Winter Rations


@Merc0447 No mate…we’ve all been given these lifesaving boxes. I say ‘all’, 1 per unit, all double shifted. If the day driver eats the crisps, wtf am I gonna do■■?

Don’t knock it bud, it’s good to see a firm that show consideration towards their drivers.

Might make being stuck out somewhere due to unforeseen circumstances far easier to cope with, but if the state of some fleet trucks are to go by, I’m not to sure that expecting some drivers to tell you if they’ve used the packs or to bring a flask of hot water is asking a bit much.

And why a large bottle under the desk, which will probably have a wide’ish hole in the top? Would the paintbrush come into play on certain occasions… Shaven or unshaven?? :blush: Thats enough off that kinda talk on here!

See what you’ve started now,■■ Eh?
You encourage The Monkey, he comes out of his box, gets just a sniff :open_mouth: (it’s all he needs ffs) …and the guy gets a character assasination.
I hope you’re pleased with yourself.

:wink: :smiley:

It looks like kitchen roll to me as opposed to toilet roll. You can tell as it’s got a wider neck than a toilet roll. Just saying like… :wink:

It looks like kitchen roll to me as opposed to toilet roll. You can tell as it’s got a wider neck than a toilet roll. Just saying like… :wink:

Yes you’re quite right. I bet it’s that super-absorbent stuff.

Completely innocent yer honour, the Malibu just happens to be fixed to the optic that is on a bottle of Whyte & Mackay which iirc was about £17/19, the large necked bottle is the mineral water for me whisky, the paintbrush is for getting rid of the ■■■ ash over the £460 laptop and cleaning the ashtray, £1 and the ■■■■ roll is actually kitchen roll as I had a bad cold and a runny snout.
So in conclusion pretty well inaccurate … apart from me being a good looking lad in me youf :slight_smile:
How the hell could you see what’s on the lappie screen ■■? Cos just looks very bright to me.
And as for character assassination that’s been done so often before I now offer any thing I can to help out whoever’s doing it.

Completely innocent yer honour, the Malibu just happens to be fixed to the optic that is on a bottle of Whyte & Mackay which iirc was about £17/19, the large necked bottle is the mineral water for me whisky, the paintbrush is for getting rid of the ■■■ ash over the £460 laptop and cleaning the ashtray, £1 and the ■■■■ roll is actually kitchen roll as I had a bad cold and a runny snout.
So in conclusion pretty well inaccurate … apart from me being a good looking lad in me youf :slight_smile:
How the hell could you see what’s on the lappie screen ■■? Cos just looks very bright to me.
And as for character assassination that’s been done so often before I now offer any thing I can to help out whoever’s doing it.

And there rests the case for the defence.

Call the Monkey for the prosecution. :smiley:

Was gonna say u got ur water to whiskey ratio right, shame its in a malibu squirter :laughing: :laughing:

Can tell ur an agency driver as well… clock set 1hr and 14mins ahead, cant miss those shifts can yer :laughing:


Completely innocent yer honour, the Malibu just happens to be fixed to the optic that is on a bottle of Whyte & Mackay which iirc was about £17/19, the large necked bottle is the mineral water for me whisky, the paintbrush is for getting rid of the ■■■ ash over the £460 laptop and cleaning the ashtray, £1 and the ■■■■ roll is actually kitchen roll as I had a bad cold and a runny snout.
So in conclusion pretty well inaccurate … apart from me being a good looking lad in me youf :slight_smile:
How the hell could you see what’s on the lappie screen ■■? Cos just looks very bright to me.
And as for character assassination that’s been done so often before I now offer any thing I can to help out whoever’s doing it.

And there rests the case for the defence.

Call the Monkey for the prosecution. :smiley:

A bad cold and a runny snout. Likely story.

I put it to the jury that people don’t generally blow their noses whilst asleep.

A sailor though, out at sea? No female company? Alone in his bunk?

I rest my case. :laughing:

Objection me lud, that photo was taken on a 270 ton ballast barge called the Bert Prior that runs from Fingerinhoe near Colchester to Deptford creek so hardly out at sea, well a little I suppose and about the lack of female company, not relevant and not necessarily true and unprovable.


Anybody else get ‘emergency supplies’ or such?

Yes I have …


Bet no one on here has a better cab than that,very nice.



Anybody else get ‘emergency supplies’ or such?

Yes I have …


Bet no one on here has a better cab than that,very nice.


He’s got everything he needs; whisky, high-speed internet connection and super-absorbent kitchen roll.

No further questions Your Honour.

I’d like to call our next witness; Seaman Stains!

:astonished: Beezle. Anyway the case has been dismissed. Unless…

Be careful of raymundo,check out the time he posted the picture and the time on the clock in the picture…this dude can time travel!!!

Objection me lud, that photo was taken on a 270 ton ballast barge called the Bert Prior that runs from Fingerinhoe near Colchester to Deptford creek so hardly out at sea, well a little I suppose and about the lack of female company, not relevant and not necessarily true and unprovable.

Had to google Fingeringhoe to see if you were being serious :open_mouth:
Thought that Dipperdave was writing your material. :laughing:

You weren’t the only one!

That place has been known to get the odd name change, one of the office girls got upset when I sent the paperwork in with an ‘L’ between the O & E :slight_smile:

‘Went from Fingeringhoe to Deptford Creek’ sounds like a line from a Carry on film. :smiley:

Parra Handy more like :slight_smile: