Wincanto sherburn in elmet sacking drivers

yep unions they rubish too just helps them self have good rotas and us to write grevancies :smiley:

The union on the same site when it was Exel/Somerfield, were about as much use as a chocolate teapot.

A friend of mine who worked on the same shift as me at the time, took the management on by himself, and secured a victory over an incident that was happening at the time that impacted around 8 of us on a particular shift.


I am no expert, but I don’t see redundancy has any part to play here. Redundancy kicks in when the job no longer exists.

If the employer insists on imposing a significant change (which is not in accordance with the employee’s contract of employment) then the employee has a couple of choices:

  1. Accept the change anyway
  2. Refuse to work under the new condition (and then be liable to discipline procedure and eventual dismissal)
  3. Resign (constructive dismissal)

In either of the latter two situations, his only redress would be to take the employer to an employment tribunal (unfair dismissal) or to the County Court (for breach of contract).

If anyone has to now “pay” to take up a tribunal - then that’s carte blance for introducing any changes by imposition that, by imposition, are never going to be for the upside of the staff.

they crying already,but they never admit they mistakes. now hiring maritime 500 quid p day, five agencies advertising every day, they strugle couple weeks ago borrow 30 drivers from northampton deppo came with minibus. rhey training 10 new drivers,but after week or two 7-8 fct and leavs.

The trouble with people exaggerating the facts is that it weakens the point of the argument, 20 drivers leaving!! 30 drivers shipped by minibus!! 10 new starters but 8 leave a week later!! As for Maritime I will guarantee that they aren’t even getting close to £500 a day for doing traction work!!


yep unions they rubish too just helps them self have good rotas and us to write grevancies :smiley:

The union on the same site when it was Exel/Somerfield, were about as much use as a chocolate teapot.

A friend of mine who worked on the same shift as me at the time, took the management on by himself, and secured a victory over an incident that was happening at the time that impacted around 8 of us on a particular shift.


Don’t forget the Union IS the drivers NOT the reps. Therefore if the drivers are letting the reps rule the roost then who’s to blame? The trouble in this country is most drivers whine on about this, that and the other but when it comes to doing something and sticking together their arses twitch.

Don’t forget the Union IS the drivers NOT the reps

just wish more drivers would realise that

unions are a waste of time, reps to the top…

i had a change of contract enforced on me and colleaques a few years ago… even after meetings with the top players of unison (prentice) and their lawyers ect we were advised to sign the new contract… and they even welcomed a £50 bonus from the employer to sign… out of 100+ staff 6 of us refused. went right to the last day and got a meeting with the management where no redundancy could be offered as the role would still remain, although on different terms, they had to offer us a severence package which was aload better the redundancy and we all accepted it there and then…

unions are only interested in your cash… they will support the employer more then the employee… there are good reps out there who will fight but these are getting very thin on the ground as the employer knows how to bend em over…


Don’t forget the Union IS the drivers NOT the reps

just wish more drivers would realise that

That’s bs.The rank and file can only appoint a negotiator/s they can’t all attend the relevant management/union meeting.The negotiation team has the delegated powers to then sign the workforce up to anything on the basis of a collective agreement.While no surprise a ballot is compulsory in the case of union action against the employer but there’s no compulsion for a ballot in the case of a union agreement with the employers.Don’t ask me how I know that. :unamused:

Same old, same old. Drivers looking for others to blame. No wonder this industry is the way it is.

unions are a waste of time, reps to the top…

i had a change of contract enforced on me and colleaques a few years ago… even after meetings with the top players of unison (prentice) and their lawyers ect we were advised to sign the new contract… and they even welcomed a £50 bonus from the employer to sign… out of 100+ staff 6 of us refused. went right to the last day and got a meeting with the management where no redundancy could be offered as the role would still remain, although on different terms, they had to offer us a severence package which was aload better the redundancy and we all accepted it there and then…

unions are only interested in your cash… they will support the employer more then the employee… there are good reps out there who will fight but these are getting very thin on the ground as the employer knows how to bend em over…

In this type of case it seems obvious that the unions say one thing while doing another.It’s obvious that start and finish time flexibility goes with the job.But no surprise the unions seem to be all about supporting the bs EU hours regs which are the the real cause of the long hours culture,which is the real problem.

Same old, same old. Drivers looking for others to blame. No wonder this industry is the way it is.

The idea of no compulsory ballot in the case of union agreements,as opposed to industrial action,doesn’t just apply to ‘drivers’. :unamused:

The rank and file can only appoint a negotiator/s they can’t all attend the relevant management/union meeting.The negotiation team has the delegated powers to then sign the workforce up to anything on the basis of a collective agreement

I think most of us already knew that. Pretty much the same way we elect a government to represent our wishes.
i think democracy is the word for it.


