Why do TN not allow swearing?

When I went to the USA and sold my vision for a UK truck drivers discussion website to Craig, all those years ago , one thing that he would not move on before he invested in the UK was that the site had to remain truck focused and be respectable to all users, Craig took a huge risk. While I have no longer have a say in how the site is moderated, I do strongly believe the reason it has outlasted every other rival is because it has retained certain standards and expectations of its users- its not a Facebook free for all, and is respected as such, we were here before Facebook and still going strong because we are different, we dont get it right every time but after 20+ years still here so doing something right. I believe that TruckNet today still holds the vision that I and Craig saw and will go on being the top place for drivers

When I went to the USA and sold my vision for a UK truck drivers discussion website to Craig, all those years ago , one thing that he would not move on before he invested in the UK was that the site had to remain truck focused and be respectable to all users, Craig took a huge risk. While I have no longer have a say in how the site is moderated, I do strongly believe the reason it has outlasted every other rival is because it has retained certain standards and expectations of its users- its not a Facebook free for all, and is respected as such, we were here before Facebook and still going strong because we are different, we dont get it right every time but after 20+ years still here so doing something right. I believe that TruckNet today still holds the vision that I and Craig saw and will go on being the top place for drivers

I agree with that. We under-estimate the corrosive effect of the careless use of language rampant on other social media platforms at our peril. There is mutual respect inherent in language that is free from personal attack. Offensive language is a form of indirect attack. I’ve sworn all my life but I do observe the tacit agreements not to swear in certain company or places. We have to remember that many who come on here are still at school or are driver’s wives (not both, I hope! :laughing: ).

Merry Christmas Rikki and all who read this thread.



Harry Monk:
You couldn’t say “Scunthorpe” or “Terry Wogan”.

I pondered this for a few seconds, confused, then realised.

When MSN had open chatrooms I was regularly locked out for mentioning John Lee ■■■■■■ :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:


Harry Monk:
You couldn’t say “Scunthorpe” or “Terry Wogan”.

I pondered this for a few seconds, confused, then realised.

When MSN had open chatrooms I was regularly locked out for mentioning John Lee ■■■■■■ :stuck_out_tongue:

When MSM had open chatrooms, I was permanently banned for slagging off the EU, comparing Deep State centerists to the Nazis, and condemning the actions of politicians we’d voted out already that still had a big a grip on power over us as ever… :unamused:

One’s private wall on FB - was apparently a “live open chatoom” in this context, proving that all of what one thought were private communications were in fact a spied-upon and censored editoral of the MSM only, in fact.