Why do TN not allow swearing?

So we are all adults here and I am sure non of us are offended by a bit of ■■■■■■ and geoffing but how come on here it’s sensored?

Dont get me wrong I hate constant swearing for the sake of it but I do like dropping the F bomb or S bomb when having a rant or banter…

Have we all got super sensitive and TN are trying to protect us from these naughty words?

Can some one shed some light?

So we are all adults here and I am sure non of us are offended by a bit of [zb] and geoffing but how come on here it’s sensored?

Hi spike78,

Since you’ve asked a feedback question, this topic has been moved to the Feedback Forum.

Dont get me wrong I hate constant swearing for the sake of it but I do like dropping the F bomb or S bomb when having a rant or banter…

There are other sites that allow this, but swearing isn’t banter… it’s simply swearing (constant or otherwise) and has no place on TN.

The message is simple… Using normal formatting, you can type anything you want, then simply leave the auto-censor to do its work. Those who use asterisks/hash tags instead of letters to get a banned word past the auto censor are simply creating extra work for the Mod/Admin Team who then have to manually edit posts and quoted posts to correct them.

Have we all got super sensitive and TN are trying to protect us from these naughty words?

Nobody has got super sensitive, TN has employed an auto-censor for a lot longer than I’ve been a member.

The question of swearing is already under discussion here:

In my own personal opinion, I’d say that the auto-censor is what sets TN apart from other sites and allows people to have a swearing-free experience.

Finally, everybody has already electronically agreed to the forum rules as indicated by the fact that they are posting.
Swearing and doctoring the auto-censor are covered by forum rule #3.

Can some one shed some light?

Yes, easily. :smiley:

There’s a massive amount of ■■■■■■■■ on this site, add swear words into the insults then it starts to become menacing.

I’m sure most people can string a sentence together without having to put a load of ffs in it. It just makes people sound a bit backward.

Better put my tin hat on :laughing:

Personally I’m glad this site doesn’t allow foul language to be used, this is an open forum that can be viewed by everyone who can access the internet, not allowing foul language to be used isn’t a case of TN members or the people running the site being over sensitive, I see it as a case of maintaining a standard of behaviour that’s reasonably acceptable for everyone of any age gender race or religion.

The auto-censor on the previous TruckNet forum was worse. You couldn’t say “Scunthorpe” or “Terry Wogan”.

I’ve known stricter parameters too. On the MGZT and Rover 75 forum you can’t even say “changing the wheel bearings is a sod of a job” without “sod” being auto-censored. You can even say “■■■■■■■■” here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Its cause everything is politically correct now a days, and someone will get offended surprised the word bum isn’t censored too.

Its cause everything is politically correct now a days, and someone will get offended surprised the word bum isn’t censored too.

It’s got nothing at all to do with political correctness, but more to do with the TN forum owner’s policy.

:bulb: Why not try using the ‘preview’ feature?

If you do that, you’ll see what IS allowed… and maybe be you might be a bit surprised.

The Forum Rules:
Note This website is owned by DVV Media International Ltd. and administered by us for them.

So… whatever anybody’s opinion on the subject of swearing might be, we are all governed by the owners of TN, DVV Media International Ltd.


Its cause everything is politically correct now a days, and someone will get offended surprised the word bum isn’t censored too.

It’s got nothing at all to do with political correctness, but more to do with the TN forum owner’s policy.

:bulb: Why not try using the ‘preview’ feature?

If you do that, you’ll see what IS allowed… and maybe be you might be a bit surprised.

The Forum Rules:
Note This website is owned by DVV Media International Ltd. and administered by us for them.

So… whatever anybody’s opinion on the subject of swearing might be, we are all governed by the owners of TN, DVV Media International Ltd.

Which basically means if they can’t print that word in their publications then we can’t use it on here

Harry Monk:
You couldn’t say “Scunthorpe” or “Terry Wogan”.

I pondered this for a few seconds, confused, then realised.

Harry Monk:
The auto-censor on the previous TruckNet forum was worse. You couldn’t say “Scunthorpe” or “Terry Wogan”.

I’ve known stricter parameters too. On the MGZT and Rover 75 forum you can’t even say “changing the wheel bearings is a sod of a job” without “sod” being auto-censored. You can even say “■■■■■■■■” here. :stuck_out_tongue:

was it you that was in the process of putting a k series into a midget

It always made me laugh back on facebreak that you could swear as much as you like, providing it had a left-leaning to it… Talk like Angela Raynor, and you’ll be left alone, essentially…

BUT… Dare criticize a darling of said left, and hey presto “That’s Hate Speech! - Ban 'im!”

I don’t believe in Profanity for Profanity’s sake in any case.
It merely irritates me that the potty-mouthed get away with it all the time, whilst the conservative posters get blasted for single swear words…

Not my concern anymore in any case, I got banned back in 2019 for making posts about the EU about to weaponize power cuts to punish Brexit Britain… on my own private wall that only myself and friends were supposed to be reading…

WHY the need to use bad language in writing,its bad enough in speech when some people can`t open their mouth without swearing numerous time in everything they say.

I’m more interested in wondering what zb means

I’m more interested in wondering what zb means

Back in the mists of time in the days before autocensor the mods had to remove swear words by hand. There was one mod who went by the moniker of Zarbeen and once he’d removed the offending word he’d put zb in brackets to let readers know that he’d removed a particular word.

Cheers, I’ve wondered about it for far too longer than I should have!

the maoster:

I’m more interested in wondering what zb means

Back in the mists of time in the days before autocensor the mods had to remove swear words by hand. There was one mod who went by the moniker of Zarbeen and once he’d removed the offending word he’d put zb in brackets to let readers know that he’d removed a particular word.


Thanks maoster, that’s saved me from some typing. :smiley:

The auto-censor automatically replaces a banned word with " [zb] "

I’m more interested in wondering what zb means


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Ted Boucher, aka Zzarbean, was actually the first ever mod of the Pro Drives Forum, back in the days of the old UBB board. 20 years later we’ve kept his [zb] going as a tradition, adding it in place of the standard [editing] the autocensor would otherwise put in when we moved to the Php board around 2004/5ish.

Dear god, I feel old… :open_mouth:

Ps. “Bum” won’t get censored though “Arse” used to be. But when I took over running the forums for a few years I took it out of the censor, on the grounds it was a word I liked using. But then, me an Rikki owned the thing still at that point, so we could abuse our positions as much as we liked. :wink: :grimacing: :grimacing:

The autocensor can be quite amusing at time. I recently responded to a post commenting on the style of mosque architecture to try and identify a Middle-East location. The autocensor would allow me to use the word Sunni but it wouldn’t let me use the word ■■■■■■! ie shee-ight :unamused:

The autocensor can be quite amusing at time. I recently responded to a post commenting on the style of mosque architecture to try and identify a Middle-East location. The autocensor would allow me to use the word Sunni but it wouldn’t let me use the word [zb]! ie shee-ight :unamused:

According to Wikipedia, the correct spelling of that word is: Shiʻite, which is not caught by the auto censor.

That’s why forum rule #3 is particular about posters not ‘doctoring’ a word to get it past the auto-censor.

In any case the rules are still set by DVV Media International, which aren’t about to change.