
Came back from Edinburgh just before christmas, 3 had gone over around Shap,poor 7.5 tonner looked like it had just been picked up and slamed into the ground. Once saw a fully laden 44 tonner hit by strong winds,it might aswell have been made of cardboard. When its like this dont half make me glad I drive a tanker. Anyway, if the wind gets really bad try windeze.

Thursday morning, I woke up to a beautiful day in Ireland and caught the slow boat to Stranrae. I noted fuel consumption was up a little on the run down the A75. I was pulling an empty stepframe trailer :open_mouth: . As soon as I got onto the M6, the wind hit me. It must have been a headwind on the A75, blowing West to Easterly when I hit the M6 South . It go bad enough by Gretna Green that I decided to park up for a couple of hours to see if it dropped any. The transport ofice had heard of the blow overs and were aware of the weather. The move was greeted enthusiastically when I called them to let them know, this was around 11.00am. 15-00, the wind seemed to have dropped some, so off I pottered and got as far as Stourbridge before I decided to call it a day. Ran in this morning and was told well done for making the desicion, the other stepframe we run was involved in an accident due to the wind Thursday PM. Not a huge one, just a wobble out a lane, but I do believe the driver of the vehicle will learn from it and take his foot off the gas next time :unamused:.

Yep, if the gusts are strong enough it will blow over a stationary lorry regardless. however i recall watching a documentary many many years ago about why lorrys blow over.

In the majority of cases, because the lorry is moving foward the wind is actually hitting it an an angle. the worse angle is about 45 degrees from the front, as that wind flow causes the side of the lorry sheltered from the wind to create a vacuum, hence not only is the wind blowing you over, the vacuum is almost ‘sucking’ you over too. It was said at the time that reducing speed will reduce the build up of that vacuum. its also why they used to group two lorries side by side to go over high bridges, as the one will fill and block the area where the vacuum would normally biuld, while the other shelters that one from the wind, thus also preventing it from being blown over.

I note they dont do that now, just close the bridge.

Thats what I keep tellin’ 'em! Fully freighted fridges go over easier than fully freighted tilts of the same height. Forget all the books & diagrams. I am talking from experience. :laughing:

Picture a sailing ship and see how that works.

Speed will increase the risk of a truck blowing over. My tank doesnt have that problem but one of my first jobs driving artics was with a single axle 40’ loaded with polystyrene blocks from Vencel Resil in Howden.

The complete outfit weighed about 9 tonnes and was about 15 feet high.

It helped if you could run side by side with another truck

Im just glad that Fallmonk is ok, cos i really look forward to his words of wisdom on any matters to do with driving, i really study what he says and spend a long time thinking about his wise words… :smiley: :wink: :wink:

Im just glad that Fallmonk is ok, cos i really look forward to his words of wisdom on any matters to do with driving, i really study what he says and spend a long time thinking about his wise words… :smiley: :wink: :wink:

Fallmonk writes stuff? Where? I’ve never noticed it. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Im just glad that Fallmonk is ok, cos i really look forward to his words of wisdom on any matters to do with driving, i really study what he says and spend a long time thinking about his wise words… :smiley: :wink: :wink:

What are you doing on the forums Kindy. Haven’t you got a new lorry to polish…■■? :laughing: :wink:

did anyone else have problems with their mirrors blowing inwards due to strong headwind? I had a nightmare on friday driving the M9 and M80. The driver’s side mirror on my 13T DAF LF continuously kept on collapsing back into my door window.

I must have looked like a right idiot sitting at 40mph every 5 minutes with my arm out the window fighting against the wind to straighten it back out.

Hence the notoriety of ‘hanging meat’.

so loading flat steel underneath would be a safety measure :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

did anyone else have problems with their mirrors blowing inwards due to strong headwind? I had a nightmare on friday driving the M9 and M80. The driver’s side mirror on my 13T DAF LF continuously kept on collapsing back into my door window.

I must have looked like a right idiot sitting at 40mph every 5 minutes with my arm out the window fighting against the wind to straighten it back out.

I have the same problem with my sliding wind deflecter ,keeps poping out when the heavy wind! ,have taken to bungee ropes and even tie-straps

******* hope this post helps kindle530 & Coffeeholic ************

went down windy hill at about 45, saw waggon flying down behind me thinking here commes paddy, only to get flash of lights and toot of horn off of one of ours, by the time id got to the bottom he was long gone , brave or foolish, who knows

Denis F:

Hence the notoriety of ‘hanging meat’.

so loading flat steel underneath would be a safety measure :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Of course it would.

As would a couple of dozen illegal immigrants hanging onto the axles.

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Done ayg , for john lewis on saturday doing a “drop n catch” taking a double decker down to truckhave services at carnforth , and bring one back up , that was great fun NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT still didnt stop a few other D/Deckers passing me! and i had slowed down to 45-50mph and they must have still doing 55mph
Brave or foolish you decide !

Brave…foolish…or perhaps mileage paid■■? :open_mouth:

I and my fellow mileage bunnies get very poor wages on weeks that the wind blows. :cry:

Done ayg , for john lewis on saturday doing a “drop n catch” taking a double decker down to truckhave services at carnforth , and bring one back up , that was great fun NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT still didnt stop a few other D/Deckers passing me! and i had slowed down to 45-50mph and they must have still doing 55mph
Brave or foolish you decide !

they werent tesco were they? i have had a lift to livingston from middlewich with some of their subbies and they wellie it up the road. im glad i was out for the count after 15 hour shift :open_mouth:


Done ayg , for john lewis on saturday doing a “drop n catch” taking a double decker down to truckhave services at carnforth , and bring one back up , that was great fun NOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT still didnt stop a few other D/Deckers passing me! and i had slowed down to 45-50mph and they must have still doing 55mph
Brave or foolish you decide !

they werent tesco were they? i have had a lift to livingston from middlewich with some of their subbies and they wellie it up the road. im glad i was out for the count after 15 hour shift :open_mouth:

Na mate , was all john lewis/kingsmill bread/loads of stobarts etc
very busy yard for trailer swaps!
even managed to drive past jct 35 while staring at the fishermen in the pouring rain(N/S) and thinking they was mad as the jct came and went!!! :blush:
had to run down and back up to next jct , was even spoted by the trailer swap driver saying some idiot has just drove past had to put my hand up and say it was me ! :blush: :blush: :blush: