
Is anyone else not surprised by the number of lorrys blown over today having witnessed the ‘couldn’t careless less, it’ll never happen to me’ attidude that some drivers seem to have judging by the speed, and manner of driving ive witnessed today on the motorways?

YES absolutely I went over the 62 this morning taking it steady and was amazed at some of the people flying past me without a care in the world.

The radio said the Police had asked high siders not to go between 21 and 23 but still they were flying about over there.

Am on way up to Aberdeen tomoro , and running back empty! not looking forward to it ! :confused:

Well survived coming back down the road empty , sat at 40-50mph max! altho one or two obviously thought it safe to go full tilt (altho they might have been fully loaded) who knows!

Fallmonk, your take your devils dumpings with you, that should keep you on the ground, the little beauties

i got told by drivers who listened to the travel this morning that snake pass woodhead and the m62 were closed. i was running empty from manchester back to suffolk, and it was rather hair raising! i came down the m6, a50 m1, i think the m1 in leicestershire was the worst

Being that ive only been driving artics for about 3 1/2 months, i found driving in the wind quite a hair raising experience. Im glad i was only driving short distances from Uxbridge to Heathrow & back. According to the local weather wind speeds around heathrow were about 60mph! i stuck to about 45-50mph & was amazed by the amount of trucks flying past me without a care in the world.

Just wondering weather a truck would be more likely to go over onto it’s if travelling at 40 or 56?

As to all the traffic advise (sally traffic don’t use the M6 in ■■■■■■■ if your driving a high sider) dosent that depend on how much weight your pulling, and if your MT just pull back the curtains and open the back door.

Saw 2 over on there side on the stretch along side metal bridge and it looked like they both started off in lane 1 and tumbled onto there side. Imagine ringing in and saying I’ve parked up at Carlisle because it’s a bit windy. But then again if the TM was to know this was to happen maybe the spotty oik would be more sympathetic.

Just wondering weather a truck would be more likely to go over onto it’s site if travelling at 40 or 56?

As to all the traffic advise (sally traffic don’t use the M6 in ■■■■■■■ if your driving a high sider) dosent that depend on how much weight your pulling, and if your MT just pull back the curtains and open the back door.

Saw 2 over on there side on the stretch along side metal bridge and it looked like they both started off in lane 1 and tumbled onto there side. Imagine ringing in and saying I’ve parked up at Carlisle because it’s a bit windy. But then again if the TM was to know this was to happen maybe the spotty oik would be more sympathetic.




looking at that pic nuff said methinks
shame u didnt have page 3 showing either :wink:

Just wondering weather a truck would be more likely to go over onto it’s if travelling at 40 or 56?

It doesn’t really matter how fast you are going , even if you are stationary a good gust will send it over. Of course if you are going fast it is easy for a gust to send you off course even if you don’t go over. And going off course at 30mph is nowhere near as bad as going off course at 56mph.

Imagine ringing in and saying I’ve parked up at Carlisle because it’s a bit windy

or even ringing in and telling them the Police have parked you up?

YES absolutely I went over the 62 this morning taking it steady and was amazed at some of the people flying past me without a care in the world.

The radio said the Police had asked high siders not to go between 21 and 23 but still they were flying about over there.

Jammy i went to your place yesterday morning. (Your mate will remember me, i’m the one who wouldn’t unclip the trailer i dropped off!!) and on the A57 they where full speed ahead, shook me all over the place and then blinded me with spray !!!

I’ve driven back down the M6 this morning from Penrith in my 10 tonner DAF empty at no more than 40 - 50 mph, and still had artic drivers fly past me, in what can only be described as hazardous and dangerous winds.

There was an artic on its side at Tebay, you’d think the sight of this would slow other drivers down a a bit, but not a chance they still keep the foot to the floor.

I am honestly surpised there hasn’t been a lot more accidents, especially on the M62 where conditions were just as dangerous with the same antics going on.

Just wondering weather a truck would be more likely to go over onto it’s if travelling at 40 or 56?

My thinking (I pull a 16ft double decker) is that speed shouldn’t affect the actual side forces much (maybe a little more stable at speed?) BUT assuming that a good gust will blow you sideways the forces applied when you pull it back in line will be more with speed, and these coupled with the wind could be enough to tip the trailer. Maybe my physics is wrong, but it makes sense. Ultimately, with the level of wind in the last couple of days I always slow down. I don’t really want to find out if I am right or wrong the hard way :smiley:

it was fairly windy coming down on tuesday with a tescos double decker in lane 3 and across the grass on shap.

i got lucky on thursday as they shut the dartford bridge after i got over it. sending traffic through the tunnel. there was definatly a few arses out there bang away on the limiter.


Went curtain kiting today! Dropped a load at a farm in the Wolds, so im ontop of a hill, winds getting worse. Open just one curtain dropped the load but closing it took 3 of us! Some would say run with them open, well cant with the trailer I mainly use, If I did the roof would be in the North Sea by now. Brand new trailer from a well known manufacturer but made cheap as chips!

The slower you go the better off you are. If you stop you will get blown over in a very high wind… Fridges are worse than tilts because there is no give in the sides. A strong gust will topple it. If you can drive alongside a similar truck. The same with parking…

i had some idiot pass me yesterday on the M8 doing around 70. i would estimate the height of his trailer being 15’ or so. most others were between 40 and 50MPH.

i heard the forth road bridge was closed to everything except cars today. nothing new there but there was also a 20MPH limit in force. thats a new one of me :confused:

Went curtain kiting today! Dropped a load at a farm in the Wolds, so im ontop of a hill, winds getting worse. Open just one curtain dropped the load but closing it took 3 of us! Some would say run with them open, well cant with the trailer I mainly use, If I did the roof would be in the North Sea by now. Brand new trailer from a well known manufacturer but made cheap as chips!

If you got some long enought straps you could strap over the roof to keep it down.

The worst thing to do is drive with loose cutrains as you create a concave in them which will just throw you over pretty much straight away.

I agree I was doing between 30-50 on the m6 yesterday near coventry, trucks were overtaking me as if it were a summer afternoon mind on that over took me almost went over near Corley. Afterall whats time compared to your life.

I’m not sure that I’d agree that fridges are worse than curtain siders. Firstly, they tend to be not so tall, and secondly, they weigh about 2 tonnes heavier, with much of that weight comprising the fridge, which may be underslung, or, if front mounted, the weight is immediately behind the cab and therefore serves as a counterbalance to the trailer wagging’.

They also have a stronger (and heavier) floor which assists in keeping the C of G lower. It is the height of the C of G that will often be the determining factor as to whether a vehicle remains upright or not.

Hence the notoriety of ‘hanging meat’.
