Will i get banned?

Blunder Man:
I dont do 60 mph downhill in a 40mph zone in a fully freighted Arctic, on a single carriage road.

why not? it’s good fun. are you a nancy boy? :laughing:


Blunder Man:
I dont do 60 mph downhill in a 40mph zone in a fully freighted Arctic, on a single carriage road.

why not? it’s good fun. are you a nancy boy? :laughing:

Better still doing 70/80, hear the tappets bouncing as well as the scream from the turbo… :grimacing: :grimacing:

I didn’t drive anyone off this forum

I think willie mac might be inclined to disagree with that statement.

If it wasn,t willie mac, then put me down as a senile, boring old zb Joshh; for not getting his facts right. :unamused: :unamused: I,m even older, and possibly more boring than Blunderman; With whose first comments on this thread ,I totally disagreed ; But whose later advice to s2rich, were more in keeping with what rich was needing from an older, more experienced HGVDriver.

When Blunderman wakes up, he,ll put Phil right as well, for taking the ■■■■ :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I didn’t drive anyone off this forum

I think willie mac might be inclined to disagree with that statement.

If it wasn,t willie mac, then put me down as a senile, boring old zb Joshh; for not getting his facts right. :unamused: :unamused: I,m even older, and possibly more boring than Blunderman; With whose first comments on this thread ,I totally disagreed ; But whose later advice to s2rich, were more in keeping with what rich was needing from an older, more experienced HGVDriver.

When Blunderman wakes up, he,ll put Phil right as well, for taking the ■■■■ :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Yeah i read properly the man talkes sense,
But i didn’t drive him off this forum, obvisiouly everyone is whiter then white and never said one word and it is always my fault.

Realy dont want to put a downer on this situation but if you get more than six points in your first two years of driving dont you have to take your test again. Or is that just on your car licence. As a 22 year old would have held a lgv licence less than two years that could be another can of worms to contend with.

Realy dont want to put a downer on this situation but if you get more than six points in your first two years of driving dont you have to take your test again. Or is that just on your car licence. As a 22 year old would have held a lgv licence less than two years that could be another can of worms to contend with.

This bit I know for definite -
If you are a UK car licence holder who did their ‘B’ test in the UK then upgraded to LGV - the first 2 years and 6 points thing is for your CAR licence ONLY.

hope that helps you rest easy :smiley:

there is of course one way in which this could be a problem for a LGV licence holder - If you passed B (car) at age 20 and then C (LGV) at 21 as the 2 years will not run out till you are 22 so it would affect the lot.

The above senario may happen more often after Sept 10 this year when the age for LGV comes down to 18 as there could be B test passes at 17 and the C passes at 18 in which case the 6 points rule would affect the driver in all catagories until they are 19.

"Gunner Til I Die:
I think thats a bit strong… have you never made a bad call, I know i have and will freely admit it as i’m sure many others on here will

those who live in glass houses should’nt throw stones

Yep I’ll put me hand high up on that … but in the last 6yrs I’ve tried my best and i suppose i’m 99.999% by the book.
and u’ll know that Gunner the ferkin tortoise gets home before me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

and before anyone starts on me with the whiter than white thing just dont go there yeah i’m agency have been for 15 years yeah paid by the hr easy night trunk with the odd timed deliverys but at the end of the day the speed limit is the law and if you go over it then thats up to you hold up ur hand take what the cort gives you and dont moan the thing on the dash is there for a reason oh yeah tells you how fast your doing

\steep hill heavy load foot not on the break yep over speed

Lmeyphil asks am I a nancy boy, why? are you looking for a partner?.

Not a nancy boy my little arse sucker, but someone who does not want to die or see others, including you, you little bum bandit you, die, through the the silly action of someone else.

ooooooooooooh… now we have resorted to name calling :confused:

C`mon guys-grow up a bit :unamused:

belfry bloody golf course a446 £60 fine 3pts doing 46 in a 40 at 430 in the morning ■■■■■■■

Blunder Man:
Lmeyphil asks am I a nancy boy, why? are you looking for a partner?.

Not a nancy boy my little arse sucker, but someone who does not want to die or see others, including you, you little bum bandit you, die, through the the silly action of someone else.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: an agressive law abiding chap, you need a lie down, or get hammered :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

blunderman get a life and stop picking on josh
he has a healthy interest in trucking and i wish him all the best for the further
he could be out getting drunk and causing trouble but hes not

graham schroeder:
belfry bloody golf course a446 £60 fine 3pts doing 46 in a 40 at 430 in the morning [zb]

Modern technology can produce electronic variable speed limits that can act on traffic volumes - oooh, wishful thinking…

graham schroeder:
blunderman get a life and stop picking on josh
he has a healthy interest in trucking and i wish him all the best for the further
he could be out getting drunk and causing trouble but hes not

I only do that on a friday :unamused: :unamused:

graham schroeder:
he could be out getting drunk and causing trouble but hes not

He might be…wish I was :stuck_out_tongue:

I must of missed something.

Who was it Josh drove off the forum? Got a link to the thread or something?


Back to the Original ques - Quick ques from me, how long have you been passed your driving test, not your hgv but your car test as the 2 year good behaviour 6 points total doesnt work with the HGV licence but if you aint been passed more than 2 years you can deffo kiss bye bye… One of our guys got done coming out of Spalding, 55 in a 40 - 3 points and £60 fine.


graham schroeder:
he could be out getting drunk and causing trouble but hes not

He might be…wish I was :stuck_out_tongue:

Only fridays need to send the week off in style couple of bevvies with me mates :laughing: :laughing:

Got to pick on someone, why not him?.

Will try to pick on you in the future.

I am now officialy bored with this thread and will make no further comment.

Back to the tread, the lad knows he’s a prat, but did you never do something stupid at the age of 22? I know I did but I wouldnt repeat it on here. If like my 22 year son who is bright having just got his Masters degree in civil engineering from Bristol, all he is interested in is booze,women and travelling. If his mother didnt run around after him nothing would get done. Boys will be boys and only grow up once 30 or after their first child. Good luck lad with your licence.