Will i get banned?

i think the lad has admitted what he done was stupid, so instead of having a go a him would it not be more constructive to try and find a way to help him get out the position he is in, i think he has learned a sharp lesson and he is willing to take what they give him so trying to belittle him and ridicule him is hardly the way.
i hope the lad just gets a fine and a few points and not his licence and livelihood taken away as i think in future his eyes will be on the speedo to make sure it does not happen again.
a severe learning curve but it will make him think and probably be a better driver for it.
i wish you luck lad and hope it goes well for you,

I 2nd that :smiley:

I think you’ll find you’re not the first from your fleet to be done on that road .
One of your ex drivers was flashed up that way a couple of years ago,
He also had a letter stating the speed was too high for fixed penalty blah blah blah. I think he got a big fine and points. He definatley didn’t get banned. IIRC there was talk of the problem being caused by big tyres on the drive axle.
Ask in your office, they’ll remember, (he worked on permanent scotland out of Donnington :wink: )
I aint gonna name him on here, but PM me if you need a name.

Mine was running on normal 295 tyres on the drive axle . Some of the boys who do that run on a regular basis do have 315s on the drive and super singles on the front yes your right.

Have they asked for your Tacho ■■

posted twice ■■?

Not asked for tacho no . All i have had so far is a letter asking if i was driving said vehicle on said day at said speed etc . I said yes it was me and sent the letter back . At that point the letter stated not to send my licence just to make out if i was the driver. Then this week i had another letter saying thanks for letting us know it was you driving blah blah but we deem the speeding to high to be dealt with by way of fixed penalty and are handing the case over to the courts.

I my self am waiting to receive points or a court date for speeding. :cry:

My situation is that I got flashed at 47mph on a single carrigeway on the day 6 of my 9 points expired under totting up laws.

I have just returned my NIP admitting guilt, Just waiting for the reply.

I would like to think admitting the offence will soften the punishment.

I had already been to court in April 2008 for a speeding offence in September 2007 which took me to 12 points, I kept my licence as I pleaded financial hardship which was accepted.

I really ain’t having a go with what i’m about to write, i am no angel myself, had about 21 points since 1991 though my licence is clean now i don’t like to hang about.

But really why when you were sitting on nine points do you still go around breaking speed limits. I really don’t understand the mentality. I was on nine points for 2 years, that was the point i decided i can’t afford to loose my job won’t be able to pay my mortgage so stuck to all speed limits until i was under nine points again.

I admit i found it really hard at times, espec on empty long S2 routes doing 40mph, it was mind numbingly boring, i pleaded with my boss to put me on trunksdown to the north west instead of across to the North East so i could avoid A roads.

My cousin is the same has a really high paid job has to visit clients all over the country, earns silly money owns a brand new 911 which is weekend toy. He earns a lot of money but he also spends it all on a lavish lifestyle, if he lost his licence he wouldn’t be able to do his job and good chance he would loose it and prob loose everything. Yet he got clocked on scamera in northamptonshire years ago doing 105mph in a 60mph limit, got the NIP had to go to court, went to court pleaded for mercy would loose his job etc… so huge fine 12 points on his licence, judge told him he appears again in front of him for speeding will be a really long ban.

Two weeks after the court case, gets clocked again this time doing 110mph in a 60mph, i said to him whats wrong with you, you know the stakes are so high why are you risking you licence. He was really lucky was i think when they were testing cameras in Northamptonshire so loads of people getting done, he got a NIP for the 110mph in a 60mph but it never went to court, never heard anything back really lucky.

But he still drives like a looney not having a go but really can’t understand it when you need a licence for your work you take the risks.

I say hill it was just a little decline for about 300yds . When you have 28 ton of wood pushing you it soon gets over the limiter . It was not dangerous it was a straight road and i could see the flat just after the little decline. I am sure i was doing 60 at that time because i looked after i seen this big flash lol . Rog i know what you mean they might revoke my hgv licence . Effectivley banning me until i re take my test correct ?

no matter what you were carrying or how heavy you were,you are still in control of the vehicle,so you cannot use the “hill” as a defense.however,i do hope you get off with the charge.i hate speed cameras(sorry,goverment revenue earning machines) and the (seperate subject)prehistoric speed limits.im pretty sure though,you have to be doing double the speed limit to be banned.i got done 2 years ago on the a96 doing steady flat out,and i got 3/60 fine.
best of luck.

I have slowed down Kenny1975, I also get camera warnings on my tomtom which I update every week without fail.

I am really careful and am usually the one causing a queue rather than overtaking it, A momentary lapse was all it took I suppose. :blush:

I knew the camera was there (A5 south just before A444) and would have had an audible warning too :open_mouth:

I still don’t know what happened really, but I was driving so all I can do is face the music. :cry:

My employer has already told me there is no other job for me to do, I think that is causing me to lose the most sleep at the moment.

hope you get a fair hearing mate i got aticket for 35 in a 30 at woodstock in oxfordshire luckily i got offered a speed awareness course at crowethorne those 3 points make about 25 quid a year difference to your car insurance for3 years and if your are a named driver on someone elses policy ps mine was my second offence good luck

Blunder Man:
For all you kids who cant get a job because you are under 25 and insurers wont cover you and you have no experience, here is a shining example of why, he is 22, passed his test 10 months ago driving an Arctic (going by load weight), doing 60 in a 40, WHY, it’s posted is the speed limit, there are usually camera in use signs, but oh no our hero has to go 50% faster than the limit, if the papers are having a slow day I can imagine the headlines, when he appears in court.

Take his licence of him for 6 months then the tithead wont do it again, what did other drivers on the road think when they saw this pillock flying down the road, no sympathy he deserves all he gets.

Here lads look god has signed in,mr perfect by the sounds of him.yeah and you’v never went over the limit,even by 1mph.Get off the high horse the guy knows he mucked up and is prepared to face the music.

I wondered where our village idiot had got to, come home kitkat we need you.


Blunder Man:
I wondered where our village idiot had got to, come home kitkat we need you.


Oh for ■■■■ sake you must be one boring ■■■■ with a really sad life moaning and groaning, every thread, it’s all you seem to do!
Get out more?
:imp: :imp:

The guy know’s he is the wrong, stop going on he has come on for advice not for boring old ■■■■■ like you to keep going on, give it a rest please? :imp:

Blunder Man:
I wondered where our village idiot had got to, come home kitkat we need you.


thought i’d give you the night off.

Damnation indeed! a 15 year old schoolboy telling me off, barely able to ride a pushbike and he is commenting on thing’s he knows nothing about, boring old man maybe, but I am not a wannabee, I dont have trouble getting work, WHY? because I know what I am doing, I dont do 60 mph downhill in a 40mph zone in a fully freighted Arctic, on a single carriage road.

If something had caused him to swerve sharply he would have turned over, I saw a bloke killed 15 years ago doing 25 never mind 60.

Yes I have been done for speeding 4 years ago 45 mph in a 40.

You Josh have already drove one old timer of here through your uninformed and stupid comment’s, if I wish to comment on a thread I WILL.

I have given him some advice whether he listens is up to him.

My comment’s about new driver’s are valid this type of thing is why genuine kid’s cant get a start, what will his companies insures say when they quote next time, and will his company be keen to set on any more 22 year olds.

Go find a sand pit to play in Josh come back when you have grown up.

Blunder Man:
Damnation indeed! a 15 year old schoolboy telling me off, barely able to ride a pushbike and he is commenting on thing’s he knows nothing about, boring old man maybe, but I am not a wannabee, I dont have trouble getting work, WHY? because I know what I am doing, I dont do 60 mph downhill in a 40mph zone in a fully freighted Arctic, on a single carriage road.

If something had caused him to swerve sharply he would have turned over, I saw a bloke killed 15 years ago doing 25 never mind 60.

Yes I have been done for speeding 4 years ago 45 mph in a 40.

You Josh have already drove one old timer of here through your uninformed and stupid comment’s, if I wish to comment on a thread I WILL.

I have given him some advice whether he listens is up to him.

My comment’s about new driver’s are valid this type of thing is why genuine kid’s cant get a start, what will his companies insures say when they quote next time, and will his company be keen to set on any more 22 year olds.

Go find a sand pit to play in Josh come back when you have grown up.

Lets get this straight.
I am more than capable of riding a pushbike
I didn’t drive anyone off this forum plus that is behind i did apologise and not mentioned anything about the matter since.
You gave no advice you said he deserves all he gets etc.
and im pretty sure 15 year old kids dont play in sand pits i don’t know how your mind works and what you think about but i most certianly don’t play in sand pits my friend.
Good day :slight_smile:

ooh it’s started again :frowning:

The blokes in the wrong hands held high he prob wont have any defence they may call for his card, take his ticket from him.
We all know the law and if you break it what can happen
Yes I’m not snow white but in the truck I’ll stay in the limits
\Enough said

30 40 50 60 end of

I have given him some advice on appearing at court, look at earlier post’s.

You did drive him off I have a PM saying just that.

You are a baby find a site which caters for babies.

I will not reply or comment on any more of your posts, I have shoes older than you (true) so when your opinions count I will let you know.

Blunder Man:
I have given him some advice on appearing at court, look at earlier post’s.

You did drive him off I have a PM saying just that.

You are a baby find a site which caters for babies.

I will not reply or comment on any more of your posts, I have shoes older than you (true) so when your opinions count I will let you know.

Fair enough comment.
I just had to rant :smiley:

But babies usualy are aged 0-2 im 15 note.

Blunder Man:
For all you kids who cant get a job because you are under 25 and insurers wont cover you and you have no experience, here is a shining example of why, he is 22, passed his test 10 months ago driving an Arctic (going by load weight), doing 60 in a 40, WHY, it’s posted is the speed limit, there are usually camera in use signs, but oh no our hero has to go 50% faster than the limit, if the papers are having a slow day I can imagine the headlines, when he appears in court.

Take his licence of him for 6 months then the tithead wont do it again, what did other drivers on the road think when they saw this pillock flying down the road, no sympathy he deserves all he gets.

I think thats a bit strong… have you never made a bad call, I know i have and will freely admit it as i’m sure many others on here will

those who live in glass houses should’nt throw stones