Winter Rations

Found a box in the unit a few nights back…

And thought I’d check it out…

seems I’ve been a naughty boy in doing so! Good job I did though, there’s some real important information on there (flask of hot water etc :unamused: ) if the day driver bubbles me to the hierarchy, I might have the choccy bar confiscated! Anybody else get ‘emergency supplies’ or such?

i know i said it elsewhere,but if your stranded in scotland and the rescue team come out to you,then the survival kit will consist of a demin jacket,10 regal,and a bottle of irn bru,if that didnt revive you sufficiently,then you could easlily end up taken in the ambulance and dropped of south af gretna for being a big puff. :wink:

Also, think I’d rather starve than resort to eating a Pot Noodle!!

What the ■■■■, you pulling our leg? :laughing:

Also, think I’d rather starve than resort to eating a Pot Noodle!!

koka noodles curry flavour arnt exactly the worst…as cheap as chips,and definitely ten times better than a pot noodle which is just dire.

Anybody else get ‘emergency supplies’ or such?

Yes I have …

@Merc0447 No mate…we’ve all been given these lifesaving boxes. I say ‘all’, 1 per unit, all double shifted. If the day driver eats the crisps, wtf am I gonna do■■?

No mate…we’ve all been given these lifesaving boxes. I say ‘all’, 1 per unit, all double shifted. If the day driver eats the crisps, wtf am I gonna do■■?

Defect the truck and refuse to take it out.[emoji1]

Glynis Sexton what a great name, please advice what she looks like.


No mate…we’ve all been given these lifesaving boxes. I say ‘all’, 1 per unit, all double shifted. If the day driver eats the crisps, wtf am I gonna do■■?

Defect the truck and refuse to take it out.[emoji1]

Unless they give me a supersize bar of Dairy Milk (other brands available), I think that’s the way to treat these misers!

@Merc0447 No mate…we’ve all been given these lifesaving boxes. I say ‘all’, 1 per unit, all double shifted. If the day driver eats the crisps, wtf am I gonna do■■?

Don’t knock it bud, it’s good to see a firm that show consideration towards their drivers.
Our lot would charge you for working for them if they could.

What’s that toilet roll behind your pillow for Ray? :laughing:

What’s that toilet roll behind your pillow for Ray? [emoji38]


What’s that toilet roll behind your pillow for Ray? :laughing:

I’d have thought it should be next to the laptop, along with the tickler, I mean paintbrush! :smiley:

Glynis Sexton what a great name, please advice what she looks like.

And this is rather accurate! :laughing: :laughing:



What’s that toilet roll behind your pillow for Ray? :laughing:

I’d have thought it should be next to the laptop, along with the tickler, I mean paintbrush! :smiley:


Laptop £250
Malibu £15
Getting caught on Tnuk with your ■■■■ catcher £Priceless

A picture like that is gold to Detective Contraflow.

You’ve left a third of your head in the mirror and your name written twice on that paper stuck to the mirror.

Just having a nose through your facebook, Mr Bloomfield. :laughing:

And why a large bottle under the desk, which will probably have a wide’ish hole in the top? Would the paintbrush come into play on certain occasions… Shaven or unshaven?? :blush: Thats enough off that kinda talk on here!

You was a good looking bloke in your younger days Ray. You could’ve been the next James Bond.