Wincanto sherburn in elmet sacking drivers

i agree on some points but disagree on others, how much is the difference in start times?

they haven’t said tough they have offered another shift so you can stay in work. however if your a 3am guy and they are now saying its 1800 starts then yes its unfair and unreasonable. if your a 3am guy and they have moved you to 6am or made you work weekends or whatever then they wont class it as unreasonable.

finally as you have only been there a year they could just get shot of you without any need to give a reason, unions are [zb] always have been since I started work in the 90’s the gmb being one of the worst (only union I know who advise to reject a 10% pay increase and settle for 3% thinking they have done you a good turn).
best of luck with it but think your screwed either way (soft union and only been there 1 year).

moved 3 to 4-45 am to 11am --12-45pm,just 8 hours forward ,but it’s seems reasonable for them, for unions, acas, solicitors.


i agree on some points but disagree on others, how much is the difference in start times?

they haven’t said tough they have offered another shift so you can stay in work. however if your a 3am guy and they are now saying its 1800 starts then yes its unfair and unreasonable. if your a 3am guy and they have moved you to 6am or made you work weekends or whatever then they wont class it as unreasonable.

finally as you have only been there a year they could just get shot of you without any need to give a reason, unions are [zb] always have been since I started work in the 90’s the gmb being one of the worst (only union I know who advise to reject a 10% pay increase and settle for 3% thinking they have done you a good turn).
best of luck with it but think your screwed either way (soft union and only been there 1 year).

moved 3 to 4-45 am to 11am --12-45pm,just 8 hours forward ,but it’s seems reasonable for them, for unions, acas, solicitors.

that’s harsh to be honest and I would guess classed as unreasonable if fought correctly.

I’d be well chuffed at an 11am-12.45pm start as long as you’re finishing around midnight. It is far far better for your health and wellbeing than a 3am-4.45am start. According to studies done, starting at those early times in the morning effectively reduces your life by 10 minutes a day.

I’d be well chuffed at an 11am-12.45pm start as long as you’re finishing around midnight. It is far far better for your health and wellbeing than a 3am-4.45am start. According to studies done, starting at those early times in the morning effectively reduces your life by 10 minutes a day.

3-5am starts do ■■■■, but those doing them will be used to getting home at lunchtime, afternoon to themselves doing hobbies, being there when the kids finish school, have tea with the missus most nights etc. Permanent 11-1pm starts are a total lifestyle changer, so it’s easy to see why there is unrest.

Drivers do daft o’clock starts mainly because it’s the only way in this game to ensure your home at decent hour!

I am making a guess that the shop steward was given a simple “this is the way it’s going to be” and negotiations didn’t come into the equation.
If the workplace was so unhappy about it how come no one suggested industrial action?


they crying already,but they never admit they mistakes. now hiring maritime 500 quid p day, five agencies advertising every day, they strugle couple weeks ago borrow 30 drivers from northampton deppo came with minibus. rhey training 10 new drivers,but after week or two 7-8 fct and leavs.

The trouble with people exaggerating the facts is that it weakens the point of the argument, 20 drivers leaving!! 30 drivers shipped by minibus!! 10 new starters but 8 leave a week later!! As for Maritime I will guarantee that they aren’t even getting close to £500 a day for doing traction work!!

How do you guarantee that maritime are not getting £500 a day?

Blank post

According to studies done, starting at those early times in the morning effectively reduces your life by 10 minutes a day.

Jesus wept! I should be mere ashes in a jar by now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Stanley Knife:

According to studies done, starting at those early times in the morning effectively reduces your life by 10 minutes a day.

Jesus wept! I should be mere ashes in a jar by now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Me too, one size never has fitted all.


I’d be well chuffed at an 11am-12.45pm start as long as you’re finishing around midnight. It is far far better for your health and wellbeing than a 3am-4.45am start. According to studies done, starting at those early times in the morning effectively reduces your life by 10 minutes a day.

3-5am starts do ■■■■, but those doing them will be used to getting home at lunchtime, afternoon to themselves doing hobbies, being there when the kids finish school, have tea with the missus most nights etc. Permanent 11-1pm starts are a total lifestyle changer, so it’s easy to see why there is unrest.

Drivers do daft o’clock starts mainly because it’s the only way in this game to ensure your home at decent hour!

Yep mate agree. I do my last week for them and it’s my last day today.I did on new rota and gess what - in five days so the managers fases for few hours per day , my wife and my son for 15 min per day?

The full story was not published by the op.

I have a very good friend who works there as a driver, and also reads this forum, but he can’t print why they are doing it, suffice to say he has told me, and there is more to the op’s post than has been told.


The full story was not published by the op.

I have a very good friend who works there as a driver, and also reads this forum, but he can’t print why they are doing it, suffice to say he has told me, and there is more to the op’s post than has been told.


Any chance of a PM Ken, As a driver here I’d love to know what you’ve been told [emoji6]

Any chance of a PM Ken, As a driver here I’d love to know what you’ve been told [emoji6]

No need, but suffice to say, Wincanton have a certain criteria, and the naughty boys are the ones that have been put on these shifts for not adhering to it.



Any chance of a PM Ken, As a driver here I’d love to know what you’ve been told [emoji6]

No need, but suffice to say, Wincanton have a certain criteria, and the naughty boys are the ones that have been put on these shifts for not adhering to it.


Would love 11am starts would fit in with my natural sleep pattern, seem to have been stuck on 02:30 for weeks and not likely to change any time soon :unamused: mostly easy enough runs though. Any shift starting between 11:00 and 14:00 works for me :wink:

I do my last week for them and it’s my last day today.

Nice to see people vote with their feet.



Maritime are in big trouble, virtually uninsurable allegedly

Why don’t they self insure then?

I believe they are due to the massive excess.

Bonded insurance have no excess as you pay the bills yourself .

I’d be well chuffed at an 11am-12.45pm start as long as you’re finishing around midnight. It is far far better for your health and wellbeing than a 3am-4.45am start. According to studies done, starting at those early times in the morning effectively reduces your life by 10 minutes a day.

Going by that if loosing 10 mins a day for early starts .iv just gon thru my diarys for last 30 yrs and presuming I was going to live till I was 75 I’m now goin to snuff it at 10.40 next Tuesday

Stanley Knife:

According to studies done, starting at those early times in the morning effectively reduces your life by 10 minutes a day.

Jesus wept! I should be mere ashes in a jar by now. :stuck_out_tongue:

One week is roughly an hour lost so you lose 2 days a year. Do 30 years and you lose 60 days.

But its worse than that and this is something that we can relate to. You’re also at higher risk of being overweight, getting diabetes, heart conditions, problems with short term memory and cancer. There’s a lot of all of that in truck driving and its what happens when you try to fight nature.


I’d be well chuffed at an 11am-12.45pm start as long as you’re finishing around midnight. It is far far better for your health and wellbeing than a 3am-4.45am start. According to studies done, starting at those early times in the morning effectively reduces your life by 10 minutes a day.

Going by that if loosing 10 mins a day for early starts .iv just gon thru my diarys for last 30 yrs and presuming I was going to live till I was 75 I’m now goin to snuff it at 10.40 next Tuesday

So you are already 74 years old…?