Winter Rations

James the cat:
Do you have a crew or is it you, optic and bog roll?

Even Tom Hanks had a volley ball

Optic is immaterial as long as the full bottle of Ursa Betha is present but is second most important item next to the cook, upset him and gawd knows what he will do to yer grub !!
3 crew on the small one and six or seven on the big un.

the cook, upset him and gawd knows what he will do to yer grub !!

Hopefully not as bad as what you do to his kitchen supplies :laughing:

James the cat:

the cook, upset him and gawd knows what he will do to yer grub !!

Hopefully not as bad as what you do to his kitchen supplies :laughing:


James the cat:

the cook, upset him and gawd knows what he will do to yer grub !!

Hopefully not as bad as what you do to his kitchen supplies :laughing:

All good quality stuff to start off with but depending on the cook not always good when dished up !

James the cat:

the cook, upset him and gawd knows what he will do to yer grub !!

Hopefully not as bad as what you do to his kitchen supplies :laughing:

Meat juices don’t mop themselves up. :stuck_out_tongue:


James the cat:

the cook, upset him and gawd knows what he will do to yer grub !!

Hopefully not as bad as what you do to his kitchen supplies :laughing:

All good quality stuff to start off with but depending on the cook not always good when dished up !

On a boat with 3 people I’d expect quality to take a turd drop when 1/3 is a cook and another 1/3 is frapping off into his cleaning materials :laughing:

I’d be suspicious if one of the meals is ever listed as, or looks like “oysters”

I shall ignore you gratuitous comments :slight_smile:
Normally decent cook on the small ones as always had to fend for ourself but the bigger ones with a ‘certified’ cook can often be iffy but sometimes first class, one boat I was on a few years ago the cook (Saudi Arabian) did some meals fit for the Ritz and he liked us to dress for dinner. ie clean teeshirt or similar and jeans. Starter, main course, desert and cheese an biccys to follow with either red or white wine with the table laid like we was royalty, providing the ship weren’t lurching around too much obviously!! Think it were the only ship where I had a shave between sailing and arriving at our destination. He was at some time before a chef on a passenger boat.