Will i get work

hello everyone this is my first post on this site, i have been reading for quite some time. i have always taken an interest to hgv driving ever since i used to go with my dad when i was younger. my question is does anyone know of any companies in Kent that will give me a chance. i am only 21 years old and i have yet to start the process of obtaining my license, does anyone recommend KML or Gordon Springate■■?. I have worked hard to save enough to pay for my training and will do it whatever , i just would appreciate any positive advice. i am quite happy to start on smaller trucks and work unsociable hours to get the experience needed, i would also obtain any license required ie C, C+E Hiab etc . It has always been the job ive wanted to do so now im going for it!! i look forward to any responses. thanks

Cant comment on the trainer but if you look at a thread about work for newbies it will tell you things are getting better but you have to put the leg work in, phone around, pop into companies and send CV’s.

You have the money ready to go for it, if you are one of the lucky ones then you could find a job pretty quick, Total Madness who is on here got a job the same day he passes IIRC if not then you have always got it for the future just keep contacting compainies and applying for every thing.

I think with this new DCPC thing it may create another driver shortage so it is well worth having in my opinion. You will always here some people say the job aint what it used to be but if it something you really want to do I am sure you will have a happy career.

Good luck with the training, (In ROGs absense) if you look in ROGs guides there are recommended training schools that others have recomended

The answer to your question is yes you will find work, Like Macca said you have to put in the leg work and do a lot of reading up on this forum,
I would not have got this far this quick without all the help on this forum, especially all of help from ROG :sunglasses:

My advice is go for it, My only regret is not doing it ten years ago!!
People will try to put you off but if its what will make you happy do it

At the end of the day the ones who moan about driving lorries all the time should hang up there keys and give us newbies a chance :laughing:

hi finn1,i done my class c with kent metro and class c+e with gordon springate and would recommend either of them give them a ring and compare prices,i promise you will not go wrong with either of them.where abouts are you in kent mate.
good luck

. hi finn i went with springates and would also recommend them .i am finding it very hard to get jobs even 7.5 and i am in kent.but dont let me put u off .go for it and best of luck

. hi finn i went with springates and would also recommend them .i am finding it very hard to get jobs even 7.5 and i am in kent.but dont let me put u off .go for it and best of luck

sry i am a knobhead done it 2 times lol

It’s a qualification for life and you’re only 21,in the forty plus working years that you’ve got ahead of you I’m sure you’ll get plenty of opportunity to use it,perhaps not straight away but you will always have it to fall back on.

thanks for all the replies, im in Medway Kent, its nice to hear some positive advice, like i say to people how often do you hear someone say they actually like there job!!! why is it so many people try to put you off doing this job?? i am willing to do as much work alongside the driving, but people seem to moan they have to get out the cab 5 times a day to help unload?? what’s the problem just get on and do the job!!! im not stupid, i know at the moment there is no shortage of drivers at the moment that’s just something the trainers say to get you on board, but you also see adverts like plumbers needed shortage 40K + per yr, its all a load of zb i know cause ive already fallen into that trap! one more question if anyone could help me out can you confirm the process of obtaining the cat C license

training and test
dcpc is this correct ■■

yeah thats rigth mate theres a cheap medical place in ashford if you want it let me know 40 quid . gillingham is a mad test centre some of the routes are crazy full of hills and tight turns .nothing in a car but wait till you in the lorry but its good fun you will love it

Hi 1 finn,

The info you need (and lots more relevant stuff) is all in this one post from our FAQ forum:

:open_mouth: Just before you hit that link, I’d suggest that you let your friends and relatives know that you’ll be away for some time!!
You’ll then need some butties, a flask and a sleeping bag. :grimacing:

… and please keep posting to ask questions and to let us know your progress. :smiley:

Good luck! :smiley:

Hiya 1 finn, if youve always wanted to do this then go for it , you have your whole life ahead of you to build up a good career for yourself .Good luck.

when you have done your medical and get all your bits back .ring metro and springates and you can book a 1 hour test drive its free.i done this with 4 firms so when i started me training i already had 4 hrs driveing. i found springates to be much nicer than the others. i think it was me 3rd day in to me course it was 12 till 4 we got back to the yard the chap in the office sry cant remember his name nice fella talks alot said i am here till 5 take the moter down to the reversing area and practise your reversing and stops or just have a drive round the showground.i had had my lesson this was extra so its all good stuff i will be going back to do me c+e as soon as i get a job and save some dow

Hello there 1 finn. Go for it and its something youll not regret. Dont do it and its something youll always wish you had. Every job has those who think it brill and others who think its pants, its something youll decide over time. Being based in Kent I would imagine that youll end up doing multi-drop into the smoke or something similar for a first job.When I first passed my class 2 I got a job delivering truck spares which was brill but after a couple of months it was changed to multi-drop in and around Manchester, took me less than a month for me to decide not for me, so went and got a job driving 8 legger bulk tanker. What im saying in a long winded way is for your first job dont be fussy and get the experience then get the job you want. Still on a bulk tanker, now artic, and wouldnt do anything else.

hi finn, i would say go for it mate, i know where i live in northamptonshire there is lots of work around at the min

finn you are in kent u got about as much chance as moonwalking down the strand with michael jackson and bubbles as getting a job mate in this ninja like world of truck driveing… re will i get work … armmm no

finn you are in kent u got about as much chance as moonwalking down the strand with michael jackson and bubbles as getting a job mate in this ninja like world of truck driveing… re will i get work … armmm no

I take it you haven’t found no work yet, have u tried the agencies in Maidstone, im not getting my hopes up but a good friend is hoping to get me a start driving a 8 wheeler grab lorry, ive told them i would do the training for nothing if they gave me a job, who knows, if not ill just go and pester the local companies even if its people like 3663 in paddock wood, jewsons, travis perkins there must be someone who will take you on!! how old are you, ? i will see it more of a challenge to get a job. but gotta do my test ive been quoted £1419 for class 2 lessons from start to finish including cpc, how does that compare to what you paid, good luck-- keep looking

finn tryed em all mate and p&h swains . i cant go in any more agencys as i will proberley nut them and end up in elmley i am 40 going on 21 that sounds about rigth mate on the price

There is work out there if you persevere.

I got absolutely no where with agencies, not one job in three months despite registering with loads and nagging them. Was constantly put down because of my age (under 25) I didn’t have any experience - complete waste of time.

In the end I went and made 50 photocopies of my CV and a covering letter, bought I shed load of stamps and envelopes and just went crazy sending letters out to any haulage/distribution company I could think of and whose trucks I had seen driving around, plus any interesting jobs on the job centre website. After one failed interview, I soon got another and a job.

My advice: don’t be disheartened by the way agencies can treat you. Just because they don’t want to risk sending an inexperienced driver out on a job, doesn’t necessarily mean the companies they deal with don’t want anything to do with you. The company that took me on uses Driver Hire as their primary source of relief drivers - the same agency that wouldn’t give me a sniff.

i wish someone would give me a sniff .rows with the old women she dont give big daddy no love anymore . even me ■■■■ is on the dole liveing on handouts