The rank and file can only appoint a negotiator/s they can’t all attend the relevant management/union meeting.The negotiation team has the delegated powers to then sign the workforce up to anything on the basis of a collective agreement

I think most of us already knew that. Pretty much the same way we elect a government to represent our wishes.
i think democracy is the word for it.

No ‘democracy’ would be a compulsory ballot in the case of agreements just as in the case of industrial action.No surprise that the employers insist on the latter but obviously aren’t so keen on the former. :unamused:

Surely the workforce pick a union rep to attend meeting for them, the rep hears the management proposals & tell the members what’s on offer, they then vote to reject or accept it. As far as I’m aware the union rep has no authority to accept a management offer without the members say so. At least that’s my understanding, anything else should not be classed as a union.
As for management they cannot change Ts&Cs without prior consultation with workers, their reps or the required amount of notice given, 90 days as I recall. If a worker decides to reject the new contract he’s not entitled to redundancy, if they’re entitled.
Workers aren’t entitled to any benefits until they have been with the company 2 years.
I got all this from ACAS last week when querying a contract matter, they give free advice & as such are much cheaper than unions.



yep unions they rubish too just helps them self have good rotas and us to write grevancies :smiley:

The union on the same site when it was Exel/Somerfield, were about as much use as a chocolate teapot.

A friend of mine who worked on the same shift as me at the time, took the management on by himself, and secured a victory over an incident that was happening at the time that impacted around 8 of us on a particular shift.


Don’t forget the Union IS the drivers NOT the reps. Therefore if the drivers are letting the reps rule the roost then who’s to blame? The trouble in this country is most drivers whine on about this, that and the other but when it comes to doing something and sticking together their arses twitch.

Agree, the unions in uk they only on the paper, they should fight for every employee to the last blood dropp, as in france they never allow to propose to sacrifice some of they drivers.


Thing is, this year there is going to be an abundance of well-paid temp position across Christmas I reckon.

If I’m right - Sainburies will be crying in their beer entrusting this Christmas to wincanski by boxing day. :smiley: :smiling_imp:

Nope, the time change request will have come from Sainsburys, Wincanton is just obeying their request. Some driver loss is expected but these are easily replaced.
To Wincanton the truck is the asset the driver is the liability and the contract is the priority.

However as mentioned there are some priority drivers who can move from contract to contract, these are the ones who realise how the system works.

Some priority drivers have priority shift rotas, priority runs,no driving rigids, they like sacred cows in india untouchables :laughing:

I’m over a year at sainsbury’s wincanton,on morning shifts.But they force new rota system in, a week ago, and try to push drivers in to stupid starting times,appealed but they gave more shett shifts to choose from, told them I not accept the chainges , and forced to write leaving notice or be liable to discipline procedure and eventual dismissal if not doing new rotas.

bbeen asked by union rep if I would accept to move to agency on suiable times, but rejected by wincanton ■■■■■.

blue estate:

yep unions they rubish too just helps them self have good rotas and us to write grevancies :smiley:

Does the reps trousers have a flap in the seat :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I thought unions should protect the employees not to help eployers to ■■ them?

i agree on some points but disagree on others, how much is the difference in start times?

they haven’t said tough they have offered another shift so you can stay in work. however if your a 3am guy and they are now saying its 1800 starts then yes its unfair and unreasonable. if your a 3am guy and they have moved you to 6am or made you work weekends or whatever then they wont class it as unreasonable.

finally as you have only been there a year they could just get shot of you without any need to give a reason, unions are ■■■■ always have been since I started work in the 90’s the gmb being one of the worst (only union I know who advise to reject a 10% pay increase and settle for 3% thinking they have done you a good turn).
best of luck with it but think your screwed either way (soft union and only been there 1 year).

i agree on some points but disagree on others, how much is the difference in start times?

they haven’t said tough they have offered another shift so you can stay in work. however if your a 3am guy and they are now saying its 1800 starts then yes its unfair and unreasonable. if your a 3am guy and they have moved you to 6am or made you work weekends or whatever then they wont class it as unreasonable.

finally as you have only been there a year they could just get shot of you without any need to give a reason, unions are [zb] always have been since I started work in the 90’s the gmb being one of the worst (only union I know who advise to reject a 10% pay increase and settle for 3% thinking they have done you a good turn).
best of luck with it but think your screwed either way (soft union and only been there 1 year).

Yep totaly agree unions are rubish in uk, they helped wincanton to ridd of drivers or replace by new from outside,or agencies drivers.Also to avoid redundancies procedure. It’s total leagal way to do , I though it’s 21 century, but seems not much changes from 17. no any rights just begging ,appealing, then begging,then appealing,greevancies ect…