go on a bay, then sit there whilst you run out of time, and end up with a night out.
The chances of this happening are in inverse proportion to the amount you get paid for your night out.

Hourly Paid: They’ll have you out the gate by 14:00hrs in. Salaried, and you’ll be put onto the bay just as THIS happens…

:grimacing: :grimacing:

It isn’t difficult to sort out. Just ask how they’re getting on, Are they ahead of schedule? Explain that you have ■■■ amount of hours left and you’re happy to park up for 9 hours and tip later if it helps.
If they ask you to go on a bay, Then leave you there until you run out of time, Then you shut the curtains an take your time off.
You’ve done your bit.
If they keep annoying you by banging on your door and asking you to move, Then get a cab to the nearest B&B/travelodge etc.
There are other ways round it though.
Let’s say you sit on a bay for 4 hours on break, You are then over your 15 hour spread. Use ferry mode. :wink:
There are other ways round it, But it’s naughty and you shouldn’t have to do it.

Well if your an employed driver , you’d be pretty thick to stay in there illegally. Now as an OD who may lose the work if he gets uppity, that’s another matter.

No point turning up at an RDC when your tacho is already on 13:30hrs daily spread is there?

But he wasn’t on 13:30 when he arrived… :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :grimacing:

Its not tescos fault you were running out of time, dont think you had the right to kick off with this one.

He was in there for 7 HOURS, count them, 7. = totally unacceptable. Most deliveries would be a 2 hour window. Granted, demurrage is normally charged after this so his firm may have got 5 hours at £25-£50, fair enough but there has to be some common sense involved to allow onward planning or else we’d have to allow 15 hours for each delivery made, how can a firm plan for that as an out of the blue occurance. I know as mostly drivers you may think well i’m getting paid and the firm is getting demurrage so what’s the problem but you can’t run a transport business to allow for regular gross incompetence at RDC’s else you’d go bankrupt.

tango boy:


Give em a ‘spare’ set

yeah, so the driver can pull away from the bay whilst still being tipped :unamused:

Is ROG some kind of TRAINER■■? Or some kind of MUPPIT■■? :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The only muppet is someone who pulls off a loading bay on a red light.

You cant do 16 hr day that was changed a good few year ago even doing a splitday u can only do 15 max spreadover

Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Board Express

if you have had a uninterupted break of 3 hour you can then reduce you’re daily rest to a 9 hour thus giving you a daily rest of 12 hour,can be a godsend if you are at an rdc and you have used all you’re 9 hour rests up through the week. but you are right,you cant do more than a 15 hour spread.

Ah this brings up lots of questions :

  1. If you are still drunk from last night and work on the desk of a Tesco RDC, you are given the keys by the drivers to their trucks as you request. Are you drunk in charge of a motor vehicle ? You have the keys, you are in charge of that guys vehicle ?

  2. Do you or your employer notify your own insurer that you have to ‘give’ the keys to an unknown person in an unrelated company ? If you do what does your insurance companies stance become if there is a fire or theft involving the vehicle ?

  3. If one or more of the tesco workers refuse to give your vehicle keys back at any time is this constituted as theft of the vehicle ? Remember you ‘gave’ the keys to them upon request.

  4. If you have a split load. Some for tesco’s and some for onwards but with the onwards being a delivery of high consequence ADR materials. How would the Police feel about them requesting your keys ? Can you really trust the guy you don’t know or the guy you don’t see unloading your vehicle ? How do you know he isn’t on the phone to his ‘friend’ explaining that there is a truck he is on that will be leaving at exactly such and such a time from wherever he is ?

  5. Should you give them a notice to sign too ? Saying that you have given them the keys to your vehicls and they are now responsible for the damage, safety and valubles of that vehicle. Also they will have signed to say that if the keeper of the vehicle (yourself) requests the keys back then all unloading should stop immediately, the ramp removed and the bay light returned to green. Failure to do so will be constituted in law as theft of the vehicle ?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Lets be honest though. Some sites give you a salvo and the key is locked into the bay until the light goes green. Some sites have wheel lock systems. Some sites make you drop the trailer. Yet they still want drivers to sit in a waiting room for hours. WHY ?

(Tesco was used as an example, as we all know DHL sites are the worst and other examples are available)

I was in Pentons Oswestry yesterday ( I thought it was a scrap yard for trucks until I realised they were all still taxed an being operated :blush: :laughing: :blush: :laughing: ). It was nice in a way. I asked did you want my keys, no the guy said. “Do you know the difference between red and green on a traffic light ?” , “Yes” I replied. “Well you’ll know when your done then wont you ?”, and yes I did. There were even 2 trucks being loaded on other bays with the keys in the ignition and the engines running ! Imagine that in Tesco’s !