Will i get banned?

I wont be driving that is for sure. The run i was on my company runs every night so they could drop me off in perth get a b&b or something then get a lift the next time someone is going bk down. I have told my boss and he was not concerned just said wait and see.

For all you kids who cant get a job because you are under 25 and insurers wont cover you and you have no experience, here is a shining example of why, he is 22, passed his test 10 months ago driving an Arctic (going by load weight), doing 60 in a 40, WHY, it’s posted is the speed limit, there are usually camera in use signs, but oh no our hero has to go 50% faster than the limit, if the papers are having a slow day I can imagine the headlines, when he appears in court.

Take his licence of him for 6 months then the tithead wont do it again, what did other drivers on the road think when they saw this pillock flying down the road, no sympathy he deserves all he gets.

I take it you have never driven the a9 between inverness and perth. I was not flying past anybody as it is single carriageway and in my opinion it is far more dangerous to travel at 40 mph causing huge tailbacks resulting in cars overtaking in ridiculous places endangering them , me and anybody coming the other way. I am not making excuses but if you have ever travelled the a9 or indeed driven an hgv which i doubt you will understand what i did was not dangerous as alot of other drivers have said. As for newspaper headlines ■■?

I never said you were flying PAST anybody, another numpty who does not read whats written.

Whether in your opinion its dangerous to do 40 mph is irrelevant, THE LAW not you states the speed for HGV’s is 40 mph.

I have travelled on the A9 (capital A you note), and have been driving Artic’s longer than you have been alive.

In magistrate’s courts there is usually a court reporter, on a slow day a “Juggernaut” driver going at that speed can, I assure you make headlines in the local rag’s.

Whether other driver’s have said it’s dangerous is again irrelevant, and I would not try to use it as an excuse or you will be soon shot down.

Well i bow down oh great one. I have found the only driver that does not speed well done to you.

First of all s2rich I want to wish you good luck for your impending court case.

Next I want to say that most of the posters on here seem like decent people, some however seem to be angels that never speed. :exclamation: :astonished:

There are one or two that go on a rant (user names omitted to protect the ranters) I know as I have had some directed at me. :unamused:

You see I too am a dangerous driver who should be banned from the roads. :open_mouth:

I my self am waiting to receive points or a court date for speeding. :cry:

My situation is that I got flashed at 47mph on a single carrigeway on the day 6 of my 9 points expired under totting up laws.

I have just returned my NIP admitting guilt, Just waiting for the reply.

I would like to think admitting the offence will soften the punishment.

I had already been to court in April 2008 for a speeding offence in September 2007 which took me to 12 points, I kept my licence as I pleaded financial hardship which was accepted.

Are you not in a union?

I am in U.R.T.U., they provided a solicitor which helped me keep my licence and my job.

Does the area you were caught in offer speed awareness courses :question: it might be worth asking even at court.

Good luck mate. (my fingers are now in my ears)

I’m trying to picture what a 28ton load of timber would look like after an attempted emergency stop on a down hill slope on a single carriageway travelling at 60mph. I’m thinking tractor pulling out of a field, or dear jumping out from behind trees, or a flock of sheep perhaps. I’m thinking about traffic coming from the other direction having tons of timber all over the road flying towards them at 60mph. A truck slewing all over the road being driven by a 22yr old with a couple of weeks experience behind the wheel. Ripped curtains blowing all over, dragging ratchet straps. Blood, guts…

Which camera was it? Blair Atholl or Bankfoot.These are the only 2 between Inverness and Perth.Going by your description,sounds like Blair Atholl.If it was Bankfoot,then your problems could be worse than you think.There is a 30mph limit at Bankfoot at the mo because of major roadworks and the camera is just after the start of the 30 limit.While the camera is not set catch anyone above 30mph,going through at 60 in an hgv would trigger it,so you’re caught at twice the limit :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Hope this isn’t the case for you.
Have sent you a pm.

The person i was talking about in mine has had his car licence for years but had his HGV revoked as it had not been 2 years since he passed his first HGV.

This won’t have been due to the new drivers act which specifically states two years from your FIRST licence.

Oh foolish little boy, where in my post did I say I never speed?.

If I were an obvious halfwit like your goodself. I would not play Devil’s Advocate, and would invest in a good solicitor to speak for me, because I think (especially in light of Highlanders post) that you could be in deep deep ■■■■, so rather than mouthing off I would start to think of what could be said in mitigation for being a ■■■■■■■■■

i think the lad has admitted what he done was stupid, so instead of having a go a him would it not be more constructive to try and find a way to help him get out the position he is in, i think he has learned a sharp lesson and he is willing to take what they give him so trying to belittle him and ridicule him is hardly the way.
i hope the lad just gets a fine and a few points and not his licence and livelihood taken away as i think in future his eyes will be on the speedo to make sure it does not happen again.
a severe learning curve but it will make him think and probably be a better driver for it.
i wish you luck lad and hope it goes well for you,

OK here is some help and advice.

Bear in mind Magistrates are old gits like me.

Get a good local Solicitor, (phone or e-mail) they will probably know the Magistrates and if you are lucky might even be funny hand shake pal’s.

Wear a suit and polished shoes, and take any bits of scrap out/off your boat race, If you look respectable they might think you are.

Call them sir/madam and grove,l and say how sorry you are, you wont do it again etc etc.

Dont argue, you will only put backs up, you are guilty no matter whether the law is silly, it is the law.

20 minutes of humiliation to keep your licence, fair swap?.

Blunder Man:
OK here is some help and advice.

Bear in mind Magistrates are old gits like me.

Get a good local Solicitor, (phone or e-mail) they will probably know the Magistrates and if you are lucky might even be funny hand shake pal’s.

Wear a suit and polished shoes, and take any bits of scrap out/off your boat race, If you look respectable they might think you are.

Call them sir/madam and grove,l and say how sorry you are, you wont do it again etc etc.

Dont argue, you will only put backs up, you are guilty no matter whether the law is silly, it is the law.

20 minutes of humiliation to keep your licence, fair swap?.

good advice hope he heeds it.
and by the way its not a magistrate in Scotland, it a sherrif court he will go/reply to.

There are no weight sensored Gatso`s on the A9 that I know so to be caught by one you would need to be speeding faster than 60, at least 61 but they are set higher than that I believe.

Not having a go its just the higher your speed the worse it will be.

Should have ignored the letter but now a sorry in person and a lack of experience with a heavy load should probably be your way to go.

You were using cruise control and the weight of the load caught you by suprise and a plea for your license to save your job.

Cant see you getting a ban if you only have 3 points.

Need to stick your present job for four years till your points go down a bit though.

Totting up on a normal licence is diff to when u have passed the last 2 years and revoking, 12 points is a ban, revoking is not a ban.

It also works from when u get ur HGV licence, i believe it works from when you got your Class 2 not class 1.

The person i was talking about in mine has had his car licence for years but had his HGV revoked as it had not been 2 years since he passed his first HGV.

Those are the points i was making.

The New Drivers Act summary

It doesn’t say anything about vehicle class. It states 1st driving test. For the majority of people this will be for a car licence. I presume your friends car licence was gained in another country, so the 1st test they did in the UK was was HGV. In which case his licence was correctly revoked if they got 6 points in 2 yrs.

This doesn’t take in to account licence exchanges from designated countries, same applies to them.

The person i was talking about in mine has had his car licence for years but had his HGV revoked as it had not been 2 years since he passed his first HGV.

This won’t have been due to the new drivers act which specifically states two years from your FIRST licence.

You beat me to it - I was going to say that this is for the basic B (car) licence - and I think A (motorcycle) - not sure on that…

I think someone has already pointed out that a suspension of LGV licence by the TC does not require a retest - but the TC will be keeping a close eye on you for quite some time…

Totting up on a normal licence is diff to when u have passed the last 2 years and revoking, 12 points is a ban, revoking is not a ban.

It also works from when u get ur HGV licence, i believe it works from when you got your Class 2 not class 1.

The person i was talking about in mine has had his car licence for years but had his HGV revoked as it had not been 2 years since he passed his first HGV.

Those are the points i was making.

The New Drivers Act summary

It doesn’t say anything about vehicle class. It states 1st driving test. For the majority of people this will be for a car licence. I presume your friends car licence was gained in another country, so the 1st test they did in the UK was was HGV. In which case his licence was correctly revoked if they got 6 points in 2 yrs.

This doesn’t take in to account licence exchanges from designated countries, same applies to them.

Looking at the quote below from the link posted it seems that EU drivers do not fit into the 2 year upgrade catagory but on the basic licence just as UK drivers.

Drivers from designated countries

The act applies to you if you have exchanged a driving licence from a designated country for a British licence and pass a further driving test in this country.

The designated countries are: Australia, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Hong Kong, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland and Zimbabwe.

You beat me to it - I was going to say that this is for the basic B (car) licence - and I think A (motorcycle) - not sure on that…

Yes, if your first test is cat. A then the date you passed that is the start of the two year period for the NDA.


You beat me to it - I was going to say that this is for the basic B (car) licence - and I think A (motorcycle) - not sure on that…

Yes, if your first test is cat. A then the date you passed that is the start of the two year period for the NDA.

Thank you :smiley:

i think the lad has admitted what he done was stupid, so instead of having a go a him would it not be more constructive to try and find a way to help him get out the position he is in, i think he has learned a sharp lesson and he is willing to take what they give him so trying to belittle him and ridicule him is hardly the way.
i hope the lad just gets a fine and a few points and not his licence and livelihood taken away as i think in future his eyes will be on the speedo to make sure it does not happen again.
a severe learning curve but it will make him think and probably be a better driver for it.
i wish you luck lad and hope it goes well for you,

Thanks very much i have indeed learned a sharp lesson .